𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕯𝖗𝖆𝖌𝖔𝖓

    praattopic • praattopic II • praattopic III
    Map of King's Landing


    King's Landing is sinds Aegon's Verovering het centrum van de macht in Westeros. De jonge Targaryen koning Aegon the Conqueror veroverde Westeros samen met zijn queen-sisters en hun draken. Nu heersen zij vanuit de hoofdstad over het continent. Aan het hof van de Targaryen's verblijven de machtigste adelijken van het land, samen met hun hofhouding.

    Nu, één jaar na de verovering van heel Westeros, is de grote zaal van de Red Keep rijk versierd met Targaryen-banners, drakenmotieven en weelderige bloemstukken. De zaal wordt gevuld met muziek terwijl adellijke families samenkomen om de eenwording van Westeros onder Targaryen-heerschappij te vieren. Ter ere van het éénjarig jubileum van Aegon's Verovering wordt een debutantenbal georganiseerd. Dit bal dient als een gelegenheid om huwbare edelen te presenteren voor potentiële huwelijken, waarmee allianties worden gesmeed en de stabiliteit van het nieuwe rijk wordt versterkt.

    Regels van het Hof

    Deze regels helpen om de orde, respect en veiligheid binnen het Targaryen hof te handhaven en zorgen ervoor dat het hofleven soepel en volgens protocol verloopt:

    • Eerbetoon aan de Koning en Koninginen: Alle aanwezigen moeten bij intrede en vertrek de koning en koningin groeten.
    Heren buigen, dames maken een diepe kniebuiging.
    • Respect voor Rang en Stand: Iedereen moet de rang en positie van anderen respecteren. Ongepaste familiariteit of beledigingen worden streng bestraft.
    • Kledingvoorschriften: Hooggeborenen dragen passende en luxe kleding, laaggeborenen nette en schone werkkleding. Laaggeborenen mogen geen adellijke kleding dragen.
    • Gescheiden Eetgelegenheden: Hooggeborenen dineren in de Grote Zaal, laaggeborenen in de bediendenkwartieren. Menging tijdens maaltijden is niet toegestaan.
    • Stilte en Orde: Tijdens audiënties moet iedereen stil zijn en de spreker het woord laten voeren. Verstoringen zijn verboden.
    • Beperkte Toegang tot Privévertrekken: Alleen met expliciete toestemming mag men de privévertrekken van de koninklijke familie betreden. Ongeautoriseerde toegang leidt tot zware straffen.
    • Onberispelijk Gedrag: Beleefd en hoffelijk gedrag is vereist. Roddelen, vechten of ongepaste gedragingen worden niet getolereerd.
    • Geen Wapens: Alleen de Kingsguard en aangewezen bewakers mogen wapens dragen in aanwezigheid van de koning en koningin.
    • Discretie: Wat binnen de muren van het hof wordt besproken, blijft daar. Verspreiding van hofzaken buiten de Red Keep is verboden.
    • Religieuze Praktijken: Respecteer religieuze ceremonies en tradities, geleid door de Hoge Septoon.
    • Verlof voor Huwelijken: Alle huwelijken moeten worden goedgekeurd door de koning of de Hand van de Koning. Huwelijken zonder toestemming zijn ongeldig.
    • Alcoholgebruik: Hooggeborenen mogen wijn en andere dranken nuttigen, maar dronkenschap is verboden. Laaggeborenen mogen alleen drinken tijdens aangewezen tijden in hun eigen kwartieren.
    • Decorum tijdens Feesten en Evenementen: Hooggeborenen moeten zich elegant en respectvol gedragen. Laaggeborenen zorgen voor een vlekkeloze uitvoering en blijven op de achtergrond.


    Deze RPG speelt zich af aan het hof in King's Landing, ongeveer 300 jaar voor de gebeurtenissen in "House of the Dragon".

