• * Deze RPG is een remake van Academy in the Cloakwoods door eternalsunshine. Een deel van de teksten en layout is overgenomen. De lore is gebaseerd op Forgotten Realms, de wereld van D&D (5th edition). *

    Start | Speel | Babbel | Lees

    Welkom bij de prestigieuze Cloakwood Academie in de weelderige en betoverende bossen niet ver van Baldur's Gate. Verscholen te midden van de levendige bossen en bloeiende weilanden, staat deze academie, een veilige haven van kennis en kracht voor studenten in tal van disciplines.
          Afgelopen jaar leek de Academie echter meer een plek van onzekerheden te worden en aan de valavond van het nieuwe jaar, is die spanning er nog steeds. Niet iedereen is het eens met het bewind dat de school voert, of de opleidingen die ze aanbiedt. Sommigen op school willen de Cloakwood terugbrengen naar haar origine: een plek voor magie en natuur, tot in haar zuiverste vorm. Ze willen terug naar de natuurlijke orde en daar heeft nieuwe wetenschap of brute gevechtsleer geen plek. 'Beschaving' is niets anders dan onderdrukking van de natuur.
          Zo'n beetje iedereen is zich bewust van de strubbelingen die momenteel onder bepaalde leden van het schoolbestuur plaatsvindt, maar nu beginnen ook studenten kanten te kiezen. Er gaan talloze geruchten de ronde, gaande van een infiltratie van vampiers tot gedwongen omvorming naar de cult van Bhaal. Wat is waar? Wat is een leugen? En vooral: aan welke kant sta jij?


    Alle informatie die je nodig hebt, vind je terug in de story die helemaal bovenaan gelinkt is onder 'lees'. Je maakt je rol helemaal zoals je zelf wil. Het enige dat we sowieso echt nodig hebben is: naam, leeftijd, ras, studierichting en hoe lang ze al aan Cloakwood studeren, achtergrond en eventuele geheimen. Zaken die niet in de story staan maar wel canon zijn in de Forgotten Realms/Baldurs Gate-wereld zijn voor het grootste deel toegestaan, zolang je het even in de groep gooit. Ga zo wild als je wil(d).


    [1] Ciaran Miaorlriain Charlie Keene (Half-Elf) | 25 | Onderzoeker / Dokter (4) | RSK / Marthe
    [1] Ianthe Harrowhark (Tiefling) | 22 | Onderzoeker / Historicus (4) | Dioneo / Leno
    [4] Izumi Kurohana (Half-Elf) | 22 | Onderzoeker / Spreker (3) | captainlee / Daisy

    [1] Hazlan Callyx (Half-Elf) | 23 | Magiër / Illusion - Necromancy (4) | Mazino / Mexx
    [3] Aine Ceallagh (High-(Moon-)Elf) | Leeftijd | Magiër / Divination - Illusion (3) | captainlee / Daisy
    [1] Aoth Xiao (Tiefling) | 23 | Magiër / Necromancy - Transmutation (2) | Dioneo / Leno
    [4 - t.e.m. 14/9] Jun Pare (Human) | 19 | Magiër (1) | ziggystardust / Sasha
    [4] Loarse (Wood-Elf) | 24 | Magiër / Abjuration - Evocation (3) | Fallenangel_ / Luna

    [pagina - t.e.m. 10/8] Naam personage (Wood-Elf) | Leeftijd | Druïde (leerjaar) | mysaria / Daisy

    [2] Jahlrin Eilsund (Dark-Elf) | 30 | Wapenexpert / Duellist (4) | Kishibe / Xan
    [3] Vesper Helvesz (Dark-elf) | 21 | Wapenexpert / Twee-wapen strijder (3) | ziggystardust / Sasha

    [pagina - t.e.m. datum] Naam personage (ras) | Leeftijd | Studierichting (leerjaar) | Username / Naam


