• * Deze RPG is een remake van Academy in the Cloakwoods door eternalsunshine. Een deel van de teksten en layout is overgenomen. De lore is gebaseerd op Forgotten Realms, de wereld van D&D (5th edition). *

    Start | Speel | Babbel | Lees

    Welkom bij de prestigieuze Cloakwood Academie in de weelderige en betoverende bossen niet ver van Baldur's Gate. Verscholen te midden van de levendige bossen en bloeiende weilanden, staat deze academie, een veilige haven van kennis en kracht voor studenten in tal van disciplines.
          Afgelopen jaar leek de Academie echter meer een plek van onzekerheden te worden en aan de valavond van het nieuwe jaar, is die spanning er nog steeds. Niet iedereen is het eens met het bewind dat de school voert, of de opleidingen die ze aanbiedt. Sommigen op school willen de Cloakwood terugbrengen naar haar origine: een plek voor magie en natuur, tot in haar zuiverste vorm. Ze willen terug naar de natuurlijke orde en daar heeft nieuwe wetenschap of brute gevechtsleer geen plek. 'Beschaving' is niets anders dan onderdrukking van de natuur.
          Zo'n beetje iedereen is zich bewust van de strubbelingen die momenteel onder bepaalde leden van het schoolbestuur plaatsvindt, maar nu beginnen ook studenten kanten te kiezen. Er gaan talloze geruchten de ronde, gaande van een infiltratie van vampiers tot gedwongen omvorming naar de cult van Bhaal. Wat is waar? Wat is een leugen? En vooral: aan welke kant sta jij?


    Alle informatie die je nodig hebt, vind je terug in de story die helemaal bovenaan gelinkt is onder 'lees'. Je maakt je rol helemaal zoals je zelf wil. Het enige dat we sowieso echt nodig hebben is: naam, leeftijd, ras, studierichting en hoe lang ze al aan Cloakwood studeren, achtergrond en eventuele geheimen. Zaken die niet in de story staan maar wel canon zijn in de Forgotten Realms/Baldurs Gate-wereld zijn voor het grootste deel toegestaan, zolang je het even in de groep gooit. Ga zo wild als je wil(d).


    [1] Ciaran Miaorlriain Charlie Keene (Half-Elf) | 25 | Onderzoeker / Dokter (4) | RSK / Marthe
    [1] Ianthe Harrowhark (Tiefling) | 22 | Onderzoeker / Historicus (4) | Dioneo / Leno
    [4] Izumi Kurohana (Half-Elf) | 22 | Onderzoeker / Spreker (3) | captainlee / Daisy

    [1] Hazlan Callyx (Half-Elf) | 23 | Magiër / Illusion - Necromancy (4) | Mazino / Mexx
    [3] Aine Ceallagh (High-(Moon-)Elf) | Leeftijd | Magiër / Divination - Illusion (3) | captainlee / Daisy
    [1] Aoth Xiao (Tiefling) | 23 | Magiër / Necromancy - Transmutation (2) | Dioneo / Leno
    [4 - t.e.m. 14/9] Jun Pare (Human) | 19 | Magiër (1) | ziggystardust / Sasha
    [4] Loarse (Wood-Elf) | 24 | Magiër / Abjuration - Evocation (3) | Fallenangel_ / Luna

    [pagina - t.e.m. 10/8] Naam personage (Wood-Elf) | Leeftijd | Druïde (leerjaar) | mysaria / Daisy

    [2] Jahlrin Eilsund (Dark-Elf) | 30 | Wapenexpert / Duellist (4) | Kishibe / Xan
    [3] Vesper Helvesz (Dark-elf) | 21 | Wapenexpert / Twee-wapen strijder (3) | ziggystardust / Sasha

    [pagina - t.e.m. datum] Naam personage (ras) | Leeftijd | Studierichting (leerjaar) | Username / Naam


    - Hier wordt niet met dobbelstenen gegooid (tenzij je dat echt wil, ik hou je niet tegen).
    - Don't be a bitch
    - Bespreek gevoelige onderwerpen met je tegenspelers & duid trigger warnings aan boven je post
    - Reservatie blijft 10 dagen staan, daarna wordt die automatisch verwijderd
    - Als je langer dan 45 dagen niet antwoordt, wordt je personage automatisch verwijderd. Ik kom niet smeken.
    - Je kan zowel Engelstalig als Nederlandstalig schrijven, maar spreek misschien even af wat handig is voor je tegenspeler.
    - De laatste die gereageerd heeft in een topic maakt een nieuw en maakt RSK cohost van dat topic.
    - Have fun!

    Many thanks aan eternalsunshine om de originele RPG te starten en aan Mazino voor het helpen uitwerken/vertalen/formatten van alle Forgotten Realms lore.

    [ bericht aangepast op 4 sep 2024 - 14:03 ]


    𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖊 𝕶𝖊𝖊𝖓𝖊








    Ciaran Miaorlriain [CHA-ruhn MWEE-lree-un] was the name he was given by his birth. Charlie Keene is the name he became known for in Baldur's Gate - the name of a criminal. He doesn't really use it anymore, and he doesn't really want to be known by anything other than 'Charlie'.

    Charlie was born in early spring and is currently 25. Because of his babyface, people usually think he's younger. He started at the Academy when he was 22.

    Charlie was born a man and uses he/him pronouns.

    Besides the occassional tryst with a female stranger, Charlie has never really had time for romance, never mind think of labels.

    Half-Elf, born of a Wood-Elven woman and an unknown Human man. His Elven dad was not happy when Charlie's ears were less pointy at birth than either his or his wife's.

    Charlie is a fourth-year Researcher, specialising in medicine. Though throughout the years he's become a bit of a Jack-of-all-trades and Lao Dei hoped for him to become a full-fledged druid, Charlie's passion lies in medicine.


    I made it out of your home ALIVE,
    raised by the voices in my head.


