• * Deze RPG is een remake van Academy in the Cloakwoods door eternalsunshine. Een deel van de teksten en layout is overgenomen. De lore is gebaseerd op Forgotten Realms, de wereld van D&D (5th edition). *

    Start | Speel | Babbel | Lees

    Welkom bij de prestigieuze Cloakwood Academie in de weelderige en betoverende bossen niet ver van Baldur's Gate. Verscholen te midden van de levendige bossen en bloeiende weilanden, staat deze academie, een veilige haven van kennis en kracht voor studenten in tal van disciplines.
          Afgelopen jaar leek de Academie echter meer een plek van onzekerheden te worden en aan de valavond van het nieuwe jaar, is die spanning er nog steeds. Niet iedereen is het eens met het bewind dat de school voert, of de opleidingen die ze aanbiedt. Sommigen op school willen de Cloakwood terugbrengen naar haar origine: een plek voor magie en natuur, tot in haar zuiverste vorm. Ze willen terug naar de natuurlijke orde en daar heeft nieuwe wetenschap of brute gevechtsleer geen plek. 'Beschaving' is niets anders dan onderdrukking van de natuur.
          Zo'n beetje iedereen is zich bewust van de strubbelingen die momenteel onder bepaalde leden van het schoolbestuur plaatsvindt, maar nu beginnen ook studenten kanten te kiezen. Er gaan talloze geruchten de ronde, gaande van een infiltratie van vampiers tot gedwongen omvorming naar de cult van Bhaal. Wat is waar? Wat is een leugen? En vooral: aan welke kant sta jij?


    Alle informatie die je nodig hebt, vind je terug in de story die helemaal bovenaan gelinkt is onder 'lees'. Je maakt je rol helemaal zoals je zelf wil. Het enige dat we sowieso echt nodig hebben is: naam, leeftijd, ras, studierichting en hoe lang ze al aan Cloakwood studeren, achtergrond en eventuele geheimen. Zaken die niet in de story staan maar wel canon zijn in de Forgotten Realms/Baldurs Gate-wereld zijn voor het grootste deel toegestaan, zolang je het even in de groep gooit. Ga zo wild als je wil(d).


    [1] Ciaran Miaorlriain Charlie Keene (Half-Elf) | 25 | Onderzoeker / Dokter (4) | RSK / Marthe
    [1] Ianthe Harrowhark (Tiefling) | 22 | Onderzoeker / Historicus (4) | Dioneo / Leno
    [4] Izumi Kurohana (Half-Elf) | 22 | Onderzoeker / Spreker (3) | captainlee / Daisy

    [1] Hazlan Callyx (Half-Elf) | 23 | Magiër / Illusion - Necromancy (4) | Mazino / Mexx
    [3] Aine Ceallagh (High-(Moon-)Elf) | Leeftijd | Magiër / Divination - Illusion (3) | captainlee / Daisy
    [1] Aoth Xiao (Tiefling) | 23 | Magiër / Necromancy - Transmutation (2) | Dioneo / Leno
    [4 - t.e.m. 14/9] Jun Pare (Human) | 19 | Magiër (1) | ziggystardust / Sasha
    [4] Loarse (Wood-Elf) | 24 | Magiër / Abjuration - Evocation (3) | Fallenangel_ / Luna

    [pagina - t.e.m. 10/8] Naam personage (Wood-Elf) | Leeftijd | Druïde (leerjaar) | mysaria / Daisy

    [2] Jahlrin Eilsund (Dark-Elf) | 30 | Wapenexpert / Duellist (4) | Kishibe / Xan
    [3] Vesper Helvesz (Dark-elf) | 21 | Wapenexpert / Twee-wapen strijder (3) | ziggystardust / Sasha

    [pagina - t.e.m. datum] Naam personage (ras) | Leeftijd | Studierichting (leerjaar) | Username / Naam