    Situatie voor Aegon's Vervovering - De Zeven Regerende Families

    Vóór Aegon's Verovering (ook bekend als Aegon's Conquest) waren er verschillende grote huizen die over de Zeven Koninkrijken van Westeros heersten. Elke regio had zijn eigen heersende huis:

    • Kingdom of the North (Het Noorden) - Het Huis Stark regeerde als koningen van het Noorden vanuit Winterfell.
    • Kingdom of the Mountain and the Vale (De Vale) - Het Huis Arryn heerste over de Vale van Arryn.
    • Kingdom of the Isles and Rivers (De Rivierenlanden) - Het Huis Hoare (House Hoare) regeerde over de Rivierenlanden vanuit Harrenhal.
    • Kingdom of the Rock (De Westlanden) - Het Huis Lannister was het heersende huis in de Westlanden vanuit Casterly Rock.
    • Kingdom of the Stormlands (De Stormlanden) - Het Huis Durrandon regeerde over de Stormlanden vanuit Storm's End.
    • Kingdom of the Reach (Het Bereik) - Het Huis Gardener was de heersende dynastie in het Bereik vanuit Highgarden.
    • Princedom of Dorne (Dorne) - Dorne werd geregeerd door verschillende vorstenhuizen, zoals het Huis Martell vanuit Sunspear.

    Situatie na Aegon's Vervovering - Targaryen heerschappij

    Na Aegon's Conquest waren er geen onafhankelijke koningen meer in de Zeven Koninkrijken van Westeros. Na Aegon's Conquest werden alle eerdere koninkrijken verenigd onder de heerschappij van de Targaryens. De titels van koning werden afgeschaft voor alle regionale heersers behalve voor de koning op de IJzeren Troon, dat is Aegon momenteel. Hij heert samen met zijn twee sisterqueens Visenya and Rhaenys. Ja ze zijn siblings en met elkaar getrouwd. De oude regionale heersers dienden als leenmannen van de Targaryen-koningen. De belangrijkste leenmannen van Aegon de Veroveraar waren:

    • House Stark - Lords van Winterfell en het Noorden.
    • House Arryn - Lords van de Vale van Arryn.
    • House Lannister - Lords van Casterly Rock en de Westlanden.
    • House Baratheon - Lords van Storm's End en de Stormlanden.
    • House Gardener - Lords van Highgarden en het Bereik (voor hun ondergang in de Field of Fire).
    • House Martell - Lords van Sunspear en Dorne (na hun vredige overgave).

    Deze huizen, samen met andere regionale heersers, erkenden Aegon als hun koning nadat hij met zijn draken en legers Westeros had veroverd. Ze behielden een mate van autonomie in hun respectievelijke regio's, maar waren verplicht om Aegon te dienen en belastingen en troepen bij te dragen wanneer dat nodig was.


    Rollen kunnen een highborn of een lowborn inwoner van King's Landing zijn. Ze kunnen zowel uit Westeros als Essos afkomstig zijn, al zullen de meeste leden van het hof afkomstig zijn uit Westeros.

    High borns

    Als hooggeborene ben je een lid van de adel en speel je een belangrijke rol aan het hof. Je kan een lid zijn van de Targaryen familie of een van de andere adelijke families in Westeros. Je kunt, maar dat hoeft niet, een van de volgende posities bekleden:

    • Hand van de Koning - De belangrijkste adviseur en rechterhand van de koning, beheert de dagelijkse zaken van het koninkrijk.
    • Meester van de Wetten - Toezicht op de handhaving van wetten en het beheer van gerechtigheid.
    • Meester van de Munt - Beheert de financiën en schatkist van het koninkrijk, zorgt voor economische stabiliteit.
    • Meester van Schepen - Verantwoordelijk voor de koninklijke marine en de verdediging van de kustlijnen van het koninkrijk.
    • Meester van Whisperers - Verantwoordelijk voor inlichtingen en spionage, verzamelt informatie ter bescherming van het rijk.
    • Lord Commander van de Kingsguard - Leidt de elite Kingsguard, zorgt voor de veiligheid van de koninklijke familie.
    • Hoge Septoon - De hoogste religieuze figuur, biedt spirituele leiding en houdt toezicht op religieuze ceremonies.
    • Warden - Adellijke heren die verantwoordelijk zijn voor de veiligheid en het beheer van specifieke regio's (Noord, Oost, Zuid, West).
    • Hofdames - Adellijke vrouwen die de koningin en prinsessen dienen, hen assisteren met verschillende taken en gezelschap bieden.