          Q U I E T ( ? )      B U T      U N R E S E R V E D
    At first glance, Charlie seems to be the quiet type, always frowning, always thinking. One can only guess what's going on in that overstuffed brain of his. Oftentimes, people tend to attribute his quiet thoughtfulness to academia - and they're not wrong. Charlie's brain doesn't have the tendency to stand still. He's always reviewing patient cases, critically thinking on recent books he's read, forming opinions - or simply just too taken in with the world around him. Charlie can't quite grasp the beauty of the universe around him and has an irrefutable urge to somehow capture it. He tries to do so in his head, tries to memorise a scene or a face or a particularly beautiful flower and preserve it there until he finds the time to sketch it in the notebook he carries around everywhere.
          Once you get Charlie talking, though, all quiet disappears. He's passionate about what he does and completely lights up when he can share those passions with someone else. The only thing you have to be careful about, though, is talking back to him. You see, Charlie is a bit of a know-it-all, and his youth has left him uninhibited (or, rude, as upperclass people would say). He's a potty mouth and a wisecrack, and though he tries to hide it by shutting up, once you get him talking, it's near impossible to make him stop.

          I N T E L L I G E N T      B U T      I M P U L S I V E
    People back in Baldur's Gate never realised (neither did his parents, for that matter), but Charlie has always been an intelligent kid on any front. He's quick-witted and cunning, academically adept and people-smart. It just hadn't always had the opportunity to come out when he was younger. Even today, his impulsiveness (and, ironically, laziness) impede his competencies when he lets them. He'd like to believe his impulsiveness is just another form of quick thinking, but Charlie is never that lucky. He knows by now that thoughtless decisions could mean his downfall, and that it's far more important to think before he acts. In his job and studies, it could mean the difference between life and death of a patient. In life, it could mean the difference between forever being alone and joining people who could mean something more to him.



    It was a powerful instinct.

          L O V I N G      B U T      U N L O V E D
    It could seem surprising, for someone who's gone through such tragedy as Charlie, to still be so loving in nature. Most of his life, the cards Charlie has been dealt have been nothing but downright hateful. His parents didn't want him, he's never had many friends, and the woman who took him in basically just took him in as a second choice to her own dead son. Still, Charlie is inherently protective of life itself - and he will do anything he can in order to sustain it. His methods in doing so might not always seem like the most caring, but they always serve a bigger purpose - a kind of love Charlie himself is desperate for, and keeps hoping will be returned to him if he just keeps trying hard enough.

    Even at twenty-three, people keep assuming Charlie is a teenager, if not a child. Patients are surprised when it turns out that, yes, he's the physician that will be seeing them, and he actually does know what he's doing. Barkeeps raise their brows when Charlie asks them for alcohol. Though his general appearance is youthful, with his blond shabby hair and his thin frame, Charlie's eyes are filled with an almost ancient kind of wisdom and pain. He tries to, but he can't seem to hide it very well. Luckily for him, most people are too dense to really pick up on it.
          Charlie doesn't tend to take up a lot of space (literally and figuratively speaking) - really, the opposite, he often has the tendency to sink into the background. It's where he feels most comfortable; in the shadows, observing from afar. Startling people when he suddenly shows up out of nowhere. It's not exactly what people would expect of a thriving student at the Academy, but the streetrat still lives on within Charlie, and he is bad at hiding it. His dress style reflects this; his clothes always a little scruffy, always looking a little like he's slept in them for three days straight.
          Overall, Charlie is good at looking like he's insignificant. The only things about his appearance that really stand out, are his resting bitch-face and his missing pinky, though the latter is often overlooked.

    A rat is a rat,
    even on a throne,
    even dressed in silk.


    On a warm spring evening, Lenna Miaorlriain and Liriel Elensar, citizens of Baldur's Gate, welcome their third child into their family. Except the kid proves to not be Liriel's. His skin is too pale, his ears not pointy enough, his body too frail. Liriel sees no use for the child and orders Lenna to get rid of it. She doesn't want to but because she fears Liriel will do somethig awful to him, she leaves little Ciaran at the doorstep of an orphanage in the lower city. Far enough away not to send Liriel in a frenzy and close enough to maybe, hopefully, one day meet him again.
          The orphanage doesn't want him either. They have enough unwanted and unloved kids to take care of - but when the caretakers show up on Lenna's doorstep the next day (because the bitch was stupid enough to leave her surname) with little baby Charlie crying in the little basket Lenna left him behind in, she makes it very clear that either the orphanage takes Charlie, or he gets thrown in the sewers somewhere, and dies. Yeah, she cries about it a lot and obviously feels very guilty, but that is not what a mom should do. Luckily, one of the orphanage's caretakers does seem to have a heart, and though Charlie remains unwanted and unloved, the orphanage sucks and the other kids suck, he at least has a place to live.
          He runs away when he's six years old, fed up with having to always sit on the bench in the kitchen with half an asscheek because there's too many kids there. He's scrawny, underfed, illiterate and litterally has nowhere to go - but the streets beat the orphanage, and he soon finds out he's not alone. The other streetkids are mean, so Charlie vows to be meaner. They are smart, so Charlie vows to be smarter. They are fast little rats, so Charlie vows to be faster and rattier. He becomes a ghost on the streets, lives his life by pickpocketing strangers and causing mayhem wherever he goes. The lower city knows of a little demon haunting their streets, but they never find out his name, and they never see his face.
          Age ten, Charlie robs the wrong person - Lady Flux, an important member of the most prolific criminal organisation in all of Baldur's Gate. Charlie has heard of the Guild before, but he's never really had a run in with them until now, never really paid them much mind until now. Lady Flux is so impressed with the fact he almost got away with stealing from her that she drags him right down to the Guildhall.
          When Charlie faces the Guildmaster, Astele 'Nine-Fingers' Keene, for the first time, he's sure that this is it. His life is over. She's going to kill him for trying to rob one of her best members because no one ever even thinks of stealing from the Guild. He's never amounted to anything in life and he never will. Nobody has ever loved him and nobody ever will.
          Except, Charlie gets offered a plate of food and a nice comfy chair beneath his butt. Seeing his potential, his talented quick-fingers and knack for memorising anything he's seen only once, Nine-Fingers offers him a job. She offers him a home. Charlie is weary, but he accepts her offer, and finds that living in the Guildhall doesn't turn out to be so bad.
          It doesn't take very long for him to fuck up, though. When he's eleven and stealing a ton of gold from the Church of Lathander, somebody doublecrosses him - a Zhentarim spy, he later finds out - and sends him to jail. Charlie is once again alone, though he is far from hopeless. Living with the Guild has given him purpose. It has given him something to live for, people to love. And if he's good at anything, it's wriggling out of tiny spaces.
          He does not get the heroic welcome he expects when he returns home. Nine-Fingers is furious and disappointed, and a shouting match ensues. Charlie, insulting the Guildmaster and undermining her position as a leader by standing up to her, only realises he's made a mistake when he's restrained and pushed down onto Nine-Fingers desk, his arm pulled from under him, his fingers splayed on the harsh wood. It takes him a second before he realises what's going on, but then the pain is already there. Nine-Fingers tells him he should feel lucky, that he wouldn't have gotten off with losing just one finger if he'd stayed in jail longer. The fact that he gets to keep his hand is a testament of her mercy.
          Any pride Charlie has built until that point is completely shattered. He becomes desolate, and angry, and vows to himself that he'll prove that Nine-Fingers was wrong to punish him. Fate has something different in mind, however. Somehow, and Charlie is still not sure how exactly, the whole ordeal brings him and Astele closer to each other. She confides in him and so does he in her, and slowly but surely, Astele becomes somewhat of a mother figure to him. His loyalty is unwavering, and the rest of the Guild notices it too, jokingly referring to him as 'Keene Junior' or 'Nine-Fingers the Second'. Though not everyone is happy about Astele and Charlie's evolved familial relationship, the idea that one day Charlie will take over as Guildmaster is something that almost everyone starts taking for granted.
          It's not meant to last, though.

