• Young girl (or: things I wish someone had told me years ago)

    Young girl,
    Life is not a fairytale
    Don’t let it get you down

    Young girl,
    Find what you believe in
    Stand for it

    Young girl,
    Let them enjoy their silly thing
    There is nothing wrong with happiness

    Young girl,
    Be critical of your parents
    Even if they mean well

    Young girl,
    Yes, you can
    You can and you will

    Young girl,
    You don’t need a prince to save you
    You can be your own queen

    Young girl,
    Positivity is far more fun
    Than bitter skepticism

    Young girl,
    Love things without apology
    Nay-sayers aren’t worth your time

    Young girl,
    Don’t hide yourself away
    The world is weirdly incredible

    Young girl,
    Saving things is commendable
    Just don’t let them waste away

    Young girl,
    Be kind to other women
    People are mean enough

    Young girl,
    Don’t be afraid to deviate from the norm
    Normal is boring anyway

    Young girl,
    Look for people who can make you laugh
    Even if you feel like crying

    Young girl,
    Spend time on what you love
    Not what you think you should be liking

    Young girl,
    There is no real world out there
    It’s the one you’re standing in

    Young girl,
    Homework is important
    But so are you

    Young girl,
    Do not just sit and watch
    They won’t come to you

    Young girl,
    Cry if you feel the need
    Drink enough, breathe deeply, sleep well

    Young girl,
    Take pleasure in the little things
    It helps get through the day

    Young girl,
    There are so many others out there
    You are not alone

    Young girl,
    Don’t deceive yourself
    Lies are never worth it in the end

    Young girl,
    Never let them tell you what you’re worth
    You are more than words

    Young girl,
    It is okay to ask for help
    You are still just as strong

    Young girl,
    Don’t compare yourself to others
    They’re just doing the same

    Young girl,
    Don’t take everything so seriously
    It’ll make it easier to bear

    Young girl,
    You are so beautiful
    You are so brave

    [ bericht aangepast op 16 mei 2015 - 18:03 ]

    "Just words." "But good words. That's where ideas begin." - Star Trek, The Wrath of Khan


    26 - 02 - '16

    I like it. Je moet meer gedichten gaan schrijven. :3

    • It is often the biggest smile, that is hiding the saddest heart. •

    Echt heel mooi! <3

    Rest in Peace, Son of Gondor

    Wauw heel mooi!

    “I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.” Dr. Seuss

    Bedankt! ^^

    "Just words." "But good words. That's where ideas begin." - Star Trek, The Wrath of Khan