• Hoi!

    Ik heb besloten om een verhaal te schrijven met als thema 'kerst.' Nu heb ik dus een plot bedacht maar ik zou hier graag feedback op willen ontvangen.
    Dit om eventuele plot holes te ontdekken of het nog wat beter te maken.
    De samenvatting:
    Penny Grenville could think of better ways to spend Christmas Eve than working at the radio station. Like having dinner with family perhaps or going out with friends to celebrate. During her show, she asks what special things her listeners are doing this evening. Penny encounters on a particular submission. Twenty years old Benjamin Devine spends his evening dressed in a Santa suit to give orphans an unforgettable Christmas. She decides to contact him to gauge his reason's behind this noble act.

    Het gehele plot zal ik via pb willen bespreken.


    [ bericht aangepast op 10 dec 2017 - 13:19 ]

    • His arms feel more like home than any house ever did. •

    Ik wil wel helpen!

    Continue to share your heart with other people even if it has been broken.

    M0NA schreef:
    Ik wil wel helpen!

    mortui vivos docent