    Invullijstje High borns

    Leeftijd 18 - 30
    Optioneel: bekleede functie

    Low borns

    De Low borns werken aan het hof. Zij zijn niet afkomstig uit een adellijke familie, maar kunnen wel bastaarden van die families zijn. Alle low borns in de rpg moeten een baan hebben aan het hof, deze banen zijn :

    • Drakenhouders - Verzorgen en beheren de draken van de Targaryens. [2/2]
    • Rentmeesters - Verantwoordelijk voor het beheer van het huishouden, het toezicht op de voorraden en het coördineren van dagelijkse activiteiten. [0/2]
    • Kamermeisjes/Kamerdienaars - Verzorging van de persoonlijke behoeften van edelen, zoals het schoonmaken van kamers, het voorbereiden van kleding en helpen met aankleden. [2/2]
    • Keukenpersoneel - Koks, bakkers en assistenten die maaltijden bereiden voor het hof. [0/2]
    • Staljongens - Verzorgen de paarden en onderhouden de stallen, zorgen ervoor dat de rijdieren klaar zijn voor reizen en evenementen. [0/2]
    • Wachters/Schutters - Zorgen voor de beveiliging van het kasteel en zijn inwoners, bewaken ingangen en patrouilleren over het terrein. [0/2]
    • Boodschappers/Koeriers - Brengen berichten binnen het kasteel en naar nabijgelegen locaties, zorgen voor soepele communicatie. [0/2]
    • Entertainers - Muzikanten, dansers en narren die optreden voor het hof tijdens evenementen en bijeenkomsten. [1/2]

    Invullijstje Low borns

    Leeftijd 18 - 30


    - Visenya Targaryen| F | House Targaryen | Master of Laws | 22 | Faceclaim | eternalsunshine
    - Domeric Bolton| M | House Bolton | 33 | Aaron Taylor Johnson| eternalsunshine
    - Nehemia Martell| F | House Martell | 20 | Bruna Marquezine| midnight_rain
    - Cedrick Stark| M | House Stark | 30 | Warden of the North | Faceclaim | Madwoman
    - Celia Lannister| F | House Lannister | 21 | Sydney Sweeney| Madwoman
    - Melior Hightower| M | House Hightower | Hand of the King | 25 | Faceclaim | Helaena
    - Emylia Baratheon | F | House Baratheon | 24 | Isabela Juliana | Helaena
    - Valerion Targaryen| M | House Targaryen| 22 | Lucky Blue Smith| Helaena
    - Tamas Valaros Valhan Moon | M | True son of Braavos' Sealord.| 27| Faceclaim | Valkyria

    - Doran Sand| M | Bastard from Dorne | Damiano David| eternalsunshine
    - Lethia| F | Court Musician| Aubri Ibrag| midnight_rain
    - Kiren 'Ren' Celtigar Waters | F | Bastard of House Celtigar of Claw Isle | Dragonkeeper | 23 | Mia Goth| Greenfeld
    - Valhan Moon | M | Bastard from Braavos| 27| Faceclaim | (THE IMPOSTER)Valkyria
    - Naam Gardener| F | House Gardener| Age | Faceclaim| Madwoman

    Searchsheet thanks Helaena 🤍

    PAGE 2
    Celia Lannister| F | House Lannister | 21 | Sydney Sweeney| Madwoman
    Visenya Targaryen| F | House Targaryen | Master of Laws | 22 | Faceclaim | Relas | eternalsunshine
    Melior Hightower| M | House Hightower | Hand of the King | 25 | Faceclaim | Helaena
    Nehemia Martell| F | House Martell | 20 | Bruna Marquezine| midnight_rain

    PAGE 3
    - Lethia| F | Court Musician| Aubri Ibrag| midnight_rain
    - Valerion Targaryen| M | House Targaryen| 22 | Lucky Blue Smith| Relas | Helaena
    - Cedrick Stark| M | House Stark | 30 | Warden of the North | Faceclaim | Madwoman
    - Doran Sand| M | Bastard from Dorne | Damiano David | Relas | eternalsunshine
    - Valhan Moon | M | Bastard from Braavos| 27| Faceclaim | Valkyria (THE IMPOSTER)

    PAGE 4
    - Tamas Valaros | M | True son of Braavos' Sealord.| 27| Faceclaim | Valkyria
    - Emylia Baratheon | F | House Baratheon | 24 | Isabela Juliana | Helaena
    - Kiren 'Ren' Celtigar Waters | F | Bastard of House Celtigar of Claw Isle | Dragonkeeper | 23 | Mia Goth| Greenfeld

    PAGE 5
    - Domeric Bolton| M | House Bolton | 33 | Aaron Taylor Johnson| Relas | eternalsunshine
    - Emrys Dayne | T | House Dayne | 29 | I forgot-| Greenfeld

    Regels van de RPG

    • Het woordenminimum is 100 woorden.
    • De huisregels van Quizlet en daarbij in het bijzonder het RPG-forum gelden uiteraard ook hier.
    • 16+ is toegestaan, maar gelieve hier wel voor te waarschuwen zodat anderen het kunnen mijden als zij het liever niet lezen.
    • Bespreek gevoelige onderwerpen op voorhand met je schrijfpartner.
    • Als eternalsunshine niet online is, maakt de laatste die reageert een nieuw topic.
    • Maximaal 3 characters per schrijver.
    • Als ik 21 dagen niets van je hoor, stuur ik je een reminder PB.
    • Als je 45 dagen niets post, wordt je char opgeofferd in een blood sacrifice.
    • Reserveringen blijven 10 dagen staan.

