• Dat doe je hier.
    En het is echt dé humor. :')
    Wist je dat het sneeuwt in Canada? 8)

    Everything means nothing, if I ain't got you.

    Stranger: country?
    You: myassisfat ö
    You: =D
    You: you?
    Stranger: I don't know this place
    You: oh, than i live in yourassisfat

    I don't need words to feel those lips.

    En we wisselen msn uit^^


    Ik heb iemand gevonden die death note kijkt =D

    Life is hard and then we die

    Dude, als jullie nou een OLLAH zeggen, dan kan iedereen elkaar herkennen n_n

    Your make-up is terrible

    Ik heb een fucking lekkere *uche* jongen ontmoet!.. Hij wil dat ik bij hem intrek =')

    Save me with your love tonight.

    Ik zit nu met een meisje of jongen uit België x'D
    Lekker gwn NL praten :P


    You: OLLAH!
    Stranger: whats up?
    Stranger: whats your name?
    You: mia.
    You: and yours
    Stranger: gian
    Stranger: where from?
    You: aha.
    You: france.
    Stranger: oh cool
    You: and you.
    Stranger: im from usa
    Stranger: age?
    You: 35.
    Stranger: cool
    Stranger: im 18
    Stranger: haha
    You: aha can remember when i was young.
    You: a lot more fun.
    You: now its always work work work.
    Stranger: yeah
    You: but thats life.
    Stranger: so what brought you here?
    You: a friend sent me the link.
    You: and you.

    i need you like a heart needs a beat.

    Stranger: Hola!
    Stranger: Que te gusta?
    You: Hola!
    Stranger: Te gusta la natacion?
    You: quoi?
    Stranger: como?
    You: como?
    You: como estas?
    Stranger: ?
    Stranger: yo estoy asi asi
    Stranger: y tu?
    You: asi asi
    Stranger: si si
    Stranger: adios

    Listen to what we're not saying..

    Mmmm gedachten slagen even op hol.
    Gustav? :Y) (dies toch 20 ni? x'D)

    Ouder! :p

    Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive about what could go right

    Stranger: i got linked here from the forums
    Stranger: they got some crazy people here
    Stranger: haha
    You: aha cool.
    You: yeha iknow.
    You: weird people.
    Stranger: so you got kids?
    You: no.
    Stranger: still single?
    You: no that not.
    Stranger: got a husband?
    You: we're not married yet.
    Stranger: oh okay cool
    You: uhu.
    You: but i've gotta go again. work youknow.
    You: i just wanted to check the site out.
    You: but it was a nice talk.
    Stranger: thanks!
    Stranger: bye!
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    i need you like a heart needs a beat.

    LOL Ik moest al lachen bij het woordje HI. x

    I live for the applause, you will die for it.

    You: OLLAH!
    Stranger: whats up?
    Stranger: whats your name?
    You: mia.
    You: and yours
    Stranger: gian
    Stranger: where from?
    You: aha.
    You: france.
    Stranger: oh cool
    You: and you.
    Stranger: im from usa
    Stranger: age?
    You: 35.
    Stranger: cool
    Stranger: im 18
    Stranger: haha
    You: aha can remember when i was young.
    You: a lot more fun.
    You: now its always work work work.
    Stranger: yeah
    You: but thats life.
    Stranger: so what brought you here?
    You: a friend sent me the link.
    You: and you.

    okè, deze is ècht funny!

    You're kicking the legs right out from under my dreams


    okè, deze is ècht funny!

    whaha echt he.
    ik, 35 , geen kinderen.
    djeez. dit is grappig x]

    i need you like a heart needs a beat.


    een profielensite

    Nee x3

    Age[leeftijd] Sex[gelacht dus :3] Livingearia[woonplaats]

    We'll never be as young as we are tonight

    Ik heb gechat zo me een jongen van 20 uit Duitsland XD.
    Hij vind mij speciaal ;)

    You're kicking the legs right out from under my dreams