    When Charlie is fourteen, the Guild is attacked from within. Though Nine-Fingers did her best to purge any traitors from their ranks, one person who was very close to her betrays her. Lady Flux. She's in with the Zhentarim, and they will do anything to take over the crime empire the Guild has spent so long building underneath Baldur's Gate.
          The coup happens so unexpectedly that there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. Guildmembers are forced to pick a side, jailed and tortured until they choose the 'right' one. Astele only just has enough time to hide Charlie from the Zhentarim but Charlie doesn't want to leave her behind, doesn't want to abandon his home. He doesn't get a choice, though. Astele locks him in her office, telling him to forge his own path, and Charlie's only chance at survival, at making his adoptive mother proud, is sneaking out through the barely-visible trapdoor behind the bookshelf, into the sewers.
          Back out on the streets, Charlie is at an all-time low. He doesn't know where to go, doesn't know what to do. He wants vengeance, but there's no way he can overthrow the Zhentarim by himself. He's not sure Astele would even want him to, but he makes it his life goal to ruin all of theirs.
          It's not easy on his own, though, and the Zhentarim quickly catch up to him. When he's fifteen, Charlie gets cornered by one of them, a man who's been on his tail ever since Astele helped him escape, set on ending her legacy. It ends in a scuffle. Charlie manages to stab the man, but he's never taken a life. He's a thief - not a murderer - and he makes the mistake of trying to save the Zhentarim man. It's too late to run away when the City Watch catches him crouched next to the body, the knife next to him, covered in blood. He gets sent to jail again, and this time he knows it's truly over.
          A day before Charlie's execution, an old lady shows up, pays the City Watch some gold, and takes him away. To this day, Charlie has no idea why she picked him. Lao Dei always told him it was because she was looking for quick-fingered kids, because their small hands proved perfect for suturing wounds in small bodily crevices. Charlie still thinks that explanation is bullshit, but he doesn't really have a better one. Years later, when she tells him about her passed away son, he figures her saving him could possibly have something more to do with that than with his lithe, quick fingers.
          In any case, it's a total turnaround for Charlie. Lao Dei makes him swear off crime and takes him in in the little house behind her little apothecary at the edge of the lower city, which she runs with her younger sister. She teaches him about plants and medicine, and he helps both of them out when a desolate, sick or wounded people show up to their doorstep because they can't afford to be treated at the hospital in the upper city. She teaches him to read and write, and Charlie slowly discovers his affinity and talent for poetry and art.
          Age eighteen, Charlie grudgingly joins Lao Dei when she decides to leave Baldur's Gate and return to her home in the woods. City life doesn't suit her that well, and she wants to show Charlie a different way of living. She learns him things he could've never dreamed of, but slowly, Charlie realises he misses city life. The days they go back to Lao's sister to bring her herbs and other medicine, are the days he enjoys most, and slowly but surely, he realises that maybe his calling was never being Guildmaster. Maybe it was becoming a doctor. He never really voices that wish to Lao Dei, believing he could never be good enough to actually make it. He knows Lao studied at the Academy outside of Baldur's Gate, but he's still slow at writing and reading, believes he mostly knows basics when it comes to medicine. He buries the wish and focuses on the life Lao Dei has given him. A simple life that keeps him on his feet.
          The longing doesn't fade, though, and when Charlie finds a lonely, sea-skinned Forestling passed out in the woods and saves his life, the longing becomes a wild spark that has no intention of leaving him. He realises that, yeah, he wants to become a doctor. He's actually pretty damn good at what he does. When Zarxes moves in with them and Lao Dei seems to take to the Forestling more than she does to Charlie, all the while refusing to let him go back to Baldur's Gate, Charlie grows impatient.
          When he is twenty years old, Charlie abandons the woman who saved him, as well as the brother he never really got close to. He doesn't feel like he belongs in the woods, despite his love for nature. He feels like he's not allowed to choose his own path - and feels like he's disappointing Astele by not rebelling against that.
          So, that's exactly what he does. The only thing he takes from Lao's little cabin in the woods, is his sketchbook. He doesn't even leave a note.
          Becoming a surgeon in Lower Baldur's Gate gives Charlie a sense of accomplishment. The work is hard and bloody, though. Though he gets a place to stay, he doesn't really earn enough to truly make a living for himself. But he's saving lives and learning new things, something he's always loved doing. The other, elitist and educated doctors look down on him, but Charlie can't bring himself to care. He's the one saving the most lives; he's the one slowly making a name for himself. When someone important recognises Charlie's talent and writes him a recommendation letter for the Academy, Charlie is hesitant to go. He's unsure if he'll fit in, doesn't know if he'll keep up with everyone else. He remembers Astele's words though, and takes a leap of faith.

