You: Do you happen to be from Mars?
Stranger: Not really.
You: Too bad. I was hoping to meet somebody like that.
You: I met God here, yesterday
Stranger: Nah, i'm pretty typical.
Stranger: I met a young lady who wanted to have sex with her teacher?
Stranger: And also I think someone insulted me in german.
You: really?
You: what did that german person say? 
Stranger: And someone talked to me in japanese.
You: I speak German
Stranger: I don't even remember.
Stranger: Haha
You: Cool!
Stranger: The last thing the japanese speaker said to me was PENIS though
Stranger: SO.
Stranger: At least it could've been japanese.
En nu heb ik 'm op msn :')
I clicked my heels and wished for you.