    When a Targaryen is born, the gods flip a coin.
    One side greatness, the other madness.

    [ bericht aangepast op 21 juli 2024 - 16:42 ]

    tulsa jesus freak

    mysaria schreef:
    • A best friend Visya
    • A confidante
    • A guy he has kissed Doran
    • A love interest/crush
    • A training partner
    • Someone he used to be close with, but pushed away since Aegon's Conquest (can be both romantically and/or platonically)
    • Someone who thinks he should make a claim for the throne/Lord of Driftmark anyway aye
    • Someone who found him when he was having an anxiety attack and helped him through it
    • Someone he takes on little boat rides in the harbor of Kings Landing (or perhaps Blackway Bay even)
    • Someone he often meets during his nightly walks
    • Someone who hates him Dom
    • Someone to fly with
    • A non-dragon rider, who he let on Stormseeker once
    • Someone who he doesn't trust with the dragons Dom
    • Ride or die
    • One other person (besides Visenya) who can get him out of the dragonpit

    tulsa jesus freak

    mysaria schreef:
    • A best friend
    • A confidante
    • A guy he has kissed
    • A love interest/crush Celia
    • A training partner
    • Someone he used to be close with, but pushed away since Aegon's Conquest (can be both romantically and/or platonically) Celia, Cedrick?
    • Someone who thinks he should make a claim for the throne/Lord of Driftmark anyway aye Cedrick
    • Someone who found him when he was having an anxiety attack and helped him through it
    • Someone he takes on little boat rides in the harbor of Kings Landing (or perhaps Blackway Bay even)
    • Someone he often meets during his nightly walks
    • Someone who hates him Celia, because bastard and confusing mix of feelzz
    • Someone to fly with
    • A non-dragon rider, who he let on Stormseeker once
    • Someone who he doesn't trust with the dragons
    • Ride or die
    • One other person (besides Visenya) who can get him out of the dragonpit Celia?

    Couldn’t stop the way I was feelin’

    Ik moet dringend eens aan relatielijstjes beginnen, ik doe m'n best vanavond aan de slag te gaan.

    Bicycle, unicycle, unitard. Hockey puck, rattlesnake, monkey, monkey, underpants.

    mysaria schreef:
    • A best friend
    • A confidante
    • A guy he has kissed. Valhan?
    • A love interest/crush
    • A training partner
    • Someone he used to be close with, but pushed away since Aegon's Conquest (can be both romantically and/or platonically)
    • Someone who thinks he should make a claim for the throne/Lord of Driftmark anyway aye
    • Someone who found him when he was having an anxiety attack and helped him through it. Valhan?
    • Someone he takes on little boat rides in the harbor of Kings Landing (or perhaps Blackway Bay even)
    • Someone he often meets during his nightly walks
    • Someone who hates him
    • Someone to fly with
    • A non-dragon rider, who he let on Stormseeker once Tamas pls pls pls
    • Someone who he doesn't trust with the dragons
    • Ride or die
    • One other person (besides Visenya) who can get him out of the dragonpit

    [ bericht aangepast op 22 juli 2024 - 10:04 ]

    Bicycle, unicycle, unitard. Hockey puck, rattlesnake, monkey, monkey, underpants.