    A big part of me
    is who I am not.







    In his lifetime, Charlie has prayed to pretty much every single god known to Faerunkind. None of them ever answered, and though, somewhere, he knows that the gods are real and have real effects on the world he lives in, he doesn't really believe in them. He doesn't believe in their greatness, or in the idea of worship. The only deity he's somewhat come to respect, is the Wildmother Melora, since that is who Lao Dei taught him to respect. To Charlie and to Lao Dei, Melora is not a goddess to worship. She is Mother Nature, and has a certain level of control over all living things. Charlie knows very well that she is not to be trifled with, and that her wrath can be severe if you go out of your way to insult her, or undermine the things she stands for. This, as well as the acknowledgment of the beauty of the natural world around him, is what made Charlie respect Melora. He doesn't worship her, necessarily, but she's always in his mind somewhere, her very being the ruleset he lives by.

    I am someone who did not die
    𝖜𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝕴 𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖉 𝖍𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖉𝖎𝖊𝖉.


    - Reading & writing poetry
    - Music; he picked up the lute a couple of years ago when a patient he grew friends with introduced him to it, but doesn't really have the time to keep up with it
    - Dendrology & horticulture; ever since he was a kid, Charlie has had a strange obsession with plants. He keeps a journal where he catalogues every plant he ever comes across, drawing them out in detail. He has a small orangery back at the hospital he works at during school holidays in Baldur's Gate.
    - Art; though herbs and plants make up the biggest part of what he draws, Charlie likes sketching out sceneries that stick with him so he can conserve those memories. Which isn't that hard for him, since he basically remembers every single detail of everything he ever sees.
    - Martial arts; though Charlie's life has mostly existed out of dodging fights and getting out as quickly as possibly, he's quite adept with a set of daggers and a sword. It's something he enjoys practising from time to time.


    - Intellectual prowess, mainly in biology and human anatomy, but also arts and music. He has a photographic memory.
    - Sleight of hand and street smarts; Charlie doesn't really like to think of his past out on the streets, but he's an excellent pickpocket and knows his way around rougher neighbourhoods.
    - Surgery
    - Magic; Charlie knows how to perform basic healing spells and is fairly adept at druidic rituals, since Lao Dei taught him. Besides that, he's also a great illusionist because of his quick fingers.


    - Charlie owns a rat called Mrs. Pippin. She always eats all of his food. Charlie also has an dwarf owl called Mr. Pippin who always tries to eat Mrs. Pippin when Charlie isn't nearby. He usually fails though, as Mrs. Pippin has sharp claws.
    - Charlie is ambidextrous
    - Relationships
    - Moodboard

    [ bericht aangepast op 31 juli 2024 - 15:03 ]


    Yaaay, een tweede kans om mijn rol wat leven in te blazen *O*

    Even the smallest can change the course of the future


    Hazlan Callyx



    Hazlan Callyx


    Half - Elf




    Hazlan is indeed named after the domain of Dread. Not something he particularly enjoys, though it could have been worse if you ask him, especially compared to his siblings. The cult fanatics intrigued scholars he knows as his parents, were too inspired by the words found in ancient tomes to think of the implications they would have naming their children after such places or people.

    Maxence Danet Fauvel

    Hazlan's half-elf heritage is evident in his angular features and pointed ears, though the exact mix of his lineage is less clear. His light, slightly grey skin, brown hair, and light blue eyes create a striking appearance. Those eyes hold a keen intelligence and cunning, often complemented by the playful smile on his lips. Depending on his mood, he accentuates either his human or elven traits, showing little preference for one over the other. Despite his scholarly background, Hazlan maintains a lean, wiry build, hinting at his agility and the stealthy escapades of his youth. He favors practical yet stylish attire over traditional robes, often wearing a fitted tunic and trousers, tailored for ease of movement and adorned with silver embroidery or simple jewelry. A dark leather vest and sturdy boots complete his ensemble, striking a balance between functionality and understated elegance.


    Hazlan exudes a confident, almost smug demeanor, stemming from his charismatic and intellectual nature. His cunning and sneaky tendencies were developed through years of secretive exploration in Candlekeep and Hazlan is note afraid to use his charisma to achieve his goals by charming those around him. His sharp wit and perceptive mind make him a formidable opponent and a valuable ally, though his more shifty nature can make it difficult to know if he is really true to his word when he calles you his ally. Hazlan enjoys navigating shadowy corridors of power both real ones to get places he should not and those of knowledge, seeking to uncover deep secrets in the meantime. Hazlan is not afraid to bend the truth or disregard the rules if that helps him achief his goal. He carries himself with an air of superiority, confident in his abilities and unafraid to challenge the status quo in his pursuit of power and understanding.












    His life began amidst the towering spires and labyrinthine corridors of Candlekeep, the legendary fortress-library perched on the cliffs overlooking the Sea of Swords. Born to a pair of fervent scholars, Hazlan's upbringing was anything but ordinary. As the youngest of five boys, he often found himself overshadowed by his older siblings, all of whom were expected to follow in the scholarly footsteps of their parents as their idea of children was one of creating a legacy to pass down their research. This, combined with their utter devotion to knowledge, made Hazlan regard them more like cult fanatics than parents or even scholars.

    From an early age, Hazlan showed an insatiable curiosity and a sharp intellect. His days were spent buried in ancient tomes and scrolls, exploring the vast collection of knowledge that Candlekeep had to offer as there was little else to do in the library-fortress. Alongside his older brother Hazlik, Hazlan would sneak through the shadowy halls of Candlekeep, their shared sense of adventure leading them to uncover hidden alcoves and forgotten chambers filled with arcane secrets. Their trips together eventually stopped when Hazlik was sent away to study, leaving Hazlan alone with his mind. Here Hazlan's interest in necromancy and illusions began to take root. While Hazlik's moral compass had always steered them into a proper direction for their research, left alone Hazlan finally had time to give into his own desires. He would pore over forbidden texts and experiment with the spells they found within. He was particularly drawn to the manipulation of life and death, conducting experiments on small animals he caught in the dark halls to test his budding necromantic abilities. He revelled in the thrill of discovery and the power that these dark arts promised.

