𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕯𝖗𝖆𝖌𝖔𝖓

    praattopicpraattopic IIpraattopic III
    Map of King's Landing


    King's Landing is sinds Aegon's Verovering het centrum van de macht in Westeros. De jonge Targaryen koning Aegon the Conqueror veroverde Westeros samen met zijn queen-sisters en hun draken. Nu heersen zij vanuit de hoofdstad over het continent. Aan het hof van de Targaryen's verblijven de machtigste adelijken van het land, samen met hun hofhouding.

    Nu, één jaar na de verovering van heel Westeros, is de grote zaal van de Red Keep rijk versierd met Targaryen-banners, drakenmotieven en weelderige bloemstukken. De zaal wordt gevuld met muziek terwijl adellijke families samenkomen om de eenwording van Westeros onder Targaryen-heerschappij te vieren. Ter ere van het éénjarig jubileum van Aegon's Verovering wordt een debutantenbal georganiseerd. Dit bal dient als een gelegenheid om huwbare edelen te presenteren voor potentiële huwelijken, waarmee allianties worden gesmeed en de stabiliteit van het nieuwe rijk wordt versterkt.

    Regels van het Hof

    Deze regels helpen om de orde, respect en veiligheid binnen het Targaryen hof te handhaven en zorgen ervoor dat het hofleven soepel en volgens protocol verloopt:

    • Eerbetoon aan de Koning en Koninginen: Alle aanwezigen moeten bij intrede en vertrek de koning en koningin groeten.
    Heren buigen, dames maken een diepe kniebuiging.
    • Respect voor Rang en Stand: Iedereen moet de rang en positie van anderen respecteren. Ongepaste familiariteit of beledigingen worden streng bestraft.
    • Kledingvoorschriften: Hooggeborenen dragen passende en luxe kleding, laaggeborenen nette en schone werkkleding. Laaggeborenen mogen geen adellijke kleding dragen.
    • Gescheiden Eetgelegenheden: Hooggeborenen dineren in de Grote Zaal, laaggeborenen in de bediendenkwartieren. Menging tijdens maaltijden is niet toegestaan.
    • Stilte en Orde: Tijdens audiënties moet iedereen stil zijn en de spreker het woord laten voeren. Verstoringen zijn verboden.
    • Beperkte Toegang tot Privévertrekken: Alleen met expliciete toestemming mag men de privévertrekken van de koninklijke familie betreden. Ongeautoriseerde toegang leidt tot zware straffen.
    • Onberispelijk Gedrag: Beleefd en hoffelijk gedrag is vereist. Roddelen, vechten of ongepaste gedragingen worden niet getolereerd.
    • Geen Wapens: Alleen de Kingsguard en aangewezen bewakers mogen wapens dragen in aanwezigheid van de koning en koningin.
    • Discretie: Wat binnen de muren van het hof wordt besproken, blijft daar. Verspreiding van hofzaken buiten de Red Keep is verboden.
    • Religieuze Praktijken: Respecteer religieuze ceremonies en tradities, geleid door de Hoge Septoon.
    • Verlof voor Huwelijken: Alle huwelijken moeten worden goedgekeurd door de koning of de Hand van de Koning. Huwelijken zonder toestemming zijn ongeldig.
    • Alcoholgebruik: Hooggeborenen mogen wijn en andere dranken nuttigen, maar dronkenschap is verboden. Laaggeborenen mogen alleen drinken tijdens aangewezen tijden in hun eigen kwartieren.
    • Decorum tijdens Feesten en Evenementen: Hooggeborenen moeten zich elegant en respectvol gedragen. Laaggeborenen zorgen voor een vlekkeloze uitvoering en blijven op de achtergrond.


    Deze RPG speelt zich af aan het hof in King's Landing, ongeveer 300 jaar voor de gebeurtenissen in "House of the Dragon".

    Situatie voor Aegon's Vervovering - De Zeven Regerende Families

    Vóór Aegon's Verovering (ook bekend als Aegon's Conquest) waren er verschillende grote huizen die over de Zeven Koninkrijken van Westeros heersten. Elke regio had zijn eigen heersende huis:

    • Kingdom of the North (Het Noorden) - Het Huis Stark regeerde als koningen van het Noorden vanuit Winterfell.
    • Kingdom of the Mountain and the Vale (De Vale) - Het Huis Arryn heerste over de Vale van Arryn.
    • Kingdom of the Isles and Rivers (De Rivierenlanden) - Het Huis Hoare (House Hoare) regeerde over de Rivierenlanden vanuit Harrenhal.
    • Kingdom of the Rock (De Westlanden) - Het Huis Lannister was het heersende huis in de Westlanden vanuit Casterly Rock.
    • Kingdom of the Stormlands (De Stormlanden) - Het Huis Durrandon regeerde over de Stormlanden vanuit Storm's End.
    • Kingdom of the Reach (Het Bereik) - Het Huis Gardener was de heersende dynastie in het Bereik vanuit Highgarden.
    • Princedom of Dorne (Dorne) - Dorne werd geregeerd door verschillende vorstenhuizen, zoals het Huis Martell vanuit Sunspear.