    - Hier wordt niet met dobbelstenen gegooid (tenzij je dat echt wil, ik hou je niet tegen).
    - Don't be a bitch
    - Bespreek gevoelige onderwerpen met je tegenspelers & duid trigger warnings aan boven je post
    - Reservatie blijft 10 dagen staan, daarna wordt die automatisch verwijderd
    - Als je langer dan 45 dagen niet antwoordt, wordt je personage automatisch verwijderd. Ik kom niet smeken.
    - Je kan zowel Engelstalig als Nederlandstalig schrijven, maar spreek misschien even af wat handig is voor je tegenspeler.
    - De laatste die gereageerd heeft in een topic maakt een nieuw en maakt RSK cohost van dat topic.
    - Have fun!

    Many thanks aan eternalsunshine om de originele RPG te starten en aan Mazino voor het helpen uitwerken/vertalen/formatten van alle Forgotten Realms lore.

    [ bericht aangepast op 4 sep 2024 - 14:03 ]


    Greenfeld schreef:

    aoth trying to seduce charlie *rolls a nat 20 for persuasion*

    imma need a video of that tbh





    Weapon's expert — Dark Elf — He|Him


    Full name — Jahlrin Eilsund
    Nickname — Jahl


    Dark Elf | Drow


    Weapon's expert


    Jahl is in his fourth year at the academy. He does stand out there because of his age, but he doesn't let that bother him.


    Although Jahl is proficient in other weapons due to his past, he tries to focus on the rapier at the academy. He prefers the weapon out of all the ones he can handle because of the lightness of the weapon.

    Next to the rapier he will usually have two handaxes equipped as well in case he loses his primary weapon. He feels like the axes give him a second wind if it's needed or they provide a way for him to have a semblance to a ranged weapon, even when he doesn't have a bow.

    When he was still adventuring, Jahl used to carry a longbow as well, but in the academy he rarely brings it out. Sometimes he will train with them to keep his skills sharp enough for survival.










    HEIGHT — 172 cm

    SKIN COLOR — Lilac Gray || #9896A4

    EYE COLOR — Spectra Yellow || #F7B718

    HAIR COLOR — Lucent White || #F4F7FF

    SCARRING — Cut scars littered across his body, one across his left cheek.

    HAIR — He has a short buzz cut, but the white will peep through.

    EARS — Rather long and elvishly pointy ears. Slightly angled upwards.

    ACCESSOIRES — Ear cuffs around the outer rim, like protection, dark. He wears a blindfold most of the time to shield his eyes from the direct sunlight

    TATTOOS — Head tattoos. His upper torso is blacked out with blackwork tattoo work. It fades away starting from his neck, where it transitions into his head tattoos. It’s also on his upper arms, where they fade into blackwork lines.
    CLOTHES — Wears some (dark) reds, but mostly dark clothes

    FACIAL STRUCTURE — Strong, broad jawline | Visible cheekbones, but not extraordinary | Narrow eyes, usually kind of sad looking | Long, thick lashes | Narrow but strong nose | light brow bone | Usually frowning | Normal thickness of brows, kind of straight, give him a stern looking face | Pointy teeth

    BODY — Broad shoulders | Positively ripped because of all the training | Long legs compared to his body | Big, but slender hands, calloused from all the sword fighting


    Life in GRAYSCALE.

    Or does it deceive?


    Mother: Miz’ri Eilsund
    Father: Unknown

          As a young child, Jahlrin has only ever known his mother. The other parent has always been out of the picture. He used to be a rather quiet child, as his mother would often shush her child as he could understand. Miz'ri, his mother, an ambitious woman who wanted to make it in the world, saw him as a nuisance and physically abused her son from age 2 and up. If he did something she thought was slightly out of line, he would get hit. This taught him at a fairly young age to shut up and not cry. He knew it would only anger his parental figure. All she ever seemed to want was to rid herself of her own flesh and blood. He has no actual siblings by blood that he knows of.

