• * Deze RPG is een remake van Academy in the Cloakwoods door eternalsunshine. Een deel van de teksten en layout is overgenomen. De lore is gebaseerd op Forgotten Realms, de wereld van D&D (5th edition). *

    Start | Speel | Babbel | Lees

    Welkom bij de prestigieuze Cloakwood Academie in de weelderige en betoverende bossen niet ver van Baldur's Gate. Verscholen te midden van de levendige bossen en bloeiende weilanden, staat deze academie, een veilige haven van kennis en kracht voor studenten in tal van disciplines.
          Afgelopen jaar leek de Academie echter meer een plek van onzekerheden te worden en aan de valavond van het nieuwe jaar, is die spanning er nog steeds. Niet iedereen is het eens met het bewind dat de school voert, of de opleidingen die ze aanbiedt. Sommigen op school willen de Cloakwood terugbrengen naar haar origine: een plek voor magie en natuur, tot in haar zuiverste vorm. Ze willen terug naar de natuurlijke orde en daar heeft nieuwe wetenschap of brute gevechtsleer geen plek. 'Beschaving' is niets anders dan onderdrukking van de natuur.
          Zo'n beetje iedereen is zich bewust van de strubbelingen die momenteel onder bepaalde leden van het schoolbestuur plaatsvindt, maar nu beginnen ook studenten kanten te kiezen. Er gaan talloze geruchten de ronde, gaande van een infiltratie van vampiers tot gedwongen omvorming naar de cult van Bhaal. Wat is waar? Wat is een leugen? En vooral: aan welke kant sta jij?


    Alle informatie die je nodig hebt, vind je terug in de story die helemaal bovenaan gelinkt is onder 'lees'. Je maakt je rol helemaal zoals je zelf wil. Het enige dat we sowieso echt nodig hebben is: naam, leeftijd, ras, studierichting en hoe lang ze al aan Cloakwood studeren, achtergrond en eventuele geheimen. Zaken die niet in de story staan maar wel canon zijn in de Forgotten Realms/Baldurs Gate-wereld zijn voor het grootste deel toegestaan, zolang je het even in de groep gooit. Ga zo wild als je wil(d).


    [1] Ciaran Miaorlriain Charlie Keene (Half-Elf) | 25 | Onderzoeker / Dokter (4) | RSK / Marthe
    [1] Ianthe Harrowhark (Tiefling) | 22 | Onderzoeker / Historicus (4) | Dioneo / Leno
    [4] Izumi Kurohana (Half-Elf) | 22 | Onderzoeker / Spreker (3) | captainlee / Daisy

    [1] Hazlan Callyx (Half-Elf) | 23 | Magiër / Illusion - Necromancy (4) | Mazino / Mexx
    [3] Aine Ceallagh (High-(Moon-)Elf) | Leeftijd | Magiër / Divination - Illusion (3) | captainlee / Daisy
    [1] Aoth Xiao (Tiefling) | 23 | Magiër / Necromancy - Transmutation (2) | Dioneo / Leno
    [4 - t.e.m. 14/9] Jun Pare (Human) | 19 | Magiër (1) | ziggystardust / Sasha
    [4] Loarse (Wood-Elf) | 24 | Magiër / Abjuration - Evocation (3) | Fallenangel_ / Luna

    [pagina - t.e.m. 10/8] Naam personage (Wood-Elf) | Leeftijd | Druïde (leerjaar) | mysaria / Daisy

    [2] Jahlrin Eilsund (Dark-Elf) | 30 | Wapenexpert / Duellist (4) | Kishibe / Xan
    [3] Vesper Helvesz (Dark-elf) | 21 | Wapenexpert / Twee-wapen strijder (3) | ziggystardust / Sasha

    [pagina - t.e.m. datum] Naam personage (ras) | Leeftijd | Studierichting (leerjaar) | Username / Naam


    - Hier wordt niet met dobbelstenen gegooid (tenzij je dat echt wil, ik hou je niet tegen).
    - Don't be a bitch
    - Bespreek gevoelige onderwerpen met je tegenspelers & duid trigger warnings aan boven je post
    - Reservatie blijft 10 dagen staan, daarna wordt die automatisch verwijderd
    - Als je langer dan 45 dagen niet antwoordt, wordt je personage automatisch verwijderd. Ik kom niet smeken.
    - Je kan zowel Engelstalig als Nederlandstalig schrijven, maar spreek misschien even af wat handig is voor je tegenspeler.
    - De laatste die gereageerd heeft in een topic maakt een nieuw en maakt RSK cohost van dat topic.
    - Have fun!