    Situatie na Aegon's Vervovering - Targaryen heerschappij

    Na Aegon's Conquest waren er geen onafhankelijke koningen meer in de Zeven Koninkrijken van Westeros. Na Aegon's Conquest werden alle eerdere koninkrijken verenigd onder de heerschappij van de Targaryens. De titels van koning werden afgeschaft voor alle regionale heersers behalve voor de koning op de IJzeren Troon, dat is Aegon momenteel. Hij heert samen met zijn twee sisterqueens Visenya and Rhaenys. Ja ze zijn siblings en met elkaar getrouwd. De oude regionale heersers dienden als leenmannen van de Targaryen-koningen. De belangrijkste leenmannen van Aegon de Veroveraar waren:

    • House Stark - Lords van Winterfell en het Noorden.
    • House Arryn - Lords van de Vale van Arryn.
    • House Lannister - Lords van Casterly Rock en de Westlanden.
    • House Baratheon - Lords van Storm's End en de Stormlanden.
    • House Gardener - Lords van Highgarden en het Bereik (voor hun ondergang in de Field of Fire).
    • House Martell - Lords van Sunspear en Dorne (na hun vredige overgave).

    Deze huizen, samen met andere regionale heersers, erkenden Aegon als hun koning nadat hij met zijn draken en legers Westeros had veroverd. Ze behielden een mate van autonomie in hun respectievelijke regio's, maar waren verplicht om Aegon te dienen en belastingen en troepen bij te dragen wanneer dat nodig was.


    Rollen kunnen een highborn of een lowborn inwoner van King's Landing zijn. Ze kunnen zowel uit Westeros als Essos afkomstig zijn, al zullen de meeste leden van het hof afkomstig zijn uit Westeros.

    High borns

    Als hooggeborene ben je een lid van de adel en speel je een belangrijke rol aan het hof. Je kan een lid zijn van de Targaryen familie of een van de andere adelijke families in Westeros. Je kunt, maar dat hoeft niet, een van de volgende posities bekleden:

    Hand van de Koning - De belangrijkste adviseur en rechterhand van de koning, beheert de dagelijkse zaken van het koninkrijk.
    Meester van de Wetten - Toezicht op de handhaving van wetten en het beheer van gerechtigheid.
    • Meester van de Munt - Beheert de financiën en schatkist van het koninkrijk, zorgt voor economische stabiliteit.
    • Meester van Schepen - Verantwoordelijk voor de koninklijke marine en de verdediging van de kustlijnen van het koninkrijk.
    Meester van Whisperers - Verantwoordelijk voor inlichtingen en spionage, verzamelt informatie ter bescherming van het rijk.
    • Lord Commander van de Kingsguard - Leidt de elite Kingsguard, zorgt voor de veiligheid van de koninklijke familie.
    • Hoge Septoon - De hoogste religieuze figuur, biedt spirituele leiding en houdt toezicht op religieuze ceremonies.
    • Warden - Adellijke heren die verantwoordelijk zijn voor de veiligheid en het beheer van specifieke regio's (Noord, Oost, Zuid, West).
    • Hofdames - Adellijke vrouwen die de koningin en prinsessen dienen, hen assisteren met verschillende taken en gezelschap bieden.

    Invullijstje High borns

    Leeftijd 18 - 30
    Optioneel: bekleede functie

    Low borns

    De Low borns werken aan het hof. Zij zijn niet afkomstig uit een adellijke familie, maar kunnen wel bastaarden van die families zijn. Alle low borns in de rpg moeten een baan hebben aan het hof, deze banen zijn :