    - Hier wordt niet met dobbelstenen gegooid (tenzij je dat echt wil, ik hou je niet tegen).
    - Don't be a bitch
    - Bespreek gevoelige onderwerpen met je tegenspelers & duid trigger warnings aan boven je post
    - Reservatie blijft 10 dagen staan, daarna wordt die automatisch verwijderd
    - Als je langer dan 45 dagen niet antwoordt, wordt je personage automatisch verwijderd. Ik kom niet smeken.
    - Je kan zowel Engelstalig als Nederlandstalig schrijven, maar spreek misschien even af wat handig is voor je tegenspeler.
    - De laatste die gereageerd heeft in een topic maakt een nieuw en maakt RSK cohost van dat topic.
    - Have fun!

    Many thanks aan eternalsunshine om de originele RPG te starten en aan Mazino voor het helpen uitwerken/vertalen/formatten van alle Forgotten Realms lore.

    [ bericht aangepast op 4 sep 2024 - 14:03 ]


    Helaena schreef:
    Hoe kunnen mensen zo snel rollen maken, mijne is nog niet eens begonnen ;-;

    Omdat een van mijn oude D&D personages is die ik al uitgeschreven had, no worries :W

    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque

    Greenfeld schreef:


    and the spiders from mars

    Helaena schreef:
    Hoe kunnen mensen zo snel rollen maken, mijne is nog niet eens begonnen ;-;

    I mean this do be a remake


    Hier alvast een praattopic, voor mensen die graag babbelen/dingen bespreken voordat we beginnen/voordat er rollen zijn/whatever


    Alright imma go for a female drow! ✨️

    and the spiders from mars

    Helaena schreef:
    Hoe kunnen mensen zo snel rollen maken, mijne is nog niet eens begonnen ;-;

    Weten dat de rp eraan komt en dus alvast alle info opschrijven voordat het rollentopic er is ^^

    [ bericht aangepast op 1 aug 2024 - 19:11 ]

    eternalsunshine schreef:
    Alright imma go for a female drow! ✨️

    Noted ^^


    [ bericht aangepast op 8 aug 2024 - 14:30 ]

    Must be emasculating to be replaced by a teenage girl - Beatrix



    ℌ𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔶 𝔬𝔣 𝔞 𝔇𝔯𝔬𝔴

    Born and raised in the Underdark, Vesper hails from the noble House Helvesz, a lineage steeped in power and tradition. Her pale blue skin, piercing red eyes, and white blonde hair distinguish her as a figure of both beauty and lethality. Her body is adorned with tattoos, one tone lighter than her skin, symbolizing her victories and status. Raised to believe in Drow supremacy, Vesper feels elevated above other races, viewing them as inferior.

    Vesper's mother, Elara Helvesz, was the revered matron mother until her untimely death in battle. After her passing, Vesper's aunt Ashryn, a formidable commander, ascended to the position of matron mother. As a member of a noble house, Vesper's life was structured around a strict hierarchy. The matron mother held the highest authority, followed by the female members who served as priestesses of Lolth. Male officers, including the weapon master, House wizard, and the patron (the matron's consort), came next in line, with other male members and slaves occupying the lower rungs of the hierarchy.

    From a young age, Vesper was immersed in this rigid structure. She grew up surrounded by slaves. This upbringing, combined with the teachings of Lolth, shaped her belief in the survival of the fittest and the supremacy of the Drow race.

    Vesper is a follower of Lolth, the Spider Queen, whose doctrines emphasize power, cunning, and ruthlessness. She was born a twin, and it was decreed that only one of them could rise to become the matriarch of their family. This belief culminated in a brutal duel between Vesper and her twin sister Zesstra, a fight to the death to determine the future matron mother. Vesper emerged victorious, her cunning and combat prowess securing her position as the next potential matriarch.

    Vesper keeps her motives hidden. The reason for her attendance at the Academy remains a mystery to others.