    AGE 9
          At the tender age of 9, the abuse rammed into him, his mother left him with another family. Or so it seemed to be. What he was dropped in was a militia organization or orphanage. Because rarely any of the children actually had parents. There were lots of people and lots of voices to be heard. Due to his past, Jahl usually kept his mouth shut in fear of repercussions.

          The child learned quickly when he arrived. The first thing Jahl noticed is that everyone fends for themselves. The children had made small clans amongst themselves, so they were able to protect each other. There were somewhere between 100 and 200 kids in the camp, all for different reasons. The silent child took a liking to the more scrawny children, although he didn’t know why at the time. He seemed to fit there quite well with his lack of talking. He didn’t know about the bullying his choice would entail, but in the end it wasn’t as bad as what his mother did. So he just took it in stride and tried to protect the others.
          Soon after he does discover in the rigid combat training, that whatever he lacked in social skills, he made up for in strength. He picked up the stances for sword fighting fairly quickly as well and took a shine to the lighter rapiers instead of the heavier swords. He also took a liking to the faster hand to hand combat. As time progressed, Jahlrin was able to give his less brawny friends protection from the bullies. Although they would occasionally find him in groups for a low blow to the stomach.
          The orphan militia and its instructors were mainly female presenting drow whereas the men were more subservient. The ones with promise tended to be sent on dangerous missions throughout the underdark.
    The time as a trainee ended by a trial by combat, where the kids were put together in teams of two in a fight (close to) death.
          Jahlrin got paired up with one of the still scrawny girls of his group, Elvafae, pitted against two dimwits. Sadly enough the two were strong and killed his friend. In a fit of rage, he killed his opponents. One got stabbed through the gut and the other’s head got sliced right off by one of his battle axes. In short: he passed the test, but had to leave his friend in the dirt of the arena. Destined to take on dangerous missions for the militia.

          The death of his friend had moved him and he despised everything the militia stood for even more. When he was sent out to his first mission, he packed all of the stuff he owned, which was not much and slipped away when a fight broke out between his party and the ‘enemy’.
          He had seen enough of what the underdark had to offer, so he started his journey upwards. To the light above. He shaved off his long hair, as it was what most people recognized him by. He used to wear battle braids to keep his hair out of his face, usually receiving compliments from the female half of the militia. He couldn’t differentiate between heartfelt compliments and people trying to suck up to him for protection, so he shut them all out usually. Shaving it all off, freed him a little from the grip his past had on him.

          After dying almost 3 times on his voyage upwards, after picking a tricky road to travel to avoid recognition and suspicion. He eventually reaches the entryway after what felt like years, but actually was between 3 to 4 weeks. He reached an entrance, or in his case exit, on the higher end of the mountains.
          Unknown with the place and the world in general, he surfaced at day, but very quickly learned that daylight is not the way to go for him. So he ended up tearing a piece off of his robes to use as a blindfold during the day. It heavily impairs his sight, but it did do the job.

          After traveling down the ridge of mountains and afterwards doing odd jobs to keep his head above the water and his belly at least partially filled. Fighting off bandits left and right, keeps his ass safe. But it also brings him his job in the end. When he saw a coach getting raided by a small group of robbers. After fighting off two of them, they ran for the hills. The person he saved was a halfling woman, who turned out to be an important trader named Qini.
          As a thanks for saving her, she appointed him as her personal bodyguard. Which he gladly accepts, but he soon comes to realize that it’s more of a ‘stand there and look pretty kind of task’, rather than what he had done when they met. He gets gifted armor and a rapier inled with red and a proper, prettier blindfold. He ended up liking the job though and stayed at Qini’s side for as long as he could.

          Life doesn’t seem to give Jahl the breaks he deserves though and after a freak fight in a town square, Qini gets killed before Jahl could even reach her. He got pushed back by the panicking crowd while trying to do his job of protecting his mistress from harm.
          Her other associates tried to pin him for her death and after a short trial, he was cleared of the charges, but the traders still shunned him from their midst. Thus losing him his job.