    • Drakenhouders - Verzorgen en beheren de draken van de Targaryens. [2/2]
    • Rentmeesters - Verantwoordelijk voor het beheer van het huishouden, het toezicht op de voorraden en het coördineren van dagelijkse activiteiten. [0/2]
    • Kamermeisjes/Kamerdienaars - Verzorging van de persoonlijke behoeften van edelen, zoals het schoonmaken van kamers, het voorbereiden van kleding en helpen met aankleden. [2/2]
    • Keukenpersoneel - Koks, bakkers en assistenten die maaltijden bereiden voor het hof. [0/2]
    • Staljongens - Verzorgen de paarden en onderhouden de stallen, zorgen ervoor dat de rijdieren klaar zijn voor reizen en evenementen. [0/2]
    • Wachters/Schutters - Zorgen voor de beveiliging van het kasteel en zijn inwoners, bewaken ingangen en patrouilleren over het terrein. [0/2]
    • Boodschappers/Koeriers - Brengen berichten binnen het kasteel en naar nabijgelegen locaties, zorgen voor soepele communicatie. [0/2]
    • Entertainers - Muzikanten, dansers en narren die optreden voor het hof tijdens evenementen en bijeenkomsten. [1/2]

    Invullijstje Low borns

    Leeftijd 18 - 30


    - Visenya Targaryen| F | House Targaryen | Master of Laws | 22 | Faceclaim | eternalsunshine
    - Domeric Bolton| M | House Bolton | 33 | Aaron Taylor Johnson| eternalsunshine
    - Nehemia Martell| F | House Martell | 20 | Bruna Marquezine| midnight_rain
    - Cedrick Stark| M | House Stark | 30 | Warden of the North | Faceclaim | Madwoman
    - Celia Lannister| F | House Lannister | 21 | Sydney Sweeney| Madwoman
    - Melior Hightower| M | House Hightower | Hand of the King | 25 | Faceclaim | Helaena
    - Emylia Baratheon | F | House Baratheon | 24 | Isabela Juliana | Helaena
    - Valerion Targaryen| M | House Targaryen| 22 | Lucky Blue Smith| Helaena
    - Tamas Valaros Valhan Moon | M | True son of Braavos' Sealord.| 27| Faceclaim | Valkyria

    - Doran Sand| M | Bastard from Dorne | Damiano David| eternalsunshine
    - Lethia| F | Court Musician| Aubri Ibrag| midnight_rain
    - Kiren 'Ren' Celtigar Waters | F | Bastard of House Celtigar of Claw Isle | Dragonkeeper | 23 | Mia Goth| Greenfeld
    - Valhan Moon | M | Bastard from Braavos| 27| Faceclaim | (THE IMPOSTER)Valkyria
    - Naam Gardener| F | House Gardener| Age | Faceclaim| Madwoman

    Searchsheet thanks Helaena 🤍

    PAGE 2
    Celia Lannister| F | House Lannister | 21 | Sydney Sweeney| Madwoman
    Visenya Targaryen| F | House Targaryen | Master of Laws | 22 | Faceclaim | Relas | eternalsunshine
    Melior Hightower| M | House Hightower | Hand of the King | 25 | Faceclaim | Helaena
    Nehemia Martell| F | House Martell | 20 | Bruna Marquezine| midnight_rain

    PAGE 3
    - Lethia| F | Court Musician| Aubri Ibrag| midnight_rain
    - Valerion Targaryen| M | House Targaryen| 22 | Lucky Blue Smith| Relas | Helaena
    - Cedrick Stark| M | House Stark | 30 | Warden of the North | Faceclaim | Madwoman
    - Doran Sand| M | Bastard from Dorne | Damiano David | Relas | eternalsunshine
    - Valhan Moon | M | Bastard from Braavos| 27| Faceclaim | Valkyria (THE IMPOSTER)

    PAGE 4
    - Tamas Valaros | M | True son of Braavos' Sealord.| 27| Faceclaim | Valkyria
    - Emylia Baratheon | F | House Baratheon | 24 | Isabela Juliana | Helaena
    - Kiren 'Ren' Celtigar Waters | F | Bastard of House Celtigar of Claw Isle | Dragonkeeper | 23 | Mia Goth| Greenfeld

    PAGE 5
    - Domeric Bolton| M | House Bolton | 33 | Aaron Taylor Johnson| Relas | eternalsunshine
    - Emrys Dayne | T | House Dayne | 29 | I forgot-| Greenfeld

    Regels van de RPG

    • Het woordenminimum is 100 woorden.
    • De huisregels van Quizlet en daarbij in het bijzonder het RPG-forum gelden uiteraard ook hier.
    • 16+ is toegestaan, maar gelieve hier wel voor te waarschuwen zodat anderen het kunnen mijden als zij het liever niet lezen.
    • Bespreek gevoelige onderwerpen op voorhand met je schrijfpartner.
    • Als eternalsunshine niet online is, maakt de laatste die reageert een nieuw topic.
    • Maximaal 3 characters per schrijver.
    • Als ik 21 dagen niets van je hoor, stuur ik je een reminder PB.
    • Als je 45 dagen niets post, wordt je char opgeofferd in een blood sacrifice.
    • Reserveringen blijven 10 dagen staan.