    Okay ik heb ff episode 6 tijdens m’n break gekeken en SCREAMING

    Mysaria en Rhaenyra die eten naar KL sturen en die andere girlies die in de tavern aan t praten waren over hoe in het kasteel wel genoeg te eten is, mastermove, slay
    Rhaena better claim that wild dragon, zou iconic zijn tbh, soft hearted sweet girly on a wild af dragon, slay
    The little kid saying “i want mother” 😭😭
    Okay I don’t like Larys but he is definitely on to something
    RHAENYRA AND MYSARIA KISSING I WAS KICKING MY FEEEETTT. SLAY. I need Daemon to come back now to see that his cousinwife and his ex are hooking up.

    darling, you can't let everything seem so dark blue

    Ser Emrys Dayne

    Nehemia • mysaria
    Nicknames: Mimi, habibi, (hayati)
    Emrys and Nehemia were childhood friends turned childhood lovers turned heartbreak and betrayal. During Emrys' training at Sunspear, the two often got to spend time together as children. Emrys even taught her how to fight. Eventhough, there is an age difference, Emrys never truly felt the weight of it when they were with Nehemia. Being near her, made them feel light and easy.
          After Emrys got knighted at Sunspear, they swore themselves as a protector to Princess Marella Martell, Nehemia's mother. At that point Emrys was still young, not entirely ready for what was to happen. And to make matters even worse, they fell in love with Nehemia and she with them. Emrys had always been aware that nothing serious could ever happen, because she was a Princess, in line for the Dornish throne, and they were hardly a real knight.
    Real tragedy struck when the Martells ship sank and the Prince and Princess died. Emrys was the sole survivor of the shipwreck. They felt unable to face Nehemia; the shame and guilt was too overpowering. The fact that Nehemia was a copy of her mothers beauty, didn't help either. In Emrys' mind, Nehemia would shun them out, cast them away and it was too painful to bear.
          So they left Dorne and now serve at Aegon's court. Emrys hasn't seen her since and is trying his most to avoid her presence in King's Landing for the debutante ball now too.

    Valerion • Helaena
    Emrys likes most people - but that doesn't include Valerion. Maybe it was the jousting tourney pre-war times that did it, where Valerion tripped Emrys' horse and the latter was nearly gravely wounded. Or maybe it's simply the mental torture Valerion likes to put Emrys through on a daily basis. Emrys is also very aware that Valerion simple doesn't think them capable of being Lord Commander, which isn't a good basis for a friendship. Either way, the two of them aren't to be left alone in the same room for longer than a couple minutes. For everyone's sake.

    Rhaegar • mysaria
    Nicknames: Waters, Reg, brother
    These two have been friends since the Conquest; their band of brothers got heavily diminished during those two years, but luckily they always had each other. Rhaegar had been Master of Dragons long before Emrys was Lord Commander, but that didn't matter on the battlefield.
          These days, they can be found confiding in each other, sharing old war stories or stories of fallen friends. A calm, quiet sort of friendship, needed after years of anguish.

    Visenya • eternalsunshine
    Emrys holds a lot of respect for their princess. They think she's very smart and capable - unlike her brother-nephew, and appreciate her voice at the table of the Small Council; often offering great perspectives and good input for so young a person. In return, Emrys also feels respected by her, which they consider a great honor. They feel heard and appreciated at the Small Council by their princess.
          Emrys only has to bite their tongue when Visenya speaks ill of Dorne - a small sacrifice but one that often leaves them a bit uncomfortable for a while.

    Domeric • eternalsunshine
    Emrys first got acquainted with Lyra Bolton, long before they met Domeric. The unlikely pair became quick friends by attending the same dinnerparties and jousting tourneys before the Conquest even began. Emrys had the displeasure of meeting her husband at the battle camps during the War, and by then they already knew about Lyra's plans to leave her husband. Emrys had supported her in that decision and had offered insights, but sadly she died before those plans could be executed.
          Domeric is still unaware of these plans and Emrys would like it to remain this way - for their own safety. They are polite to Dom whenever in his present, but knowing what they know about the man's personality, a friendship is unlikely.

    Emylia • Helaena
    Nicknames: Mya, Emy, (bahjat)
    Emrys had the pleasure of meeting Mya at the Sept in King's Landing, before the War took place. Seated beside each other during a mass, they quickly discovered their similar respect for religion and quietness. Their short conversation after the service ended, sealed the connection for them.
          After that, whenever Emrys travelled to King's Landing from Rosby, they made the effort to pay Emylia a visit.
          He missed her dearly when they went to war, and afterwards, something in Emrys had changed due to his experiences on the battlefield, and their relationship with Mya suffered.
          Nowadays, they are still friends and often go on walks together. Mya reads Emrys stories and makes them little gifts, and in return Emrys took it upon themselves to also be Mya's protector - although that's very scary for them. Not like a physical bodyguard, because Emrys is certain Mya is capable of standing up for herself, but more in spirit and with words; often giving her a pat on the back, or some words of courage in difficult situations.
          Emrys also knows Mya is grateful that they looked out for her brother, Raden, during the war. Emrys feels awkward about the way she hold them on a pedestal for it, since they don't think the honor is entirely theirs. Everyone looked out for each other during the war, it was war. But they can also understand how someone who didn't fight in it, wouldn't understand.
          Emrys holds a lot of respect for Mya too. Her heroic efforts to save that child from the dragon, for example, is a story they like to tell. Her kind heart and bravery are an example to everyone in King's Landing and Emrys includes themselves in that statement. They enjoy Emylia's company because of this, and feel very at ease in her presence.