    Eventually he had to succumb to a well-known faith as his parents were determined to mould Hazlan into a proper scholar. Like his brothers before him, Hazlan was sent to the Cloakwood Academy. Though, while his parents hoped he would do as they told and actually study to become a scholar Hazlan had other plans. He delved deeper into the studies he had started in secret and became a mage instead. His main focus swayed to illusion magic whilst dabbling in necromancy in his free time. The academy's vast library and arcane laboratories became his playground, where he continued his experiments, now with more resources at his disposal. Hazlan's disregard for legal and ethical boundaries often put him at odds with the academy's more conservative faculty. He was known for pushing the limits of acceptable research. Yet, his undeniable talent and charisma earned him a grudging respect among his peers and some of the more open-minded professors.

    Currently he is on the cusp of completing his studies, but his hunger for knowledge hasn't lessend. Whispers of secret societies, hidden agendas, and forbidden knowledge are drawing his attention and Hazlan is determined to uncover the truth. He is not afraid of aligning himself with some questionable allies or engaging in further illicit activities if that means figuring out the secrets.










    Hazlan, like many mages, has multiple animals, though they are not familars in the traditional sense of the word. True to his fondness of the art of necromancy, he has animated quite a few death animals over the years. Whilst he has replaced many since he started animating them, he still has the first animal he ever properly animated which is a skeleton snake. Besides this snake, he currently only has a crow to use for delivering notes which still has its feathers. Hazlan does not name them, reasoning that they don't hear anyways.

    Whilst not a devout follower, Hazlan is intrigued by the teachings of Cyric, the god of lies and intrigue, and keeps them in mind when going about his day. But since he knows this is forbidden, he upholds the lie that he follows Mystra, the goddess of magic. He feels that this is fitting for someone who looks to Cyric.

    Outwardly, Hazlan flirts with anyone if he thinks it would be beneficial for himself, though it is not a tactic he uses often. He is not picky about gender or race when pursuing a relationship. Hazlan is also not afraid to drop someone when they are not useful anymore.

    Besides his magic abilities, Hazlan is proficient with some light weapons that rely on finesse rather than strength and knows enough to be able to defend himself and strike his foe when an opportunity arises. He prefers shortswords or daggers if he has the choice.
    His years sneaking around Candlekeep looking for forbidden places have learned him to walk quietly around urban environments which have now become a habit and he has to purposely walk loudly when he wants someone to notice him. In these years he has also learned how to pick locks and how to persuade people to let you go somewhere.

    In the bit of free time he has, Hazlan likes to keep fit by practicing basic weapon drills, running or working on his flexibility and acrobatics.

    [ bericht aangepast op 11 aug 2024 - 16:05 ]

    Do it scared, but do it anyway.

    Fuck er is wat voor fighters. *sits down and thinks about it*

    O mia lost elan. Tu isag elythe.

    Shambles schreef:
    Fuck er is wat voor fighters. *sits down and thinks about it*


    Ik zou graag mijn druid woodelf en drow warlock weer schrijven 🤩

    sometimes, the scary thing turns out to be the most wonderful thing of all

    Mag ik een female ? Ik weet nog niet wat maar ja

    Must be emasculating to be replaced by a teenage girl - Beatrix

    I want my Ianthe and Aoth babies back pls ❤️

    kindness is never a burden.

    De beginpost is aangepast! Yell if I forgot anything (H)


    RSK schreef:
    De beginpost is aangepast! Yell if I forgot anything (H)

    i take offence to lil bitchboi

    kindness is never a burden.


    – NAME
    Aoth Dongyue Xiao. His nickname is Ao, which happens to be the Lord Overgod of the Realms.

          Aoth | EY-ah-th
          Dongyue | Donhj-UW-AY
          Xiao | SHYOW

    – RACE
    Bhaalspawn, but he looks Human.

    – AGE

    Mage with a specialization in Necromancy and Transmutation, Year 3.

    not a god's chosen.
    but a god's cursed.

    – INNER
    Violent, cruel, rampage-man, prankster, emotionally all over the place but seems calm at all times, likes to dissect dead animals, sadistic, unpredictable, insane, compulsive and great liar, narcissistic, paranoid, antisocial, jealous and possessive, mysterious, secretive, obsessively religious.

    Aoth is truly a sociopath. He has no care about social norms – including gender roles, literal laws, who owns what ... – and ignores them on a daily basis. This results in stealing from his fellow students and destroying school property. It also results in a lack of respect for his fellow students.
          He's manipulative and a pathological liar, meaning he doesn't even realize he's lying because he just takes whatever he fantasizes as fact. You can't trust anything that comes from his mouth, eventhough he makes himself very believable.
          You see, Aoth looks very calm and collected. He's mysterious and secretive and he likes to give off that air too. He barely has a care in the world and acts that way too.
          Pranking is one of Aoths joys at school. They're mostly very impulsive and not at all thought out, but those are the best pranks in his opinion. He doesn't really understand social cues of what's an acceptable prank and what isn't, so he can go overboard with them and end up destroying something or hurting someone. But he doesn't mind making those sacrifices for a good time.
          Aoth doesn't like being contradicted, but he loves getting on others' nerves. He can turn violent really quickly due to mood swings – caused by substance abuses – and often gets into fight or physical conflicts with others. Whenever these conflicts occur, Ao will never apologize even when someone gets hurt because they should've been stronger. In his mind, everyone is inferior to him. He'll always justify his actions, no matter how horrible they are.
          This also means he's a danger to himself, and not only others. His impulsive behavior has often nearly cost him his own life, but that's not a good enough reason to quit whatever he's doing.
          Eventhough Aoth lacks respect for other peoples belongings, his possessions are his. He doesn't fuck around with that and he'll get very very defensive and offensive whenever people touch things that don't belong to them. This includes not only things but also people. Aoth isn't a romantic type, he's possessive and jealous but that's love to him. That's the only source of love he's ever known.
          To Aoth, religion is everything. There would not be a world without Gods, there would not be creatures without Gods and without creatures that worship, there would no longer be Gods. Its a vicious circle. Everything he does is for religion and he believes that all his actions are also fated by religion.
          However, there is still some humanity left in Aoth. Nobody is just born evil, not even a Bhaalspawn. The loneliness of his youth, the nature of his creation, the choices he had to make for survival, are all contributing factors to his grand demise. But perhaps not all is lost yet, perhaps the right person, goal, group of friends or common enemy is what's going to drive Aoth back to the good side.

    i am not a creature that was born.
    i am a fire that was set.