    When a Targaryen is born, the gods flip a coin.
    One side greatness, the other madness.

    [ bericht aangepast op 21 juli 2024 - 16:42 ]

    tulsa jesus freak

    Valkyria schreef:
    Alvast een opzet en begin. Mijn partner wil graag even samen wat tijd spenderen so Imma leave it here for now :3
    Ik hoop er morgen verder aan te werken, maar we zijn ook aan het klussen dus als het lukt wordt het pas 's avonds ^_^

    Als er nog aanpassingen van doen zijn, laat het me gerust weten.

    Neem je tijd en succes met klussen 🤍🤍

    darling, you can't let everything seem so dark blue

    Dank je (flower)

    Bicycle, unicycle, unitard. Hockey puck, rattlesnake, monkey, monkey, underpants.



    Domeric Bolton

    Said you're a wild Mustang
    House Lannister always seeks alliances from which they gain more power. Although an alliance with the North would be beneficial for the Lions, they always stayed clear of such deals. The way the Starks ruled the Northern Kingdom was not to the Lannisters liking. With the uprising of House Bolton against House Stark, the Lannisters see chances. They want to forge an alliance with the cruel House Bolton and support their side in the battle for the North. Celia's father is therefore strongly thinking about marrying her off to the heir of House Bolton, Domeric Bolton. Though Celia dislikes the idea of living in the North, she is intrigued by House Bolton and Domerics reputation. She likes the idea of marrying into a Great House that also has great ambition and is feared. She wants to be married to someone who matches her own lust for power and will enhance it, rather than slow it down. It helps that she finds Domeric an attractive man.
    Though she has met Domeric before, their interactions have remained distant. However, at that time she was not aware of the possibility to be married off to him. The debutante ball presents an opportunity for Celia to transform their relationship from mere acquaintances to strategic allies. She will, with the blessing of her father, try to charm him into a marriage with her.

    Visenya Targaryen
    It's alarming, truly, how disarming you can be
    After the demise of House Gardener and their own huge loss on the Field of Fire, House Lannister bent the knee to House Targaryen. They quickly tried to gain favor with Aegon, who obviously was winning this war, by sending men to fight for him during the rest of his conquest. They started to host dinners and balls in honor of House Targaryen, because if you can't have the crown yourself then you have to gain the favor of it.

    Celia has met Visenya roughly 2 years ago when House Lannister went on a diplomatic visit to King's Landing. What started as befriending the princess for political reasons has grown into a real foundation for a close friendship. Celia finds it alarming how much she likes to be Visenya's friend. She is still hesistant to trust the princess, but she is slowly starting to get there.

    Valerion Targaryen
    I want all your power, all your glory
    After the demise of House Gardener and their own huge loss on the Field of Fire, House Lannister bent the knee to House Targaryen. They quickly tried to gain favor with Aegon, who obviously was winning this war, by sending men to fight for him during the rest of his conquest. They started to host dinners and balls in honor of House Targaryen, because if you can't have the crown yourself then you have to gain the favor of it.

    Celia has met Valerion 'officially' 2 years ago when House Lannister went on a diplomatic visit to King's Landing. However, unknowingly to Celia the pair had already met at a masquerade ball. The two had danced together multiple times during the evening and Valerion was quite impressed with the Lannister girl. After that night the Targaryen prince made sure House Lannister would not be overlooked. He succeeded. Celia's uncle was made Master of Coin and Celia was suggested as a bride for the heir of the new House Tyrell. She got engaged. Celia's fiance died during the remaining war saving Valerions life. Nowadays the Targaryen prince feels like he is in her late fiance's debt. When the two had just met Celia dreamed of marrying the prince and becoming a princess herself. She is kinda annoyed with the fact that Valerion has never thought about the idea of asking for her hand.

    Emylia Baratheon
    Are you still a natural scene stealer?
    The Lannisters dislike the fact that Orys Baratheon, a rumored bastard, got the honor of starting a new Great House. Moreover, they hated this turn of events, because Cerelle Lannister was to be wed to the heir of house Durrandon, giving the Lannisters a strong alliance with the Storm Lands. Celia shares her family's dislike for House Baratheon. Celia also sees how close Mya is with Visenya and often feels jealous of that. She acts cordially towards the Baratheon girl whenever Visenya is around, but sees the brunette as something that is in her way to establish a closer friendship with the dragon princess. When she finds out that Domeric Bolton is maybe interested in marrying the girl, she will not be pleased.