    ♰ Alden Helvesz • father
    ♰ Elara Helvesz • mother
    Ashryn Helvesz • aunt • primary caregiver
    ♰ Zesstra Helvesz • mother
    Kai Helvesz • 18 • little brother
    Lyra Helvesz • 16• older sister

    I'm a handful
    DEMI-DEVIL, pyromaniac

    𝔅𝔦𝔱𝔠𝔥, ℑ 𝔞𝔪 𝔬𝔫𝔢, 𝔱𝔥𝔯𝔬𝔴 𝔞 𝔱𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔯𝔲𝔪

    Vesper is currently 21 years old.

    She is a Drow and used to live in the Underdark. Vesper is a Lolth-sworn Drow, therefore she has red eyes.


    Vesper is currently in Year 3 of her studies at the Academy.

    Two-weapon fighters: Weapon experts who fight with two weapons, usually a parrying dagger and a sword.

    "Dark mother, weaver of destiny, offer us a blessing to slay your foes. May they be strangled by the threads of fate, and dyed red in your image.
    Lolth be praised!

    Vesper has pale blue skin, piercing red eyes, and white blonde hair. Her body is covered in tattoos, one tone lighter than her skin color. She has a scar across her nose.


    STR • DEX • CON • INT • WIS • CHA
    17 •🕷• 12 •🕷• 3 •🕷• 8 •🕷• 10 •🕷• 15
    +3 •🕷• +2 •🕷• +1 •🕷• -1 •🕷• 0 •🕷• +2

    Vesper has little regard for the struggles of those who dwell above ground. She is a firm believer in Drow supremacy and views other races as inherently inferior. Vesper is Lawful Evil, driven by a deep conviction in order and hierarchy, but only when it serves the powerful. She is relentless in her pursuit of her goals, viewing domination as the natural state of existence. To her, strength is the ultimate virtue, and the weak exist solely to be subjugated or eradicated.

    If the powers seeking to transform Cloakwoods Academy prove themselves strong and victorious, Vesper will align herself with them, recognizing their strength as worthy of respect. She will pledge her loyalty, not out of any sense of duty, but to position herself closer to power, ensuring that she remains on the side of the conquerors. However, her loyalty is conditional; should these new rulers show any sign of weakness or incompetence, Vesper will not hesitate to challenge or undermine them to secure her place at the top.

    reckless • courageous • competitive • very cocky • honest • tactless • overbearing • exhausting • enthusiastic • short-tempered • impulsive • aggressive • cheater • shitty girlfriend • good friend though • not one for romance • doesn't believe in happily ever after • wants to prove herself • works hard • always late • family first • not really interested in relationships • sleeps around • loves to be the center of attention • likes to yell • a lot • sleeps in • messy • can't throw stuff away • collects weapons and gemstones • loves to paint women • gets bored really fast • bold • tells things as they are (or rather as she sees them) • has a lot of energy • saleswoman • chronically late • talks her way out of things • takes secrets to the grave • loves writing letters to her friends • maybe craves love but only ever knew violence and killing so doesn't know how to be soft or kind or receive love

    𝔊𝔞𝔪𝔢 recognizes 𝕲𝖆𝖒𝖊

    drow weapon training • superior darkvision • fey ancestry

    sunlight sensitivity

    fighting - painting - dancing - sleeping in - being read to till she falls asleep - her siblings - comfortable clothes - weapons - taking on leadership roles - physical challenges - individual sports - being the center of attention - long work out sessions - running - drows - elves sometimes

    other races - inactivity - waiting - work that does not use her talents - being dependent on others - sitting in classroom - listening

    • Used to pickpocket as a child and still has a good sleight of hand.
    • Sometimes got caught when pickpocketing and got a beating for it.
    • Doesn't believe or understand the above the ground religions. Also doesn't respect them.
    • Loves to draw and paint her girlfriends.
    • Kleptomaniac (especially with the books in the library. especially with rare books from the school library)
    • On some days really fucking hates the sun and will only stay inside


    Always open to discuss anything else in DM.
    Bow down and kiss on my ring
    It's gonna hurt, it'll sting

    𝔖𝔭𝔦𝔱𝔱𝔦𝔫' 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔟𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔨

    [ bericht aangepast op 14 aug 2024 - 12:17 ]

    and the spiders from mars


    [ bericht aangepast op 15 aug 2024 - 23:08 ]

    Must be emasculating to be replaced by a teenage girl - Beatrix



    N A M E
    Áine Ceallaigh
    Áine • radiance
    Ceallaigh • derived from "ceallach," meaning warlike or strife, yet also resonates with the mystical element of Irish battle-lore.

