Zachaël Yves Devereaux
Paris, France / Montreal, Canada
Study / Subjects
World Literature
Appearance • FC Mikkel Jensen
Zachaël is long and muscular, which makes him kind of intimidating (considering the fact that he uses this to look as tough as he could be). Although he loves fitness, he is not strong and does not like to fight due to the fact that he knows he will not win at all times.
Although he does not like fashion a lot, Zachaël will wear fashionable clothes that have dark colors and accentuate his body.
With his fair skin and blond locks, he looks innocent at first but that changes when people shot a look at his eyes — which are a dark colour of blue and can make someone freeze at their spot because of the emotionless looks in it. Zachaël does not like it to have eye contact with other persons so he will avoid that as much as possible. Just at the times of his breakdowns, Zachaël’s eyes can get as soft as melting ice and showing his pain at the same time.
If there is one thing to describe Zachaël with, it is the fact that he has several tattoos on his body — al with a different and important meaning. His latest and most important tattoo are the angel wings on his chest, which represents his little sister Amelie.
Zachaël — known as Zach — is a damaged person who hides his true self behind a huge mask, which he constructed after the death of his little sister Amelia less than nine months ago. After that, no one ever saw Zach again as the person who he was before.
Although Zach has a big, gentle heart — made for loving and caring — he shuts all sorts of love out of his life and will not allow others to come close to him. When he thinks someone is coming too close in his personal space, he will shut down to the core and is not afraid to hurt that person just so he or she will back off and leave him alone. Most of his old friends just avoid him now, after experiencing the ruin he has become. Of course, there are who are an exception to the rule like his ex girlfriend and best friends.
Before, Zach was a romantic person who would turn the sun, moon and world around for the people he loved most. Surprising the people around him dinners, picnics, little gifts like a poem and other stuff was not a strange fact and he was a lovable person back then. Now, Zach uses this kind of gestures just to get girl in his bed for a single night of fun so he can dump them the morning after.
About most of the things in his life, Zach acts like he is not bothered at all or has absolute no interest in it. Even the most serious subject will not get his full attention (so it seems) and he acts sarcastic and nonchalant most of the times. There are two things that will get his full attention: woman and alcohol. Since he found out that the both of them will make his pain and memories disappear, he is always on the lookout for one of them or even both at the same time. Therefore, it is not weird for Zach to walk around with a bottle of water, which in secret is filled with vodka or another alcoholic beverage, or coming late to his classes because of a wild and rough night.
Although it will not happen a lot, Zach has some moments of weakness in which he breaks down and sobs for several hours about all the pain and memories that flood over him at once. Deep down he is still the person he was before: caring, loving and interested in life. Now all he can see is the blackness of the depression—like cloud that surrounds him at all times.


• Parents
Gaspard Uriel Devereaux & Sophia Catherina Devereaux—Celtique
• Sister († Age of 11)
Amelie Maria Devereaux
Zachaël was the first son of Gaspard and Sophia Devereaux, a couple which lived in Montreal, Canada after moving out from Paris, France. Although both of his parents thought one child was enough, Zachaël wanted a brother or sister since he heard of that phenomenon at school. After a decade, Zachaël got what he wanted: a little sister named Amelie, who had a laugh as the sun and could make the darkest times shining again.
When Amelie was seven (and Zachaël seventeen) the little Devereaux girl got sick with an unknown form of cancer that could not be cured. Although several doctors gave her just a couple of months to live, she was determined to make it as long as she could — the little fighter that she was. Therefore it wasn’t until her eleventh birthday that Amelie lived a normal life with occasional visits to the hospital for a checkup. After that, it got worse and worse and soon Amelia died in her sleep with her parents and big brother surrounding her.
• Zachaël is an alcoholic and spends most of him time drinking or going out to bars to find some alcohol. During other moments he is not afraid to drink as well, like school or some free moments. Although he thinks he is hiding it well, there are some signs other people can see that will draw the conclusion like red eyes, a lot of alcohol bottle and the number of times he is wasted.
• Although multiple people have suggested it, Zachaël is not planning on seeing an psychologist about the death of his little sister. He still thinks that — with the help of woman and alcohol and shutting out all kinds of love — he can manage it on his own. What he does not know, is the fact that he is sliding into an depression which grows worse every day.
• Zachaël has a big love for poems and can read them at all times, which he does when he is having a breakdown and needs comfort. At some times, Zachaël even writes his own poems but after Amelie’s death he will not show them to other persons.
• Due to the fact he lived in Montreal, Canada for a big time of his life Zachaël can speak French fluently. Next to that, he got classes Spanish and German in high school and can make it far with his skills in those languages as well. It can be said that Zachaël has a talent for languages and he thinks it is fun to look into a new one he cannot yet understand.
• Amelia Maria Devereaux — Zachaël’s little sister, who died at the age of eleven because of a rare form of cancer. Zachaël had an exclusive bond with the little girl and would have walked through fire to make her feel better, even before she got sick. After she died, Zachaël’s world collapsed and he moved out of the house and became a different person.
[ bericht aangepast op 3 aug 2015 - 11:25 ]