    Ser Emrys Dayne
    You are sorta punck rock, I grew up on pop
    Celia is not really sure how to feel about Emrys. She does not understand them and is not sure if she wants to. She is also highly suspicious why someone from Dorne wants to serve a Targaryen king. As Emrys is Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, she treats them with political politeness. Moreover, Celia knows that Emrys frequently backs up Visenya at the small council. So whenever Visenya is present, she will treat Emrys with respect. However, Celia distrusts them and would not mind to see someone else rise to the post.

    The other woman is perfect where her rival fails
    When she was 16 Lethia was employed by House Lannister to teach both Cerelle and Celia how to play the piano. Celia hated the fact she had to listen to someone of her own age. Furthermore she loathed the fact that she was being taught how to do something by a lowborn girl. A girl who was lesser in rank, but far better in playing the piano. It annoyed the crap out of her. During the lessons Celia would not appreciate the feedback, act arrogant, make snarky comments and roll her eyes a lot. Celia was happy when Lethia finally went on to the next court.
    One time during a lesson when Celia acted up again, Lethia suggested to let Celia play in front of her father and show him what she had learned so far. Celia, who knew she was so not ready for that, was furious about it. That evening she embarrassed Lethia in front of Lord Baelish.
    At night Celia had a strange encounter with something spooky. The morning after, Celia thought she had dreamed the strange turn of events from the night before (it actually was Lethia who performed a little prank with her magic on the Lannister).
    Celia has a strong dislike for Lethia and when she sees her at court she will ignore her or be an absolute bitch to her.

    Doran Sand


    Valhan Moon
    Walking through the city streets, is it by mistake or design?
    Celia hates everything related to Essos, as she thinks they have no civilized population. She is however intrigued to get to know Tamas Valaros.
    Celia thrives at Court politics and loves Court gossip. She is very in touch with the Master of whisperers, as he is infatuated by her. Therefore, she is very aware of a lot of Court secrets. She has heard of a rumor that Tamas Valaros has a more interesting heritage then he lets on. She often finds herself entertaining a conversation with Valhan, who is pretending to be the real Tamas Valaros, to unravel this web of secrets she is stumbling upon.

    Tamas Valaros
    You're such a fugitive, but you don't know what you're running from
    Again Celia hates everything related to Essos, as she thinks they have no civilized population. As Tamas is posing as Valhan, a simple sworn sword, Celia does not bother to waste her time on him. He however always addresses her whenever their paths cross. It annoys her big time. She is polite to him, but only out of consideration for "Tamas", who she wants to keep on her good side, so she can unravel his secrets. However, "Valhan" needs to know his place and Celia has no trouble to often remind him of that.

    Rhaegar Waters
    Oh, what can i do? Nothing, my sparrow blue
    Celia has met Rhaegar roughly two years ago. Whenever the Lannisters would throw a feast or ball for House Targaryen, Rhaenys insisted that Rhaegar would come along. Celia did not like the fact that a bastard was so out in the open loved and cherished. She tried to stay away from the boy. However, during dinners he always asked her about her opinion on matters discussed and Celia could not deny that she liked the way Rhaegar looked. A weird sort of tension brewed between the two and Celia did not like it at all. She hated Rhaegar for the way he was starting to make her feel and so she often acted hot and cold towards the Targaryen boy.
    A year and a half ago Rhaegar was on the battlefield with Celia's older brother. The Targaryen bastard saved Tyrek Lannisters life. The two were heavily injured and send back to King's Landing, where Celia waited for her brothers arrival. Celia took care of the two men and let Rhaegar see a side of her only the Lannisters see. She was caring, vulnerable and warm in her approach. The two bonded and Celia started to feel a connection with him she did not understand. After some time, the Lannisters went back to Casterly Rock. Celia has been back to King's Landing only once to visit her uncle and Visenya. During that time, she did not know how to act towards Rhaegar. She hated the fact that he had seen her like that and fell back in her old ways. Since then, the two have not spoken to eachother. Celia has no idea Rhaegars depression is that bad.

    Cedrick Stark
    Got a little bit of bourbon in ya, but that's all over now.
    House Lannister has never liked House Stark. The two Great Houses simply have nothing in common. They do not value the same things and definitely do not trust each other. Celia hates the oh so noble Starks with their honor, promises and oaths. No man is that virtuous. When she learned of Cedrick's reputation as "The Wild Wolf" she started to like the guy as he could maybe be House Starks downfall. When he suddenly found himself Lord of Winterfell, she thought maybe he would change the ways of House Stark and she had hoped the North would be less boring, but sadly Cedrick turned himself into a noble boring Stark. The Lannisters are now willing to back up House Bolton to be the Warden of the North. Cedrick and Celia are definitely not friendly with each other, one could say they are enemies.