    A G E

    C L A S S
    Specialisation: Divination
    Supporting: Illusion

    S P E C I E S

    S O N G S
    Art deco – Lana del Rey
    bad idea right? – Olivia Rodrigo
    heavenly – Cigarettes after sex
    Religion - Lana del Rey
    Electric love - BORNS
    Naked in Manhattan – Chappell Roan

    C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S
    will take your secrets to the grave • nightowl • often oversleeps • finds the rules of the academy suffocating • which leads to occasional mental breakdowns • finds 'normal' relationships boring • needs tension in them • devoted • craves affection • almost like an addiction • obsessive • all or nothing • doesn't do things by halves • wanderer • wants the kind of love she would destroy the world for • bold • needs to escape everything and everyone once in while • kinda unhinged ngl • a girls girl • patient • kinda • make the delulu come trululu • joy in the small moments • emotionally driven • glass half-full • absolutely no fucking impulse control • bad at accepting critism • the best plans are unplanned • can handle fifteen things at once • or literally nothing at all • thoughts are always going and going and going • will hold up your hair when you're throwing up • and get you safely in your bed • melodramatic • when she dislikes you, she dislikes you to the core • hates what she can't have • extremely perfectionistic for herself • always manages to find something positive in a situation • joyous • last to leave a party • indulgent • erratic • finds that forbidden things have a charm

    L O O K S
    Áine has the typical physical traits of a moonelf. She has wavy, silvery white locks, that she loves to put up in complicated braids. Her braids are often adorned with small beads or ribbons that she collects during her travels. Her eyes have an icyblue colour, sprinkled wild golden flecks. Though you need to be standing rather close to her to discover them. Her pale skin never tans in the sunlight and with Áine often being outside, her cheeks have near permanent, rosy colouring. She is not specifically tall, only standing at 1.63 meters.

    L I K E S
    religion • books • ghost stories • lace • lollypops • personalised perfume • going on dates • planning parties • dress-up parties • dancing until her feet hurt • kissing • roaming over the school grounds • people playing with her hair • exploring • painting • gambling • things that are labelled als controversial

    D I S L I K E S
    staying in one place for too long • when she has forgotten about her tea and it has turned cold • early mornings • rules and regulations • permanent choices • seagulls (one once stole her sandwich when they were in Waterdeep)

    R E L I G I O N
    Áine’s fascination with religion is rooted in the diverse deities she’s encountered during her travels throughout Faerûn. She views each god and goddess as a unique reflection of the world’s many facets, and her interest goes beyond mere worship. She sees the study of deities as a way of understanding the larger universe, as well as the varied cultures she’s come across. Whether it’s offering thanks to Tymora for luck before a gamble, praying to Lathander for a new dawn after a long journey, or seeking wisdom from Mystra regarding her magic, Áine has honored nearly every deity at one point or another.

    However, Angharradh, the elven goddess of wisdom, protection, and growth, remains her favorite. Angharradh's association with nature and the balance of life speaks to Áine’s own experiences as a moonelf and wanderer. The goddess embodies both the nurturing aspects of nature and the resilience needed to survive its harsher elements—qualities Áine aspires to live by. She often carries a small pendant of Angharradh, worn close to her heart, as a subtle reminder of the goddess’s watchful protection. Nonetheless, Áine’s spiritual practice remains fluid, and she’s always eager to learn about and experience other deities, never limiting herself to a single path.