          After his unspoken banishment, he travels on in search of Cloakwood Academy where Qini spoke off, to go someplace where they do not really know him. He takes odd jobs to keep himself occupied durting his journey, although he does have better clothes on his back and a filled money pouch in his possession. He occasionally stops at inns to have a hot meal and a good sleep, usually at daytime, which is often seen as unusual, but not frowned upon as much as he thought it would’ve been.
          He finds the academy and is in his fourth year right now. He hopes his degree will help him find a better life.

    Like we discussed, Fae.

    The world above the dark


    Diplomatic | Judgmental | Enigmatic | Aloof | Distant | Self-reliant | Mediatory | Even-handed | Fair | Indifferent | Impartial

    Feels like he can never stop going (kinda like constantly burning, so imminent burnout is real all the time)
    Air of sadness around him
    Has trouble making his own decisions. He lives job to job, because he can’t sit still.
    Following orders comes easy to him.
    He has a deep-seated fear of being betrayed, and it sometimes leads me to be overly suspicious of others. He won’t necessarily be hostile towards them, but for him to fully trust another he’ll need some time.
    Lacks color and overall joy in his life. There is not a lot of passion, he doesn’t know what he really likes doing
    Doesn’t know how to ask for help
    Because he likes to read, he has been confronted with the concept of love more than once. He does not know himself what it entails, but he would like to learn.
    Will give his life for those he trusts
    Gut feeling and instinct are big drivers for him. It’s what keeps him alive.

          The HEART


    + Nighttime
    + The color red
    + Reading
    + Music. He likes to hum along, softly.
    + Birds
    - Sunny days
    - Unnecessary violence
    - The army
    - Big bodies of water (he can’t swim)
    - Physical contact, he struggles with it because of the abuse he endured

    — Ambidexterity: He uses both hands equally, which is why he owns 2 hand axes
    — Colourblind (deuteranopia): he is not aware of this
    — Jahl is surprisingly good with kids who are older than 5
    — Sexuality: Panromantic | Ace
    Moodboard | Playlist


    [ bericht aangepast op 14 aug 2024 - 19:35 ]

    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque

    Shambles schreef:
    Fine. Imma rework Jahlrin for this.

    Fighter - Dark Elf - Sexuality: Panromantic | Ace

    Jahlrin Eilsund



    Dark Elf | Drow

    Handaxe (2)

    Life in grayscale. Or does it deceive?

    HEIGHT: 172 cm
    SKIN COLOR: Lilac Gray || #9896A4
    EYE COLOR: Spectra Yellow || #F7B718
    HAIR COLOR: Lucent White || #F4F7FF
    SCARRING: Cutscars littered across his body, one across his left cheek.
    HAIR: He has a short buzz cut, but the white will peep through.
    EARS: Rather long and elvishly pointy ears. Slightly angled upwards.
    ACCESSOIRES: Ear cuffs around the outer rim, like protection, dark. He wears a blindfold most of the time to shield his eyes from the direct sunlight
    TATTOOS: Head tattoos. His upper torso is blacked out with blackwork tattoo work. It fades away starting from his neck, where it transitions into his head tattoos. It’s also on his upper arms, where they fade into blackwork lines.
    CLOTHES: Wears some (dark) reds, but mostly dark clothes
    FACIAL STRUCTURE: Strong, broad jawline — Visible cheekbones, but not extraordinary — Narrow eyes, usually kind of sad looking — Long, thick lashes — Narrow but strong nose — light brow bone — Usually frowning — Normal thickness of brows, kind of straight, give him a stern looking face - Pointy teeth
    BODY: Broad shoulders — Positively ripped because of all the training — Long legs compared to his body — Big, but slender hands, calloused from all the swordfighting

    Day blind.