    Nehemia Martell
    You roll like thunder when you come crashing in
    Although Celia would never admit to it, she is a little bit impressed with the Dornish princess. The girl is cultured, fierce and has a mind of her own. She is a force to reckon with, which Celia appreciates. However, Celia dislikes much of the "free way of life" the Dornish uphold. She is also jealous that the Dornish still rule as royalty. This all is a cocktail of feelings she has towards the princess.
    Celia tries to befriend the girl in King's Landing for political reasons and maybe a little bit because she is curious. The Lannisters also would love to forge an alliance with House Martell. Celia is given, by her father, the task of exploring if Nehemia or her sisters seek a husband or if maybe her older brother seeks a wife. House Lannister would be very open to that.

    Kiren 'Ren' Celtigar Waters
    What is lingering under all that dirt?
    Celia looks down on Ren. She is after all just a servant who is not worthy of her time. However, there are whispers that make little plain Ren interesting. It was shortly rumored she somehow was involved with the disappearance and passing of Elaena Targaryen. Ofcourse those rumors mostly were ignored. How could a servant be involved in such a case? And if she somehow was, then ofcourse the Targaryen family would have done something about it. People therefore quickly moved on. Celia however is still looking. It is interesting to see how members of House Targaryen are treating her nowadays.

    Kira Flowers

    Aeron Greyjoy


    [ bericht aangepast op 26 juli 2024 - 15:08 ]

    Couldn’t stop the way I was feelin’

    Ik hoop vnv of anders morgen weer op pb’tjes te reageren en begin te maken aan relalijstje, maar ben ziek dus duurt allemaal even wat langer 💔💔

    darling, you can't let everything seem so dark blue

    Madwoman schreef:



    Domeric Bolton

    Said you're a wild Mustang
    House Lannister always seeks alliances from which they gain more power. Although an alliance with the North would be beneficial for the Lions, they always stayed clear of such deals. The way the Starks ruled the Northern Kingdom was not to the Lannisters liking. With the uprising of House Bolton against House Stark, the Lannisters see chances. They want to forge an alliance with the cruel House Bolton and support their side in the battle for the North. Celia's father is therefore strongly thinking about marrying her off to the heir of House Bolton, Domeric Bolton. Though Celia dislikes the idea of living in the North, she is intrigued by House Bolton and Domerics reputation. She likes the idea of marrying into a Great House that also has great ambition and is feared. She wants to be married to someone who matches her own lust for power and will enhance it, rather than slow it down. It helps that she finds Domeric an attractive man.
    Though she has met Domeric before, their interactions have remained distant. However, at that time she was not aware of the possibility to be married off to him. The debutante ball presents an opportunity for Celia to transform their relationship from mere acquaintances to strategic allies. She will, with the blessing of her father, try to charm him into a marriage with her.

    Visenya Targaryen
    It's alarming, truly, how disarming you can be
    After the demise of House Gardener and their own huge loss on the Field of Fire, House Lannister bent the knee to House Targaryen. They quickly tried to gain favor with Aegon, who obviously was winning this war, by sending men to fight for him during the rest of his conquest. They started to host dinners and balls in honor of House Targaryen, because if you can't have the crown yourself then you have to gain the favor of it. Celia has met Visenya roughly 2 years ago when House Lannister went on a diplomatic visit to King's Landing. What started as befriending the princess for political reasons has grown into a real foundation for a close friendship. Celia finds it alarming how much she likes to be Visenya's friend. She is still hesistant to trust the princess, but she is slowly starting to get there.

    Valerion Targaryen

    Emylia Baratheon
    Are you still a natural scene stealer?
    The Lannisters dislike the fact that Orys Baratheon, a rumored bastard, got the honor of starting a new Great House. Moreover, they hated this turn of events, because Cerelle Lannister was to be wed to the heir of house Durrandon, giving the Lannisters a strong alliance with the Storm Lands. Celia shares her family's dislike for House Baratheon. Celia also sees how close Mya is with Visenya and often feels jealous of that. She acts cordially towards the Baratheon girl whenever Visenya is around, but sees the brunette as something that is in her way to establish a closer friendship with the dragon princess. When she finds out that Domeric Bolton is maybe interested in marrying the girl, she will not be pleased.

    Ser Emrys Dayne
    You are sorta punck rock, I grew up on pop
    Celia is not really sure how to feel about Emrys. She does not understand them and is not sure if she wants to. She is also highly suspicious why someone from Dorne wants to serve a Targaryen king. As Emrys is Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, she treats them with political politeness. Moreover, Celia knows that Emrys frequently backs up Visenya at the small council. So whenever Visenya is present, she will treat Emrys with respect. However, Celia distrusts them and would not mind to see someone else rise to the post.

