No guts no glory.
Aspe - Solo
How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.
Sarah J Maas - Hof van mist en woede (#Rhysand4life)
A to the Z
Als ik blijf - Gayle Forman (:
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.
Vertrouw me van Tahereh Mafi.
Wie durft te verdwalen, zal nieuwe wegen vinden!
Scribe schreef: Vertrouw me van Tahereh Mafi.
A Conjuring of Light van VE Schwab
As travars
Nora Roberts - Het glazen eiland
Every villain is a hero in his own mind.
The Hobbit!
Clcokworck princess - Cassandra Clare De Keizer van Nihon-Ja - John Flanagan
i wanna vincent van gogh cry in a corner
Les Misérables van Victor Hugo
He cannot pass by without touching and moving and shaping and changing every thing, every boy-city, in his path.
Miss Peregrines Home for Peculiar Children
mortui vivos docent
Ik heb het eerste boek van de hongerspelen bijna uitgelezen.
The General in his Labyrinth - Gabriel García Márquez (Engelse vertaling)
[ bericht aangepast op 28 feb 2017 - 18:38 ]
The heart is an arrow. It demands to aim true."
Vesania schreef: Miss Peregrines Home for Peculiar Children