[ bericht aangepast op 11 maart 2015 - 13:07 ]


    Waterhouse schreef:

    Ik heb net een rondje hardgelopen.

    * applaudisseert *

    "A good book is always good, no matter how many times you've read it."

    Cillin schreef:

    Carol: *Jumps on Steve's back* STAY AWAY!

    Nigel & Bucky: *grab daggers*

    O mia lost elan. Tu isag elythe.

    Massacres schreef:
    Nigel & Bucky: *grab daggers*

    Steve: eh, Carol...
    Steve: *Facepalms*
    Carol: *Smirks*

    "At least I am much stronger than when I was unaware of my own weakness."

    Cillin schreef:

    Steve: eh, Carol...
    Steve: *Facepalms*
    Carol: *Smirks*

    Nigel: May I point I never was a part of HYDRA and being brainwashed is not really helping
    Bucky: May I point out I want to slap her now?

    O mia lost elan. Tu isag elythe.

    Massacres schreef:
    Nigel: May I point I never was a part of HYDRA and being brainwashed is not really helping
    Bucky: May I point out I want to slap her now?


    "At least I am much stronger than when I was unaware of my own weakness."

    Cillin schreef:


    Nigel *shrugs* I can't stop him.
    Bucky: *passive agressive mode on*

    O mia lost elan. Tu isag elythe.

    Massacres schreef:
    Nigel *shrugs* I can't stop him.
    Bucky: *passive agressive mode on*

    Carol: Whoops, time to go. Steve, how about we go to a place where we can sing freely?
    Steve: Sure, just... Put on some clothes Carol. Seriously.

    "At least I am much stronger than when I was unaware of my own weakness."

    Djeez. Even eten en ineens tien reacties dr bij :')

    take me back to the basics and the simple life


    Omg dit is zo grappig haha ik lach me echt rot :X

    "A good book is always good, no matter how many times you've read it."

    Cillin schreef:

    Carol: Whoops, time to go. Steve, how about we go to a place where we can sing freely?
    Steve: Sure, just... Put on some clothes Carol. Seriously.

    Bucky *sarcastic* Mabye you guys should find a place where nobody can hear you?
    Nigel: *smirks evilish*

    O mia lost elan. Tu isag elythe.

    Massacres schreef:
    Bucky *sarcastic* Mabye you guys should find a place where nobody can hear you?
    Nigel: *smirks evilish*

    Carol: Uhm, nope. I changed my mind. We will stay here.
    Steve: Oh America... Put on some clothes Carol.

    "At least I am much stronger than when I was unaware of my own weakness."

    Cillin schreef:

    Carol: Uhm, nope. I changed my mind. We will stay here.
    Steve: Oh America... Put on some clothes Carol.

    Bucky: You sure you feel save?
    Nigel: I had a pretty good teacher

    O mia lost elan. Tu isag elythe.

    Massacres schreef:
    Bucky: You sure you feel save?
    Nigel: I had a pretty good teacher

    Carol: Losers.
    Steve: You never shut up, do you?
    Carol: Nope. YOU LOVE ME, SO SHUT IT.

    "At least I am much stronger than when I was unaware of my own weakness."

    Cillin schreef:

    Carol: Losers.
    Steve: You never shut up, do you?
    Carol: Nope. YOU LOVE ME, SO SHUT IT.

    Nigel: *whispers* It's funny how she shuts him up. But why not the other way around.
    Bucky: *shrugs* patriotic duo shit I guess

    O mia lost elan. Tu isag elythe.

    Massacres schreef:
    Nigel: *whispers* It's funny how she shuts him up. But why not the other way around.
    Bucky: *shrugs* patriotic duo shit I guess

    Steve: Bucky, Nigel, you think that's funny?
    Carol: Steve, you need too know it now...
    Steve: ... What?
    Carol: THEY KISSED :'D

    "At least I am much stronger than when I was unaware of my own weakness."