    Tamas (so actually Valhan) • Valkyria
    Emrys only recently had the pleasure of meeting the son of the Braavos' Sealord on the training fields of the Keep. They've sparred against each other for fun a few times during the time the Braavosi men have been in King's Landing. Emrys enjoyed their sword fighting sessions and found in Tamas a worthwhile opponent, but they're also very aware of the fact they could easily hurt such an important guest.

    Valhan (so actually Tamas) • Valkyria
    The bodyguard of the Braavos' Sealord is a lot more talkative than his master - and Emrys and Valhan have had a few conversations on the cultural differences between Westeros and Essos.

    Celia • Madwoman
    The friendly atmosphere between Celia and Emrys is entirely forged by political interests. Emrys doesn't really know what to think of the Lion-woman, nor do they have the impression that feeling isn't mutual. They are polite in each other presence, especially whenever Visenya is present, yet there is a lingering distrust.

    Cedrick • Madwoman
    Emrys and Cedrick met at a hunt hosted by Houses Rosby and Stark before the Conquest. Emrys took an immediate liking to the rowdy, loud, funny Wild Wolf. They spend a couple of evening around a campfire during the hunt, sharing wine, stories and laughter. It took a turn on the last night, when Cedrick was so drunk he began shouting rude nonsense.
          Emrys laments how that time ended, but is also a little enthusiastic to see Cedrick again after all these years - in the hope they could rekindle their friendship.

    Lethia • mysaria
    Emrys first met the red-headed woman during the Conquest, when Lethia joined the Targaryens at the war camps. They'd heard of the woman Rhaenys was enamored by and after seeing her perform, they understood entirely. It was Lethia who taught Emrys to dance on night - before the battles got too hard and everything got to dark. The music and joy she brought the soldiers, Emrys would eternally be grateful for.
          They stayed on friendly basis after the Conquest, though the dance lessons stopped. Nowadays, they still find each other at balls to stay as far away from the dancefloor as possible.

    Doran • eternalsunshine
    They haven't had the pleasure to meet.

    kindness is never a burden.

    Also, ik ben inspired door je @valkyria en ga nog voice claims voor m’n characters zoeken 💃🏻💃🏻

    darling, you can't let everything seem so dark blue

    Kiren Wendwater

    Visenya • eternalsunshine
    Ren and Visenya just can't get along. Ren knows that Visenya knows something was going on between her and Elaena. Ren is also painfully aware of how much Visenya looks like Elaena. On the other hand, she's also painfully aware of how Valerions attention to Ren, bothers Visenya. The whole thing is a mess and Ren prefers to stay out of Visenya's way for safety reasons - but also can't deny a certain force pulling her towards the princess.

    Domeric • eternalsunshine
    During on of his visits to King's Landing, Dom had the audacity to ask Ren what her prince is - a question so outrageous and sexist it could only be answered by dumping a goblet of beer all over Doms head. And then with Ren running away and hoping he'd never find her.

    Nehemia • mysaria
    Ren doesn't know how it happened, but she's 99.9% sure the Dornish guest for the Debutante Ball is flirting with her. And she thinks she's flirting back. Ren has a lot of opinions on the Dornish traditions and their way of life. In her opinion they lack modesty and their independence from the Iron Throne rubs her the wrong way. Her small bubble might have left her a bit close-minded, but Ren can't deny the Dornish charm the stranger who introduced herself as Nym brings.

    Lethia • mysaria
    In Lethia, Ren has found a genuine friend. It began during Aegon's Conquest, when Ren caught Lethia practicing magic. Rens ambition and legitimate interest in the art, gave her the idea to make a proposition for Lethia. Ren would teach the redheaded woman to read and write, and in return Lethia would show Ren her magic. And so it was done. The more time Ren spend with Lethia, the more she got enamored by her. Her kindness, softness, helpfulness are traits Ren wishes she herself had; and when Lethia dances or sings, Ren seems to forget how to breathe for a minute.
          Even when Lethia told Ren she thinks she might've killed a man, Ren didn't run or curse her. Her response was just ''Where should be hide the body?''