    – OUTER
    FC: Jae Hyung An

          Ao has short an black hair. It's cut in an effortlessly disheveled style, but he spends at least half an hour on it every morning.
          His eyes are pure black, the pupil barely discernible from the irises. Staring into them is like staring in an abyss and he's been told before that his habit of uninterrupted eye-contact makes people uncomfortable.
          Aoth has flawless pale skin, so pale it's nearly see-through.
          He's quite tall, measuring above 1m90. His frame is skinny and lanky. Aoth would never win in hand-to-hand fight, he has almost no muscle buildup. He prefers fighting with spells and words over physical combat.
          His clothing style is sober and minimal. He always wears all-black perfectly fitting slacks and dress-shirts. Always the same ones. Sometimes he accessorizes with a minimal chain necklace or snake-skin boots, but standing out has never been a priority of the man.

    i am the knife which will slaughter heaven.
    heaven is full of blood.
    soon it will snow.

    Family: dead.

    Aoth wasn't created by Bhaal directly, but rather he was born from a first generation Bhaalspawn and a human. He remembers nothing else from his youth, or at least, he claims he doesn't. Whenever he talks about his family, it's never the same story twice. He's told people his family drowned during a shipwreck and he was the lone survivor. In another story, he murdered them all because they were poor and couldn't offer him much. And in yet another, they're still alive and they just abandoned him. Or maybe he abandoned them?
          What is clear is that his childhood left a mark on the boy. Because that's what he still is, despite it all. His moodswings, his temper, his cruelty. How much of it is Bhaals blame?

    Unknown to most, Aoth was part of the Zhentarim, also known as the Black Network. He fell in with them as a young child and stayed under their protection until he left for the Academy.
          They're were mainly based in Baldur's Gate but traveled back and forth between the big city and Darkhold Vale, though as a child, Ao stayed mostly in Baldur's Gate. He was trained there in the mage ways, but also in thievery and espionage.

    a god must feed.
    a god must be fed.

          Charlie | They're in love <3 Aoth betrayed him in their youth and they haven't seen eachother in years.

          Áine |Ao and Ai's relationship is undefinable - to even call it a relationship is a bit of a stretch. They met during the summer in Baldur's Gate when Aoth overheard her talking about the Academy. He immediately knew he needed her on his side when he started the Academy in September, and thus their little summer romance began.
          They bring out the absolute worst in each other, but that's exactly what makes it addictive. He's constantly cheating, but whenever she does, he throws a fit. He's disrespectful, but if she dares disrespect him, he threatens to kill her animals.
          Even though Ao approached her because he wanted her for his image, and for her knowledge of the school, somewhere recently it turned into something he himself can't quite understand yet.
          He's crazy jealous of anyone near her, especially men, and although he says he doesn't really care for her that much, he can also be caught doing weirdly romantic shit, like giving her human hearts and poisonous flowers.

          Izumi | Aoth first met Izumi at the Undercellar and he was immediately intrigued by and attracted to her. Shortly after this, they started lowkey dating, but Aoth didn't enjoy sharing Izumi with her customers anymore. He got possessive and aggressive, and she, of course, wasn't having any of it. After they broke up, he didn't want to let go of her: stalking her after her shifts and fighting every guy who talks to her at the bar. During this time, he also found out her family situation and that made him even more resilient to try to 'save' her by coming with him.
          Eventually, Aoth is forced to leave her alone when he's relocated by the Zentarim away from Baldur's Gate, so he doesn't see her for a while, until the Academy. Seeing her there annoys him a lot, but seeing her flirting with others somehow still bothers him more.

          Vesper| Aoth and Vesper is a strange combination. They've slept together once, which was fine for Aoth, but less so for Vesper, he assumes. After that encounter, there remained a weird type of friendship between them: one where they fuel each other's worst traits, clash often, and occasionally betray one another - yet still flock to each other.
          He also tries to pull her towards the dark side, to try and recruit her to join the Zentarim, though he's very sneaky about that.

          Hazlan | Aoth feels very passively negative about the other man.

          Jun| To be discussed.
          Jahl | To be discussed.

    – EXTRA
          Religion: Church of Bhaal.
          Opinion: Supportive of the wild magic. Aoth enjoys a little chaos and the fact it divides the school into different factions.
          Dislikes: extreme sunshine, being either too hot or too cold, religion, public display of affection.
          Likes: dissecting things, setting fire to stuff, stealing, pranking, religion, sex, bdsm, smoking cloakleaf.
          Lifegoal: to become a God.
          Sexuality: Does not care about things like gender, sexuality or monogamy.

    [ bericht aangepast op 31 aug 2024 - 12:09 ]

    kindness is never a burden.

    Greenfeld schreef:

    i take offence to lil bitchboi

    sorry charlie wrote that

    i also forgot he was a tiefling


    I N      A L L      C H A O S      T H E R E      I S
    C A L C U L A T I O N.

    – NAAM
    Ianthe Harrowhark.

          Ianthe | ''violet'' or ''flower'
          Harrowhark | harrow means ''to break up the earth to sow'' and hark means ''to listen and pay close attention''

    – RAS


    Onderzoeker met een specialisatie als Historicus – en dan voornamelijk Politieke Geschiedenis. Ze zit in haar vierde jaar.

    exitus acta probat
    the outcome justifies the deed.

    Sceptisch, rationeel behalve in matters of the heart, eigenwijs, intelligent, geleerd, afwezig, warm, slechte leugenaar, moeite met zich aan te passen in nieuwe omgevingen en situaties, ambitieus, eloquent, attent en goedgemanierd, besluiteloos, probeert efficiënt te zijn maar faalt keihard, slechte mensenkennis, berekend, goede eigenkennis, hopeloze romanticus op haar eigen manier, eerder ongeduldig, principieel, antisociaal of introvert, argumentatief, gewenste resultaten > moreel aanvaarde keuzes.

