Het spel van fuck marry kill, maar dan met de drie profielfoto's van de users die voor jou hebben gereageerd.
Fuck HaIe Marry Harlekijn Kill Nishikiyama
het is Schoonheid zelf op zichzelf eeuwig eenvormig met zichzelf [Plato, Symposium, 211b]
Fuck Hale Marry Childhood (eteeeen) Kill Harlekijn
The purpose of a writer is to keep civilization from destroying itself.
Marry: Hale Fuck: Childhood Kill: Necessity
ars moriendi
Fuck EdensGate Marry Childhood Kill Necessity
"Doesn't exactly sound like "Welcome to the neighbourhood"." ~ Travis Mayweather
Kill: Necessity Marry: Orville Fuck: EdensGate
Marry: Orville Fuck: TaeTae Kill: EdensGate
She was another broken doll dreaming of a boy with glue. - Atticus
Fuck: Orville Marry: Garrixer Kill: TaeTae
The flame that burns Twice as bright burns half as long.- Lao Tzu, Te Tao Ching
Fuck Garrixer Marry TaeTae Kill Psychoviolinist (bestiality is not my thing)
"Nice is different than good." CORPSEHUSBAND > SCORPIO
Fuck Garrixer Marry HaIe Kill Psychoviolinist
Time is not your enemy. You are your own enemy, and you envy time because it moves on.
Fuck Hale Marry Aviphile Kill Psychoviolinist
You gave me my life all those years ago, now I give you yours.
Fuck hale Marr richard Kill aviphile
And as we fall, time is frozen I know we break, but we're not broken (Aedion -> YoungbIood)
Fuck KingRichard Marry Plagiaat Kill Aviphile
Fuck KingRichard Marry Hale Kill Plagiaat
Fuck: TaeTae Marry: HaIe Kill: Plagiaat
Fuck TaeTae Marry Hale Kill Orville