    Many thanks aan eternalsunshine om de originele RPG te starten en aan Mazino voor het helpen uitwerken/vertalen/formatten van alle Forgotten Realms lore.

    [ bericht aangepast op 4 sep 2024 - 14:03 ]


    Imma reserve a wood elf en verdere info volgt later haha

    [ bericht aangepast op 22 aug 2024 - 18:57 ]

    Funny thing is, all I ever wanted I already had



    N A M E
    Izumi • spring; fountain
    Kurohana • black flower
    Nickname: Iz, Izzy, Zuzu (by her siblings)

    A G E

    C L A S S
    Specialisation: Speaker

    S P E C I E S

    S O N G S
    break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored • Ariana Grande
    Doin' time • Lana del Rey
    You're so dark • Arctic Monkeys

    C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S
    flirt • competitive • works best with ‘to do’ lists • will stay up all night if she needs to finish something • manipulative • siblings>herself>others • doesn't forgive and doesn't forget • observant • witty • high tolerance for physical pain • extremely private • wishes her enemies the worst • but can brutally soft if she cares about you • will take your secrets to the grave • witch bitch autumn • picky • proud • dark sense of humour • ’actions speak louder than words’ type of person • the end justifies the means • 'in all chaos there is calculation' • bit paranoid • toxic girlfriend • ambitious shit • extremely protective of loved ones • opportunistic • bickering is her love language • silvertongue • softspot for underdogs • vixen • disciplined • very charming when she wants to be • able to sell shoes to someone with no feet • intelligent • a big nerd tbh • headstrong • complex morality • sharp intuition

    L O O K S
    Unlike her sexuality, things do not get much straighter than her dark, thick locks. It does not matter what she tries do with it, it will never ever curl. She cuts her bangs herself, always an inch or so above her eyebrows, because she can't handle hair dangling in front of her eyes. Her nose and cheeks are sprinkled with freckles.
          Her body is covered in tattoos. Some are sentimental, others are the results of being bored and wanting to doodle. Izumi kept counting after number thirty (though her youngest sister would tease that it is because she cannot count beyond that). She has several piercings as well: septum, eyebrows, ashley and nose. Her ears have a sharp tip, which she hates and loathes. It is also why she only has piercings in her earlobes.
          Apart from her ears, it is difficult to see she is a halfelf. She has slightly high cheekbones, but also somewhat of a round face.

    L I K E S
    tattoos • cats

    D I S L I K E S
    elves • drunkards • feeling powerless • charity • lazy people


    H I S T O R Y
    F A M I L Y
    Zahria Kurohana Emberstone • mother • sunelf
    Isagi Kurohana • father • human •
    Reika Kurohana • sister • halfelf • 19
    Sorano Kurohana • sister • halfelf • 17
    Fuyimi Kurohana • sister • halfelf • 14

    • Her parents marriage was scandalous, for her mother's side of the family at least. They never agreed to her marrying a simple, human man. For many years, they tried to convince Zahria that she should leave Isagi. Izumi was eleven years old when her mother's parents finally succeeded in letting their daughter believe that she supposedly deserved better. Zahria left in the middle of the night with all her belongings, leaving her children behind.
    • For the first three years in the absence of Zahria, Isagi's mother was able to help him raise the children, until she died of cackle fever. Soon after this, Isagi fell into a depression, after having lost whom he thought was the love of his life and his mother, and became addicted to alcohol.
    • Izumi was forced to not only be a big sister to her younger siblings, but also be their parents and caretaker, while also taking care of her father.
    • She both misses and loathes her mother.
    • Izumi was borned and raised in Baldur's Gate.

