You: omg you ate my sandwich, didn't you?
Stranger: yes! and it was quite delicious, wouldnt you say?
You: no, it was disgusting. i can't believe you were able to keep it down
You: you must have been kidding about it being delicious
Stranger: than why did you make one
You: i didn't they gave one to me and i was hungry
You: sick bastards
Stranger: who is they?
You: the ones that are behind all of it
You: the great plan to take over the planet
You: by giving people disgusting sandwiches when they're hungry so they will never eat sandwiches again.
Stranger: so, what happens when yo eat one?
You: well you throw up. at least all people that have had a vaccine do
You: are you telling me you didn't get a vaccine?
Stranger: how will the world end from doing that?
You: well a worm will eat your brain and grow and grow
You: and then, when it's big enough,
You: it will eat the entire PLANET Ö
Stranger: oh shit
You: anyways, i gotta go. my mom's making sandwiches
Ik heb echt te rare gesprekken daar soms
Een gast begon tegen mij (ookal was het waarsch niet waar, nogsteeds smerig) over hoe hij zn 13jasrige neefje ooit had verkracht?
En eentje over hoe hij naar een hoer was geweest terwijl hij getrouwd was met een zwangere vrouw. o.o'
En zo nog heel veel rare dingen. :'] Heul vreimd