    Op het eerste gezicht lijkt Ianthe een koude, onverschillige snob. Ze is vaak te vinden in een eenzaam hoekje van de bibliotheek, met haar neus tussen de scrollen alsof de rest van de wereld haar gestolen kan worden. Mocht je haar iets vragen, zou ze door je heen staren zonder antwoord of zou ze je beleefd meedelen dat je haar leessessie onderbreekt en een ander moment kan terugkomen.
          Haar monotone manier van babbelen, draagt ook aan deze negatieve eerste impressie mee. Ianthe kan het meest interessante verhaal van de dag horen en je zou het nooit merken. Er wordt gezegd dat Ianthe een vreselijk gevoel voor humor heeft – echter gaan veel moppen over haar hoofd heen omdat ze deze tracht te rationaliseren en te laat ondervindt dat het om humor gaat.

    Ondanks haar afstandelijke houding, is Ianthe een inherent warm persoon. Ze houdt van mensen graag zien, lacht graag en praat vooral graag met anderen. Door haar geleerdheid draaien deze gesprekken vaak uit tot discussies, maar dit vindt Ianthe niet erg. Ze houdt van meningen uitwisselen en hevige argumenten voeren – hoewel Ianthe zeer weinig haar eigen standpunt zal aanpassen. Ze mag dan sceptisch zijn, maar ze heeft over álles een mening en deze is ook altijd volledig onderbouwt. Hierdoor is ze eerder eigenwijs en dogmatisch en dit kan vervelend zijn voor anderen, maar daar tracht Ianthe zich weinig van aan te trekken.
          Op vlak van moralen, is Ianthe moeilijk te vatten. ''Ze heeft geen,'' zou je kunnen zeggen. Maar ook dit is niet waar. Haar moralen zijn anders dan haar meningen. Die kunnen keren met de wind en zullen vaker dan niet in haar eigen voordeel zijn. The end justifies the means is hier een voorbeeld van. Ianthe is ook, zoals haar meningen, all or nothing en nogal zwart wit.
          Doch, zoals eerder gezegd is Ianthe een warm persoon. Als ze je mag en ze is niet druk bezig met bijvoorbeeld de nieuwe wetgeving van een stad in een ander continent te lezen, is ze één van de beste vrienden die je ooit kan hebben. Ze is attent en behulpzaam – hoewel je haar geduld niet te veel op de proef mag zetten. Ze heeft weinig mensenkennis en faalt vaak bij het inschatten van anderen, dus leunt ze hevig op vooroordelen en roddels.

    Ambitie is ook iets wat Ianthe Ianthe maakt. Ze wil iets betekenen in de wereld. De angst om een nutteloos en nietig leven te leiden, is soms overheersend. Ianthe kan last hebben van paniekaanvallen en onnodige stress wat lijkt als de meest banale situaties, maar dit is iets waar ze geen controle over heeft.
          Dit gebrek aan controle, stuurt Ianthe de richting van religie uit maar ook de zoektocht naar macht. Politieke macht? Intellectuele macht? Dat zoekt ze nog uit, maar het voelt als een klein brandend takje dat klaar is om een bosbrand te veroorzaken.

    Ten slotte is Ianthe een hopeloze romanticus. Ze gelooft in liefde, in eerste liefdes, in liefde op het eerste gezicht, in enemies to lovers, tegenpolen trekken elkaar aan, noem maar op.
          Ze ziet liefde in alles en kan hierin ook snel verzuimen. Hartzeer is haar niet onbekend, maar dit weerhoudt haar ook niet om telkens weer keihard te vallen.

    FC: Alice Pagani

    Met haar donkere haren en lichtgrijze huidtint, heeft Ianthe bijna meer weg van een Drow dan een Tiefling. Gelukkig maken de grote gitzwarte hoorns die rond haar hoofd krullen en de lange reptielachtige staart dit dan weer goed.
          Haar blauwzwarte krullen vallen in gedefinieerde spiralen tot halverwege haar hals. Ze draagt goed zorg voor haar haren, waardoor deze altijd een glimmende schijn dragen en de krullen expressief kunnen stuiteren.
          Ianthes oren zijn iets langer en horizontaler dan Drows en Elfen. Ze gebruikt deze extra oorschelpruimte graag als excuus om meer juwelen en decoratieve elementen te dragen.
          Ianthes goudkleurige ogen steken af tegen haar lichtgrijze huid, evenals de sproeten die in de zomer op haar wangen en neus verschijnen. Doorheen de weekdagen draagt ze altijd lichte make-up en zal zonder nooit de Dormitory verlaten. 's Weekends kan je haar soms zonder zien, of omgekeerd, met nog donkerdere make-up. Hier experimenteert ze graag mee. Ianthe is niet oppervlakkig, maar heeft van jongs af aangeleerd dat je voorkomen – en dan eerder hygiëne, verzorgdheid en opmaak, dan aangeboren schoonheid – heel belangrijk is.
          Qua kledingstijl is Ianthe was soberder. Omdat ze graag all out gaat met juwelen, prefereert ze simpele tunieken en jurken op de Academie. Deze zijn gemaakt van luxueuze, natuurlijke stoffen – licht en soepel, alsof je niks aanhebt – een trademark van Ianthes moeder.
          Ianthes belang voor opmaak loopt verder door over haar lichaam, die bezet is met tientallen tatoeages. Dit zijn voornamelijk transcripten van haar favoriete teksten en boeken, die ze het liefst zo dicht mogelijk bewaart.

    power belongs to those who take it.

          Moeder: Eos Vilsetun – een bekende modeontwerper.
          Vader: Cressel Harrowhark – een handelaar.
          Broertje: Grigori Harrowhark – een veertienjarige rebel.