    The other woman is perfect where her rival fails
    When she was 16 Lethia was employed by House Lannister to teach both Cerelle and Celia how to play the piano. Celia hated the fact she had to listen to someone of her own age. Furthermore she loathed the fact that she was being taught how to do something by a lowborn girl. A girl who was lesser in rank, but far better in playing the piano. It annoyed the crap out of her. During the lessons Celia would not appreciate the feedback, act arrogant, make snarky comments and roll her eyes a lot. Celia was happy when Lethia finally went on to the next court.
    One time during a lesson when Celia acted up again, Lethia suggested to let Celia play in front of her father and show him what she had learned so far. Celia, who knew she was so not ready for that, was furious about it. That evening she embarrassed Lethia in front of Lord Baelish.
    At night Celia had a strange encounter with something spooky. The morning after, Celia thought she had dreamed the strange turn of events from the night before (it actually was Lethia who performed a little prank with her magic on the Lannister).
    Celia has a strong dislike for Lethia and when she sees her at court she will ignore her or be an absolute bitch to her.

    Doran Sand


    Valhan Moon
    Walking through the city streets, is it by mistake or design?
    Celia hates everything related to Essos, as she thinks they have no civilized population. She is however intrigued to get to know Tamas Valaros.
    Celia thrives at Court politics and loves Court gossip. She is very in touch with the Master of whisperers, as he is infatuated by her. Therefore, she is very aware of a lot of Court secrets. She has heard of a rumor that Tamas Valaros has a more interesting heritage then he lets on. She often finds herself entertaining a conversation with Valhan, who is pretending to be the real Tamas Valaros, to unravel this web of secrets she is stumbling upon.

    Tamas Valaros
    You're such a fugitive, but you don't know what you're running from
    Again Celia hates everything related to Essos, as she thinks they have no civilized population. As Tamas is posing as Valhan, a simple sworn sword, Celia does not bother to waste her time on him. He however always addresses her whenever their paths cross. It annoys her big time. She is polite to him, but only out of consideration for "Tamas", who she wants to keep on her good side, so she can unravel his secrets. However, "Valhan" needs to know his place and Celia has no trouble to often remind him of that.

    Rhaegar Waters

    Cedrick Stark
    Got a little bit of bourbon in ya, but that's all over now.
    House Lannister has never liked House Stark. The two Great Houses simply have nothing in common. They do not value the same things and definitely do not trust each other. Celia hates the oh so noble Starks with their honor, promises and oaths. No man is that virtuous. When she learned of Cedrick's reputation as "The Wild Wolf" she started to like the guy as he could maybe be House Starks downfall. When he suddenly found himself Lord of Winterfell, she thought maybe he would change the ways of House Stark and she had hoped the North would be less boring, but sadly Cedrick turned himself into a noble boring Stark. The Lannisters are now willing to back up House Bolton to be the Warden of the North. Cedrick and Celia are definitely not friendly with each other, one could say they are enemies.

    Nehemia Martell
    You roll like thunder when you come crashing in
    Although Celia would never admit to it, she is a little bit impressed with the Dornish princess. The girl is cultured, fierce and has a mind of her own. She is a force to reckon with, which Celia appreciates. However, Celia dislikes much of the "free way of life" the Dornish uphold. She is also jealous that the Dornish still rule as royalty. This all is a cocktail of feelings she has towards the princess.
    Celia tries to befriend the girl in King's Landing for political reasons and maybe a little bit because she is curious. The Lannisters also would love to forge an alliance with House Martell. Celia is given, by her father, the task of exploring if Nehemia or her sisters seek a husband or if maybe her older brother seeks a wife. House Lannister would be very open to that.

    Kiren 'Ren' Celtigar Waters
    What is lingering under all that dirt?
    Celia looks down on Ren. She is after all just a servant who is not worthy of her time. However, there are whispers that make little plain Ren interesting. It was shortly rumored she somehow was involved with the disappearance and passing of Elaena Targaryen. Ofcourse those rumors mostly were ignored. How could a servant be involved in such a case? And if she somehow was, then ofcourse the Targaryen family would have done something about it. People therefore quickly moved on. Celia however is still looking. It is interesting to see how members of House Targaryen are treating her nowadays.

    Melior Hightower


    screaming crying throwing up for the lana and AC references.

