• Het spel van fuck marry kill, maar dan met de drie profielfoto's van de users die voor jou hebben gereageerd.

    Fuck TaeTae
    Marry Peralta
    Kill Holographic

    "Doesn't exactly sound like "Welcome to the neighbourhood"." ~ Travis Mayweather

    Fuck TaeTae
    Marry Orville
    Kill Peralta

    mortui vivos docent

    Fuck: PeraIta
    Marry: Orville
    kill:. Harlekijn

    We were the forever that didn't last

    Fuck orville
    Marry wildfowls
    Kill harlekijn

    Normaal is het gemiddelde van alle afwijkingen

    Fuck Revenger
    Marry Wildfowls
    Kill Harlekijn

    "Doesn't exactly sound like "Welcome to the neighbourhood"." ~ Travis Mayweather

    Fuck: Wildfowls
    Marry: Revenger
    Kill: Orville

    “She was another broken doll dreaming of a boy with glue.” - Atticus

    Fuck OLoughlin
    Marry Revenger
    Kill Orville

    "Nice is different than good." CORPSEHUSBAND > SCORPIO

    Fuck: OLoughlin
    Marry: Hale
    Kill: Orville

    I just caught the wave in your eyes

    Fuck Peralta
    Marry OLoughlin
    Kill HaIe

    "Doesn't exactly sound like "Welcome to the neighbourhood"." ~ Travis Mayweather

    Marry HaIe
    Fuck Peralta
    Kill Orville

    Every villain is a hero in his own mind.

    Fuck Hiddleston
    Marry Peralta
    Kill Orville

    — Inner peace, it's hard to find. —

    Fuck Orville
    Marry Hiddleston
    Kill Phimister

    Do you live, do you die, do you bleed for the fantasy?

    Fuck Phimister
    Marry HiddIeston
    Kill thoughtful

    Caution first, always.

    Fuck Phimister
    Marry thoughtful
    Kill Nishikiyama

    mortui vivos docent

    Fuck thoughtful
    Marry Harlekijn
    Kill Nishikiyama

    [ bericht aangepast op 17 mei 2018 - 11:25 ]

    "Nice is different than good." CORPSEHUSBAND > SCORPIO