    Rhaegar • mysaria
    Ren hates him with a passion. His life and position is everything she wants for herself, so it's no miracle she absolutely loathes him. And the fact that he's nice to her, makes it even worse. She often daydreams of throwing him in with the rogue dragons, so she can claim his dragon.
          TO BE ADDED

    Emylia • Helaena
    Ren and Emylia both grew up in the shadow of the mighty Targaryens, and exactly that was the reason for their close bond. Just like it had been easy to fall in love with Elaena, it was very easy for Ren to befriend Emylia.
          But then shit hit the fan when Mya saved that child from the dragon. Ren didn't understand how Emylia could have a dragon - she's a Baratheon for crying out loud! And not even equipped to ride one. In Ren's opinion, Emylia lacked the proper training and upbringing to earn a dragon and this petty jealousy is exactly why Ren picked a fight with Emylia.
          Soon after Emylia stopped coming to see Ren, stopped having conversations or seek her out. Ren felt abandoned, again. They were never able to talk about their fight and the tensions between them remain high to this day.

    It was easy for Ren to fall in love with Elaena. The lady was beautiful, smart and kind to everyone - including common folk. And shy, twelve-year old Kiren, who still missed her mother dearly and who favored the company of dragons over that of people at the age, behaved like a lovesick fool every time the princess-to-be came to visit the Dragons cave at Dragonstone.
          When Ren was fifteen, suddenly that love was reciprocated when Elaena took Ren for a ride on her dragon and kissed her in the dark halls after.
          The two were inseparable after that, with Elaena often spending nights at the servant's lodgings and Ren sneaking through the castle to find her love. Even though they both were acting very suspicious, they thought no one knew - and no one would ever find out.
          And then came the marriage announcement, and Rens entire world crumbled. She'd fooled herself into believing they actually had a chance at being together forever. Elaena had convinced her that even without her family's support - it was possible.
          Ren felt betrayed, heartbroken and they fought about it. She quickly came to the realization that Elaena simply felt the same way and that she had no desire to marry her brother. So they forged a plan: first Elaena would go fetch her dragon and steal a few dragon eggs in the process with the intention of selling them later on, then she'd come back for Ren and they would fly away together - far, far away to Dorne or even further to the Free Cities in Essos. Somewhere it was safe and accepted to just be them.
          And so, when the time came to leave, Ren waited. And waited. And waited for Elaena. She waited so long - by the time someone told her what had happened, she'd already guessed it.
          Ren isn't fully certain what happened in the months after that, or during the War that came soon after. She lived in a state of numbness and survival. And Elaena's name was never spoken again - not by her family nor the other servants. It was like she'd never existed in the first place.

    Valerion • Helaena
    Ren doesn't understand Valerion. When she first arrived at Dragonstone, she was an shy eight-year-old servant girl, plucked away from her mothers safety to tend to a seven-year old lordling. But back then, he was still nice so it was easy to endure.
          Then the romance with Elaena happened and Ren thinks Valerion knew about it.
          It was the marriage proposal that truly kicked a dent in her opinion on Valerion. She didn't know he didn't want to marry Elaena either. Even though Elaena told her he didn't, she had a hard time believing that - given the Targaryen family dynamics.
          And then Elaena died, and Ren could never prove it but she believes Elaenas family had something to do with it. Why else would Valerion suddenly ignore her when they were in the same room, act like he didn't know who she was when her name came up, treat her like she was the dirt on his booth? And Elaena's name also never came up again, like the Targaryen's were trying to cover up her death?
          All Ren could think about was how sad Elaena would be, to see the monster her little brother had become. And she tried to tell him that, never actually in words but by shooting daggers through her eyes and spitting in his cup before handing it to him.
          But then, a couple weeks back, something shifted. He stopped ignoring her, even vouched for her when she wasn't in the room? Ren isn't sure if she hated the silence more than this. Why does the prince suddenly pay attention to her? And how can she make him stop?

    Tamas (so actually Valhan) • Valkyria
    The son of The Braavosi Sealord is nothing like Ren had imagined. She'd imagined someone brutish, boarish, as stupid as he is tall, and yet Tamas is as kind as he is handsome, with a soft- and quietness to him that took Ren by surprise when she first encountered him. She was even more surprised when he offered her tips on sword-fighting and combat, after he busted her training in secret. Not the usual comments on how servant girls shouldn't learn to fight, just.. helpful commentary. Ren doesn't know what to think of it - or of his equally handsome guard who looks oddly a lot like him.