    Ianthes familie komt oorspronkelijk uit de High Forest-bossen, maar haar ambitieuze ouders trokken kort na hun huwelijk naar Waterdeep om daar een nieuw leven te beginnen. Haar moeder, een inmiddels wereldbekende modeontwerper, wist zichzelf sluw ophoog te trekken op de ruggen van minderbedeelden. Eos is hier niet spraakzaam over, maar Ianthe weet er het fijne wel van. Ze is trots op haar moeder – the end justifies the means – maar pakt zichzelf erop dat ze soms haar moeder er ook voor veroordeeld.
          Ianthes vader, Cressel Harrowhark, heeft met het geld van zijn vrouw een handelsimperium kunnen oprichten. Als je hem vraagt wat hij verkoopt, dan is zijn antwoord ''een beetje van alles''. Dit is geen leugen, maar volledig legaal zijn al zijn zaakjes ook niet. De Harrowharks zijn nog nooit door de mand gevallen, maar Ianthe weet dat het maar een kwestie van tijd is en hoopt zich tot die tijd wat van haar familie te kunnen distantiëren. Ze hoopt zichzelf zo in te dekken wanneer de bom uiteindelijk ontploft.
          Ze groeide op als de oogappel van haar ouders. Leergierig, ambitieus, welbespraakt. Een nagenoeg perfect kind. Helaas – of gelukkig – voor Ianthe was Grigori nog perfecter. Hoewel Waterdeep een open visie heeft over genderrollen, weet Ianthe dat Grigori als mannelijke nakomeling wenselijker is. Dus deed ze als tiener al snel een stapje opzij voor haar jongere broer. Dit was niet per se nefast voor de relatie tussen broer en zus: Ianthe liet hem al de verantwoordelijkheid opnemen en wist zo te ontsnappen aan de druk van hun ouders. Grigori nam die druk graag over van zijn zus, gezien deze met macht en stijl kwam.
          Zo kon zestienjarige Ianthe gemakkelijk Waterdeep ontdekken op haar eentje. En ontdekken deed ze. Ze vond er geheime vennootschappen, nieuwe religies en sektes, diverse meningen en geschiedenissen... Het was geweldig. Ianthe ontdekte haar seksualiteit en de God Oghma. Ze verdronk bijna en ontwikkelde een angst voor water. Ze las teksten en stal scrollen. Ze zette tattoos en kocht juwelen, zo veel juwelen.
          En dan de Academie. De nieuwe omgeving was – en is nog steeds – een grote aanpassing voor Ianthe. Ze trok zich wat terug en houdt zich meer gedeisd dan in Waterdeep. Hoewel de recente strubbelingen op de Academie, hier mogelijks verandering in kunnen brengen...

    – why her?
    – why anyone else when she exists?

          Vesper | Vesper en Ian hadden al een jaar lang een flikkerlicht relatie, tot Vesper kort voor de zomervakantie besloot dat ze het officieel wilde maken. Ian, die halsoverkop verliefd was op de Drow, had hier natuurlijk geen bezwaar tegen, en stemde in op een bezoek aan Vesper's familie in de Underdark die zomer.
          Dit bezoek was hels voor Ian. De Drows behandelden Ianthe als vuil en Vesper zelf deed weinig om Ian's ervaring te verbeteren. Ianthe voelde zich heel alleen, de hele zomer lang en dit verbeterde niet meteen de eerste dag terug op de Academie. Voor Vesper, is Ianthe een trofee om mee rond te paraderen. Hoewel Vesper het dan wel serieus meent tussen hen, ervaart Ianthe dit helemaal anders. Wat het komende academiejaar brengt voor de twee, valt nog te zien...

          Izumi | Ianthe kan niet ontkennen dat ze een kleine crush heeft op de Balduriaanse tatoeëer. Buiten frequente tatoeëer-sessies weet Ianthe niet goed hoe ze zich moet gedragen rond de andere vrouw, en dit kan leiden tot best awkward situaties.

          Áine | Ianthe en Aine zijn childhood-friends. Aine's familie kwam jaarlijks op doordocht nabij Waterdeep en zo werden de twee vriendinnen. Het is enkel door deze jarenlange vriendschip dat Ian een tolerantie heeft opgebouwd voor Áine's stuk voor stuk vreselijke partners.

          Jahl | De twee komen vriendschappelijk overeen.

          Charlie | Ianthe keek als eerstejaars student enorm op naar de oudere man: hij had levenservaring en professionele ervaring, waar zij niet het gevoel had dat ze hetzelfde kon zeggen. Dit, in combinatie met een goeie hoeveelheid alcohol en horny-ness, was dan waarschijnlijk ook de aanleiding voor Ianthe om een seksuele ontmoeting te initiëren tussen hen twee. Dit bleek al snel een héél slecht idee, en sindsdien is het heel ongemakkelijk tussen hen. Ianthe weet maar niet te beslissen of ze hem nu super irritant vindt, of nog steeds een beetje opkijkt naar de man.

    – EXTRA
          Religie: Officieel de Church of Silvanus, de religie die ze van thuis uit met de paplepel binnenkreeg. Ze gaat echter niet akkoord met het wilde en onvoorspelbare karakter van hun God. Zijn beperkte kijk op de wilde natuur zonder bekommernis om balans en evenwicht, gaat volledig in strijd met Ianthes zoektocht naar orde.
          Door op te groeien in Waterdeep, raakte ze vertrouwd met de Church of Oghma, de God van uitvinding en kennis. Sinds haar tienerjaren aanbidt ze hem in het geheim, hoewel ze zich – nog geheimer – ook aangetrokken voelt tot de roeping van lawful evil Goden.
          Opinie: sceptisch. Ze vindt orde belangrijk is en men maar geschiedenis moet kijken om wijsheid te leren. Historisch gezien is er niks mis met de huidige tradities van de Academie dus ziet Ianthe niet waarom er veranderingen moeten komen.
          Fobieën: angst om aangeraakt te worden aan haar nek, angst voor water (ze kan niet zwemmen)
          Hobbies: lezen, discussies uitvoeren, make-up, schrijven, wandelen
          Seksualiteit: lesbian.
          Dieren: een kat genaamd Curna en een uil genaamd Melil.

    [ bericht aangepast op 31 aug 2024 - 12:10 ]

    kindness is never a burden.

    ik doe de nodige aanpassingen als ik teug ben van vacay (flower)

    kindness is never a burden.

    Hier wordt niet met dobbelstenen gegooid (tenzij je dat echt wil, ik hou je niet tegen).

    aoth trying to seduce charlie *rolls a nat 20 for persuasion*

    [ bericht aangepast op 31 juli 2024 - 18:26 ]

    kindness is never a burden.