    T E E N A G E      Y E A R S
    • As a teenager, she had a whole bunch of different jobs, from courier work to working in different shops. She always had more than one job at the time, often juggling three, as she didn't want for her sisters to be left wanting.
    • At the flowershop she worked in, some came into contact with an alumni of the Academy. This fueled a fire in her and made her vastly determined to attend the Academy as well. The time she wasn't spending working or taking care of her sisters and father, she spent on hours of preparing and studying. The owner of the bookshop she worked at felt for her and gave her the necessary studybooks for free, which Izumi begrudgingly accepted.
    • Around the age of seventeen, Izumi came into contact with the wrong group of people, exposing her to the underworld of Baldur's Gate: The Undercellar. She soon discovered that a job their would earn her much more money than she did in the above ground shops, for less working hours. First starting of as a dealer and bartender in a gambling den, after a few months she rolled over to a house of questionable repute. That is where she started working as a stripper and dancer. And much to her surprise: she came to love it. She thoroughly enjoyed the little bit of power it gave her over men. (And perhaps also because she knows her mother's family would absolutely hate it).
    • Despite her involvement in the Undercellar, Izumi’s primary goal remained her family. She kept her underworld activities secret from her sisters and father, ensuring they only saw her as the dedicated older sibling who worked multiple jobs to support them. Her love for them and desire to protect them from the darker aspects of her life drove her to great lengths, including adopting a tougher, more guarded persona outside of her home.
    • Working in the Undercellar provided her with a unique perspective on the city's underbelly. She learned to navigate dangerous social circles and developed a keen sense of intuition. Her time as a dealer and bartender taught her valuable skills in negotiation and persuasion, while her role as a dancer allowed her to hone her abilities to read people and manipulate situations to her advantage.
    • During the breaks from the Academy, she still works in the Undercellar.

    T H E      A C A D E M Y
    • Currently in her third year
    • There was not a doubt in Izumi's mind that she would opt for the research track. She has little ambition to become a teacher, though. Her eyes are firmly set on the 'speaker' specialisation. She often (read: every week) asks the headmaster whether it is really not possible to do both the 'speaker' and the 'strategy' specialisation. No matter what the answer is, she dives with her head into the strategy books as well.
    • One of her main motivations of chosing the 'speaker' specialisation is that she never, ever, wants to feel any kind of powerless again.

    E X T R A
    • Snorts when she laughs (she hates it).
    • She calls almost everyone by their surname. There are only a select few for whom she uses their first name. She believes this is something special and that calling people by their first name should be treasured.
    • Because of her father, she doesn't drink or do drugs.
    • She doesn't believe in any of the gods, thinks they are all shit.
    • Izumi has a ragged black cat called Boo. She already has him for eight years and he is deaf and she loves him to bits.
    • During her teenage years, Izumi got into drawing and tattooing, first of mostly practising on herself and anyone who was willing to be used as a canvas. Nowadays, she uses it as another way to earn a bit of money.


    darling, you can't let everything seem so dark blue

    oh my god? that faceclaim? i'm in love :|

    kindness is never a burden.

    Greenfeld schreef:
    oh my god? that faceclaim? i'm in love :|

    I second

    and the spiders from mars



    ─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
    𝔐𝔬𝔬𝔡 1 • 𝔐𝔬𝔬𝔡 2 • 𝔐𝔬𝔬𝔡 3

    ℌ𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔶 𝔬𝔣 𝔞 𝔐𝔞𝔤𝔢

    Jun was born into a wealthy, influential family in Baldur’s Gate. He and his twin sister, Lia, grew up in luxury under the watchful eyes of their strict parents, who demanded perfection. Lia, the natural leader, often took charge, while Jun remained the quiet, introspective sibling.

    Their lives changed when a coven of vampires attempted to kidnap Lia. In a desperate bid to save her, Jun unleashed raw, uncontrolled magic, barely driving the vampires away. However, his power inadvertently injured several innocent bystanders, leaving Jun haunted by the consequences.

    Haunted by the near loss of his sister and the harm he caused, Jun resolved to master his unpredictable abilities. His parents, alarmed by the incident, sent him to the Academy for the study of the arcane. There, Jun dedicated himself to learning control, honing his magical skills with a singular focus.

    Yet, beneath his diligent exterior, Jun harbors a secret ambition. The night of the vampire attack ignited a fascination with the darker aspects of magic—particularly necromancy. The idea of controlling the forces of life and death, of bending the undead to his will, has taken root in his mind. Jun is determined to explore the boundaries of necromancy, seeking forbidden knowledge that could allow him to command the living dead.


    • father
    • mother
    Lia • 19 • twinsister

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus lacinia odio vitae vestibulum vestibulum

    Jun is currently 19 years old.

    He is a Human and used to live in Baldur's Gate.