    Doran • eternalsunshine
    They haven't met.

    Celia • Madwoman

    Cedrick • Madwoman
    They haven't met

    Emrys • Greenfeld (oh look it's me!)
    Ren is a bit wary of the Dornish Lord Commander. They met at the Targaryen camp during the war and Emrys seems like your typical heroic knight, but Ren feels like they're hiding something too. She can't quite put her finger on it, though...

    kindness is never a burden.

    I want to try and meet the characters a bit more, so here are some questions you can answer for them maybe AS them on like a daily basis[for what they do on a daily basis

    1. De daily duties zijn over, waar gaat je character als eerst heen?
    2. Er is een inbreker, wat is jouw characters weapon of choice?
    3. Als .... bij het diner op tafel gezet wordt, zal je character het met liefde afwijzen...

    [ bericht aangepast op 22 juli 2024 - 14:26 ]

    Hand turns loom; spool of green, spool of black. Dragons of flesh weaving dragons of thread.

    mysaria schreef:
    Okay ik heb ff episode 6 tijdens m’n break gekeken en SCREAMING

    Mysaria en Rhaenyra die eten naar KL sturen en die andere girlies die in de tavern aan t praten waren over hoe in het kasteel wel genoeg te eten is, mastermove, slay
    Rhaena better claim that wild dragon, zou iconic zijn tbh, soft hearted sweet girly on a wild af dragon, slay
    The little kid saying “i want mother” 😭😭
    Okay I don’t like Larys but he is definitely on to something
    RHAENYRA AND MYSARIA KISSING I WAS KICKING MY FEEEETTT. SLAY. I need Daemon to come back now to see that his cousinwife and his ex are hooking up.

    i love seeing alicent reap what she's sown. at long last she realizes her parenting skills are godafwul - though viserys was also to blame. there's no need to further traumatise Helaena though, she's been through enough
    AND FINALLY SEASMOKE AND ADAMM. those bastard boys about to become heros. they should become heirs to the driftwood throne - they ARE sea and salt
    okay controversial take but rhaenyra and mysaria wasn't necessary, idk maybe its because i don't trust mysaria but also rhaenyra, baby, you belong to me <3
    i'm also enjoying daemon trippin' balls at Harrenhal. love that he's loosing his marbles and alys is *chefs kiss*

    kindness is never a burden.

    Helaena schreef:
    I want to try and meet the characters a bit more, so here are some questions you can answer for them maybe AS them on like a daily basis[for what they do on a daily basis

    1. De daily duties zijn over, waar gaat je character als eerst heen?
    2. Er is een inbreker, wat is jouw characters weapon of choice?
    3. Als .... bij het diner op tafel gezet wordt, zal je character het met liefde afwijzen...

    1. Either taking a swim in the ocean, just staying at the Dragon's Pit to look at the dragons, or sneak into the library to read about whatever she thought about that day
    2. Daggers or a stick (the daggers bc she can just hide those on her body without it being suspicious) and the stick bc that's what the dragon keepers use in hotd
    3. raw meat, or haggis. anything that looks disgusting

    1. to see if emylia is up for a walk; a tavern to gamble or just their room to take of the bloody armour and relax
    2. their sword - duh
    3. anything unseasoned, soups. man's grew up in Dorne, where the food is exquisite.

    kindness is never a burden.

    Valkyria schreef:
    Ik moet dringend eens aan relatielijstjes beginnen, ik doe m'n best vanavond aan de slag te gaan.

    ik vertel mezelf altijd om alles gelijk op te schrijven. do i ever learn??

    darling, you can't let everything seem so dark blue

    mysaria schreef:

    ik vertel mezelf altijd om alles gelijk op te schrijven. do i ever learn??

    Same, girl. Same.

    Bicycle, unicycle, unitard. Hockey puck, rattlesnake, monkey, monkey, underpants.

    Mijn hoofd wil niet (no_chears)

    Bicycle, unicycle, unitard. Hockey puck, rattlesnake, monkey, monkey, underpants.

    Valkyria schreef:
    Mijn hoofd wil niet (no_chears)

    Hand turns loom; spool of green, spool of black. Dragons of flesh weaving dragons of thread.