    F A M I L I A R S
    A mouse called Nibble. Appropriate named after him nibbling on her finger or ear when she almost falls asleep during a morning class.
    An orange cat called Biscuit. He is an absolutely menace and likes to steal food from the other cats in the Academy.
    will probably add more


    H I S T O R Y
    F A M I L Y
    Sariah • mother •
    Theron • father •
    Eryx • brother •
    Asael • brother
    Naida • sister
    Rune • brother

    B E F O R E      T H E      A C A D E M Y
    • Like most moonelves, Áine and her family lived a life of constant movement, wandering across the vast and varied lands of Faerûn. They journeyed through thick forests, across arid deserts, and along the coastlines, stopping occasionally in towns or elven enclaves. Though each place they visited was temporary, these experiences shaped Áine's perception of the world, making her feel more at home under the stars than between walls. Her heart is tied to the wilds, and she has a deep connection with nature, able to navigate the land with ease and a unique understanding of the rhythm of the earth.
    • Áine comes from a large family, and being the youngest, she was always doted on by her older siblings. Her parents instilled strong family values, and Áine sees her siblings as her closest confidants. They taught her skills essential for their nomadic lifestyle, such as tracking, hunting, herbalism, and magic. Despite their protectiveness, they encouraged her independence and curiosity, trusting in her ability to handle herself.
    • She learned the art of archery in her youth, which is is rather good at, but it is better to not let her close to any daggers.
    • Though Áine has always been outgoing and naturally drawn to people, the transient nature of her life made it difficult for her to form long-lasting friendships. She had developed a defense mechanism of keeping her distance from people she met on her travels, knowing that goodbyes were inevitable. When others would try to forge deeper bonds, Áine would shy away, uncertain of how to navigate relationships that required commitment. Now, when someone shows interest in her friendship, she tends to get awkward. Sometimes she overcompensates with too much enthusiasm or pulls away entirely.
    • Though nomadic travellers by nature, it has become tradition for her family for all members to attend the academy.

    T H E      A C A D E M Y
    • Áine’s transition to life at the Academy was difficult, and the weight of remaining in one place bore heavily on her. The structured environment was stifling for someone used to the freedom of roaming wherever the wind took her. The endless stone walls and confined halls felt more like a prison than a place of learning. Although she enjoys the magical knowledge she is gaining, Áine constantly feels the pull of the open road and the call of the wilds. She spends much of her free time outdoors, finding solace in the Academy’s gardens and nearby forests.
    • In her first year, Áine snuck away from the Academy for a few days without asking for permission first (or telling anyone that or where she was going). When she came back, the professors reprimanded her severely. If she ever were to sneak out again for several days, without permission, she would be expelled.
    • Now in her third year, Áine continues to struggle with her place at the Academy. She has become a more skilled student, excelling particularly in subjects related to nature magic, divination and illusion, which remind her of her old life. However, she often daydreams of running away again but is held back by the knowledge of the consequences. The thought of disappointing her family keeps her rooted in place, even though it doesn't feel natural.

    E X T R A
    • She drinks her tea scalding hot
    • Áine is pansexual
    • She has claustrophobia
    • Scent is a deeply personal thing to Áine, and she adores crafting her own perfumes. She mixes different fragrances based on her mood or the season, often with a mix of fresh, floral, and woodsy notes that remind her of her travels. It’s her way of carrying a piece of the wild with her wherever she goes.
    • She loves the smell of the forest after a storm


    [ bericht aangepast op 18 aug 2024 - 21:58 ]

    darling, you can't let everything seem so dark blue

    Will I make another char???????? Aaa

    and the spiders from mars

    eternalsunshine schreef:
    Will I make another char???????? Aaa

    the answer is always yes

    kindness is never a burden.

    Greenfeld schreef:

    the answer is always yes

    It really is 😭😍
    Oke keuzestress

    and the spiders from mars

    Alright can i reserve another char? Male mage. ✨️

    and the spiders from mars