    And also the relationships ofcc <3

    tulsa jesus freak

    why do all the relationships fit so good togetherrr between all chars, its like a good puzzle! Can't wait for the RPG to start! 💕

    tulsa jesus freak

    mysaria schreef:
    Oh en wat mij nog leuk/handig lijkt: een lijstje van andere gasten die er zijn, naast onze characters! Volgens mij is Celia’s broer er ook en ik wilde zelf doen dat House Baelish er ook is, dus iets van een overzichtje hiervan lijkt me chill 🙏🏼. Eventueel met in 2/3 regels erbij hoe zij zijn als NPC.

    Komt voor de bakker! NPC verzoeken zijn ofc welkom als er leuke ideën zijn!

    En beterschap @Mysaria! 💕

    tulsa jesus freak

    eternalsunshine schreef:
    why do all the relationships fit so good togetherrr between all chars, its like a good puzzle! Can't wait for the RPG to start! 💕

    Jaaaaaaa toen ik wat relaties van Celia op schreef zat ik echt van: “omggg dit past allemaal zo goed in elkaar en I love it!!!”

    Echt excited voor deze rpg guys! 🩷🤩

    En jaaaaa de Lana en AM quotes waren nodig, want ik luisterde al die nummers zovaak tijdens het maken van Celia hahaha

    Couldn’t stop the way I was feelin’

    Is there anyone that lived at court for years // atleast 2 who knows his way around that wants to adopt a girl?? Like as Thorns big brother // sister who can keep her in tone?

    Also @Madwoman && @Mysaria

    Hebben Celia && Nehemia nog een kamermeisje nodig? Super innocent girl ofcourse- :Y)

    Hand turns loom; spool of green, spool of black. Dragons of flesh weaving dragons of thread.

    I keep forgetting to mention but, ik ben vanaf zaterdag twee weken op vakantie (hoera)
    Ik werk Qhomir af als ik terug ben - en stuur dan eventueel wat pbs voor relaties, but mostly i want him to be this mysterious presence who no one really knows anything about so
    Ik tracht nog op huidige pb'tjes te antwoorden voor ik vertrek, om de relaties af te werken met Ren en Emrys!

    kindness is never a burden.

    Helaena schreef:
    Is there anyone that lived at court for years // atleast 2 who knows his way around that wants to adopt a girl?? Like as Thorns big brother // sister who can keep her in tone?

    Also @Madwoman && @Mysaria

    Hebben Celia && Nehemia nog een kamermeisje nodig? Super innocent girl ofcourse- :Y)

    Jaaaaa Celia could use one, maaaar de lannisters zouden geen bastard van een ander House als kamermeisje voor Celia ‘aannemen’ sadly!

    Couldn’t stop the way I was feelin’

    Helaena schreef:
    Is there anyone that lived at court for years // atleast 2 who knows his way around that wants to adopt a girl?? Like as Thorns big brother // sister who can keep her in tone?

    Also @Madwoman && @Mysaria

    Hebben Celia && Nehemia nog een kamermeisje nodig? Super innocent girl ofcourse- :Y)

    Ik zie Lethia haar wel soort van geadopteerd hebben?

    En ik denk dat Nehemia op zichwel een kamermeisje kan gebruiken, al zou ze heel erg distrustful zijn wel haha.

    Greenfeld schreef:
    I keep forgetting to mention but, ik ben vanaf zaterdag twee weken op vakantie (hoera)
    Ik werk Qhomir af als ik terug ben - en stuur dan eventueel wat pbs voor relaties, but mostly i want him to be this mysterious presence who no one really knows anything about so
    Ik tracht nog op huidige pb'tjes te antwoorden voor ik vertrek, om de relaties af te werken met Ren en Emrys!

    Oeeh, have fun!! Waar ga je heen 🤩 ?

    darling, you can't let everything seem so dark blue

    Alsoooooo, ik had nog een ideetje voor Lethia's background, dus ik heb die even toegevoegd aan haar rol 🙏🏼.

    Ik zou nu nog heeeel graag een of twee characters hebben dat ze:
    • Op een of andere manier haar vader kent, en weet dat zijn vrouw hun dochter gekidnapped heeft.
    • En/of die ze ooit heeft ontmoet toen ze nog een stuk jonger was (jaar of zeven/acht), haar somehow herkent (her red curls are pretty telling, but it could also be from her necklace) en sus is.
    • Of op een andere manier weten dat haar moeder haar basically gekidnapped heeft, open to anything really.

    darling, you can't let everything seem so dark blue


    mag Celia haar oom Master of Coin gemaakt zijn?

    Couldn’t stop the way I was feelin’

    mysaria schreef:

    Oeeh, have fun!! Waar ga je heen 🤩 ?

    Het Zwarte Woud!

    kindness is never a burden.