Dit zei een fan over het liedje 'Reden' van TH,
its based on Tom's one-night-stand with a girl. she shows up to Tom's hotel room and she asks him if they can talk. eventually it turns in to something COMPLETLY diffrent and they end up having sex.(big shooker, huh?) the next moring they talked about everything they where GOING to talk about the night before. then she leaves and Tom never heard from her agian...for all we know anyways. thats basically it. then Tom tells Bill and the whole band about what happened and they wrote a song about it.
Bron: Youtube, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWPDPKXk-bs&feature=related
Richtig oder Falsch? (Volgens mij verkeerd geschreven x'D)
Tears are crashing out of my eyes