    Mother: Miz’ri Eilsund
    Father: Unknown

    As a young child, Jahlrin has only ever known his mother. The other parent has always been out of the picture. He used to be a rather quiet child, as his mother would often shush her child as he could understand. Miz'ri, his mother, an ambitious woman who wanted to make it in the world, saw him as a nuisance and physically abused her son from age 2 and up. If he did something she thought was slightly out of line, he would get hit. This taught him at a fairly young age to shut up and not cry. He knew it would only anger his parental figure. All she ever seemed to want was to rid herself of her own flesh and blood. He has no actual siblings by blood that he knows of.

    AGE 9
    At the tender age of 9, the abuse rammed into him, his mother left him with another family. Or so it seemed to be. What he was dropped in was a militia organization or orphanage. Because rarely any of the children actually had parents. There were lots of people and lots of voices to be heard. Due to his past, Jahl usually kept his mouth shut in fear of repercussions.

    The child learned quickly when he arrived. The first thing Jahl noticed is that everyone fends for themselves. The children had made small clans amongst themselves, so they were able to protect each other. There were somewhere between 100 and 200 kids in the camp, all for different reasons. The silent child took a liking to the more scrawny children, although he didn’t know why at the time. He seemed to fit there quite well with his lack of talking. He didn’t know about the bullying his choice would entail, but in the end it wasn’t as bad as what his mother did. So he just took it in stride and tried to protect the others.
    Soon after he does discover in the rigid combat training, that whatever he lacked in social skills, he made up for in strength. He picked up the stances for sword fighting fairly quickly as well and took a shine to the lighter rapiers instead of the heavier swords. He also took a liking to the faster hand to hand combat. As time progressed, Jahlrin was able to give his less brawny friends protection from the bullies. Although they would occasionally find him in groups for a low blow to the stomach.
    The orphan militia and its instructors were mainly female presenting drow whereas the men were more subservient. The ones with promise tended to be sent on dangerous missions throughout the underdark.
    The time as a trainee ended by a trial by combat, where the kids were put together in teams of two in a fight (close to) death.
    Jahlrin got paired up with one of the still scrawny girls of his group, Elvafae, pitted against two dimwits. Sadly enough the two were strong and killed his friend. In a fit of rage, he killed his opponents. One got stabbed through the gut and the other’s head got sliced right off by one of his battle axes. In short: he passed the test, but had to leave his friend in the dirt of the arena. Destined to take on dangerous missions for the militia.

    The death of his friend had moved him and he despised everything the militia stood for even more. When he was sent out to his first mission, he packed all of the stuff he owned, which was not much and slipped away when a fight broke out between his party and the ‘enemy’.
    He had seen enough of what the underdark had to offer, so he started his journey upwards. To the light above. He shaved off his long hair, as it was what most people recognized him by. He used to wear battle braids to keep his hair out of his face, usually receiving compliments from the female half of the militia. He couldn’t differentiate between heartfelt compliments and people trying to suck up to him for protection, so he shut them all out usually. Shaving it all off, freed him a little from the grip his past had on him.

    After dying almost 3 times on his voyage upwards, after picking a tricky road to travel to avoid recognition and suspicion. He eventually reaches the entryway after what feels like games, but actually was between 3 to 4 weeks. He reached an entrance, or in his case exit, on the higher end of the Sage mountains.
    Unknown with the place and the world in general, he surfaced at day, but very quickly learned that daylight is not the way to go for him. So he ended up tearing a piece off of his robes to use as a blindfold during the day. It heavily impairs his sight, but it did do the job.

    After traveling down the ridge of mountains and afterwards doing odd jobs to keep his head above the water and his belly at least partially filled. Fighting off bandits left and right, keeps his ass safe. But it also brings him his job in the end. When he saw a coach getting raided by a small group of robbers. After fighting off two of them, they ran for the hills. The person he saved was a halfling woman, who turned out to be an important trader named Qini.
    As a thanks for saving her, she appointed him as her personal bodyguard. Which he gladly accepts, but he soon comes to realize that it’s more of a ‘stand there and look pretty kind of task’, rather than what he had done when they met. He gets gifted armor and a rapier inled with red and a proper, prettier blindfold. He ended up liking the job though and stayed at Qini’s side for as long as he could.

