Lieke • Reist • Piekie en vind Domien Verschuuren geil.
Gabriëla • Saintgnue • Paakie stan en Mats Hummels' wife.
Esmée • Rippah • Peekie en geilt op Ian Harding in weedpack.
Noek • Rhee • Poekie en Kaya Scodelario is haar bae.
Eva • Hoechlins • Pookie en Larry Stylinson is haar leven.
Domian is onze otp.
[ bericht aangepast op 22 juni 2016 - 23:08 ]
you said I had a beautiful mind, but that's because you're all I think about
He finds himself eying one girl’s tea a little hungrily; she raises her eyebrow at him, a mix between challenging and irritated which Louis almost jumps on because challenges are sort of his favorite thing. He as half a mind to pluck the bloody drink out of her snippy little hands, down it in one go and hand her the empty remnants just because he can.
He cannot pass by without touching and moving and shaping and changing every thing, every boy-city, in his path.