    Jun is currently in Year 1 of his studies at the Academy.


    loyal, loyal, loyal — adventurous — rebellious, but not as much as he would want — charismatic — persistent — devoted — night owl — love-focused — brave — dog person — bold — heroic — street-smart — wild — resistent — mischievous — independent — unlucky — driven — explorer — mysterious — decisive — confident — active — spontaneous — trustworthy — feels like he'll be the black sheep in the family — because of that he's arrogant to compensate — to prove himself to be better than his family — better be loud — over-emotional — thinks he's above the rules — caring — brave — impatient — passionate — reckless [/s]



    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus lacinia odio vitae vestibulum vestibulum


    swimming — sports — parties — massages — thunderstorms — taverns — mist and fog — rain — card games — beer — physical contact — music — tattoos — tailormade clothes — naps — animals — — gnomes

    animal cruelty — disloyalty — necromancy — dark magic— the underdark — vampires — rats

    • The new kid at school
    • Betrayal is the worst sin
    • OK with uncomfortable silence
    • Can’t be sure if they’re serious or joking
    • Piercing black eyes
    • Wears silver rings in both ears


    Always open to discuss anything else in DM.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus lacinia odio vitae vestibulum vestibulum[/b]
    𝔙𝔦𝔳𝔞𝔪𝔲𝔰 𝔩𝔞𝔠𝔦𝔫𝔦𝔞 𝔬𝔡𝔦𝔬 𝔳𝔦𝔱𝔞𝔢 𝔳𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔟𝔲𝔩𝔲𝔪 𝔳𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔟𝔲𝔩𝔲𝔪

    [ bericht aangepast op 21 aug 2024 - 15:40 ]

    and the spiders from mars


    Loarse has lived the biggest part of her life in The High Forest. When she was just a day old her parents (or who knows who) left her at the front door step of one of the houses of a wood elf community. She was taken in by an elderly female Wood elf named Ryna who raised her untill she died when Loarse was just 12 years old. From that moment on she had to survive on her own. Luckily the Wood elf community was very supportive and helped her every way they could. Although a lot of people cared for her and she cared for them, in her core she always felt alone. She feels like her 'parents' abandoned her because they just couldn't care less. Unfortunately the person who really did care, Ryna, also left her....by dying... This resulted in major trust issues and simultaneously made her, at times, desperate to find people who do care for her and stick with her. This lovely paradox results in either pushing people away so they can't hurt her (by leaving) or holding on to people for dear life (because she doesn't want to feel alone again).

    Life in a Wood elf community can be considered peaceful and harmonious. Some people might call it boring. Loarse never did, because she actually liked the simple life. She just loved to tend to her garden full of plants and veggies and enjoyed trading everything she had with other people. You see, the community she is a part of likes to trade with eachother so everyone is being fed and taken care off. This was possible because they treated nature with respect and that's why nature gave them a lot of things in return. Nothing major ever happened untill a few years ago... Every know and then the community would be attacked by 'foul creatures' who were out to destroy everything they had. These attacks were first primarily focused on their food supplies. Eventually these attacks expanded to violence against the Wood elves and against nature. There were even some incidents in which female Wood elves were taken, and never returned. Since most of the Wood elves are druïds they were able to protect nature and themselves as best as they could, untill one day it wasn't enough anymore. This was the moment the whole community started to feel helpless and defenseless. Also Loarse felt like she did everything she could to protect everyone and everything they worked so hard for, but it just wasn't enough. She needed something more. She needed magic. That's why she eventually decided to unroll at the Academy so she could learn magic and help her community.

    Loarse is 24 years old.

    She is a Wood elf and used to live in The High Forest.


    Loarse is currently in year 3 of her studies.

    Abjuration and Evocation

    Loarse has ginger hair, freckles and piercing green eyes. She always wears green and brown clothing, because it makes her remember home. And come on green does also match her ginger hair very well.

    • loving • caring • loves to help people • a bit of a savior complex • honest • trustworthy • keeps secrets • hoarder • loves everything that makes her feel serene • ambivert • social around her friends and introverted around people she doesn't know • sometimes a bit socially awkward • calm • likes to not be noticed too much • not very experienced in life • believes in love • hasn't found it • does sometimes have a one night stand • craves something deeper then that [/s]

    some druïd skills because of her upbringing in the Wood elf community

    she is not a fighter

    reading • plants • being alone or being around her friends • the library • nature • dawn and dusk • dancing (but preferably outside, among the trees) • rituals • giving back to nature • taking care of people • singing

    arrogance • selfishness • huge ego's • fighting • being forced to work with straight up evil people


    * Used to sing people in her community to sleep
    * Communicates with trees and plants (sometimes also sings to them)
    * Sometimes stays awake untill late at night to roam around the castle
    * Secretly loves to explore, but is a bit scared of too big of an adventure

    doesn't have a lot of experience, but is open to try[color]

    [ bericht aangepast op 23 aug 2024 - 18:27 ]

    Funny thing is, all I ever wanted I already had