    Life doesn’t seem to give Jahl the breaks he deserves though and after a freak fight in a town square, Qini gets killed before Jahl could even reach her. He got pushed back by the panicking crowd while trying to do his job of protecting his mistress from harm.
    Her other associates tried to pin him for her death and after a short trial, he was cleared of the charges, but the traders still shunned him from their midst. Thus losing him his job.

    After his unspoken banishment, he travels to the Kveni plains, to go someplace where they do not really know him. He takes odd jobs to keep himself occupied, although he does have better clothes on his back and a filled money pouch in his possession. He occasionally stops at inns to have a hot meal and a good sleep, usually at daytime, which is often seen as unusual, but not frowned upon as much as he thought it would’ve been.
    This brings him to the Kveni plains and the inn where the murder shall take place.

    Like we discussed, Fae. The world above the dark

    True Neutral — “Kinda care, kinda don’t.”
    Diplomatic | Judgmental | Enigmatic | Aloof | Distant | Self-reliant | Mediatory | Even-handed | Fair | Indifferent | Impartial

    Feels like he can never stop going (kinda like constantly burning, so imminent burnout is real all the time)
    Air of sadness around him
    Has trouble making his own decisions. He lives job to job, because he can’t sit still
    He has a deep-seated fear of being betrayed, and it sometimes leads me to be overly suspicious of others. He won’t necessarily be hostile towards them, but for him to fully trust another he’ll need some time.
    Lacks color and overall joy in his life. There is not a lot of passion, he doesn’t know what he really likes doing
    Doesn’t know how to ask for help
    Because he likes to read, he has been confronted with the concept of love more than once. He does not know himself what it entails, but he would like to learn.
    Will give his live for those he trusts
    Gut feeling and instinct are big drivers for him. It’s what keeps him alive.


    The color red
    Music. He likes to hum along, softly.

    Sunny days
    Unnecessary violence
    The army
    Big bodies of water (he can’t swim)
    Physical contact, he struggles with it because of the abuse he endured



    Ambidexterity: He uses both hands equally, which is why he owns 2 hand axes
    Colourblind (deuteranopia): he is not aware of this
    Jahl is surprisingly good with kids who are older than 5

    WOO!! C:

    When you scroll through dnd wiki and get new character inspiration screaming internally. Oh the RPG struggles.

    That being said, can I change my darkelf girly to a moonelf?

    darling, you can't let everything seem so dark blue

    mysaria schreef:
    When you scroll through dnd wiki and get new character inspiration screaming internally. Oh the RPG struggles.

    That being said, can I change my darkelf girly to a moonelf?

    Is aangepast ^^

    Ik wil eigenlijk zo graag Milly Alcock claimen als fc

    Must be emasculating to be replaced by a teenage girl - Beatrix

    Helaena schreef:
    Ik wil eigenlijk zo graag Milly Alcock claimen als fc

    Meanwhile I was thinking about Emily Carey 🤝

    darling, you can't let everything seem so dark blue

    Hello 👀👀

    and the spiders from mars

    mysaria schreef:

    Meanwhile I was thinking about Emily Carey 🤝


    Must be emasculating to be replaced by a teenage girl - Beatrix

    To use old chars or to create new 🫣🫣

    and the spiders from mars

    eternalsunshine schreef:
    To use old chars or to create new 🫣🫣

    ianthe and vesper have unfinished business tbh

    kindness is never a burden.

    Greenfeld schreef:

    ianthe and vesper have unfinished business tbh

    Will ianthe be mad???

    and the spiders from mars

    Jahl is herwerkt en klaar (denk ik)

    Sidera nostra contrahent solem lunamque

    eternalsunshine schreef:

    Will ianthe be mad???


    kindness is never a burden.

    Hoe kunnen mensen zo snel rollen maken, mijne is nog niet eens begonnen ;-;

    Must be emasculating to be replaced by a teenage girl - Beatrix