• Het gaat zo, je geef drie karakters/personen op met een nummer en de andere antwoord met wat hij/zij zou doen, dan geef je drie nieuwe karakters/personen en weer een nummer etc.

    De verschillende cijfers

    1. fuck, marry, kill
    2. marry, cuddle, sleep with
    3. fuck, take a bullet for, murder
    4. adopt, be adopted by, marry
    5. kill, betray, have on your zombie apocalypse team
    6. seduce, steal from, serenade

    Persoon 1
    1; Draco Malfoy, Zac Efron, Lady Gaga

    Persoon 2
    Draco: fuck
    Zac: Marry
    Gaga: Kill

    5. Remus Lupin, Dean Winchester, Jafar

    Ik start met:
    1; Draco Malfoy, Zac Efron, Lady Gaga

    [ bericht aangepast op 3 jan 2015 - 23:01 ]

    My fake plants died, because I did not pretend to water them.

    Kill: Joseph Morgan ):
    Betray: Paul Wesley
    Have on your zombie apocalypse team: Ian Somerhalder

    6. James Franco, Channing Tatum, Jonah Hill

    [ bericht aangepast op 6 juli 2015 - 15:56 ]

    Freedom is a length of rope. God wants you to hang yourself with it.

    Seduce: Channing Tatum.
    Steal from: James Franco.
    Serenade: Jonah Hill.

    4. Thranduil, Tauriel, Legolas. (';

    Caution first, always.

    adopt : Tauriel
    be adopted by : Thranduil
    Marry : Legolas

    3 ~ Draco Malfoy , Harry Potter , Hermione Granger :')

    "If we burn, you burn with us." Katmione --> FollowTheSpider

    Fuck: Draco Malfoy
    Take a bullet for: Harry Potter
    Murder: Hermione Granger
    ugh that was hard :'c

    1. Sinterklaas, zwarte Piet, Justin Bieber

    Life is a beautiful struggle

    Kill Zwarte Piet
    Fuck Sinterklaas
    Marry Justin Bieber

    4.. Dylan O'brien, Daniel Radcliffe & David Beckham

    [ bericht aangepast op 6 juli 2015 - 19:12 ]


    Adopt: Daniel Radcliffe.
    Be adopted by: David Beckham.
    Marry: Dylan O'brien.

    3. Rachelle Levefre, AJ Cook, Natalie Martinez.

    Reality's overrated.

    Kill: Natalie Martinez
    Betray: AJ Cook
    Have on your zombie apocalypse team: Rachelle Levefre

    Chris Hemsworth, Chris Pratt, Chris Evans.

    Marry Chris Hemsworth.
    Adopt Chris Pratt.
    Be adopted by Chris Evans.

    5. Paul Wesley, Chace Crawford, Ian Harding

    Tell me about it, stud.

    Kill: Chace Crawford
    Betray: Ian Harding
    Have on your zombie apocalypse team: Paul Wesley

    2 Evan Peters, Drew van Acker, Ian Somerhalder

    Life is a beautiful struggle

    marry: Evan Peters
    cuddle: Drew Van Acker
    sleep with: Ian Somerhalder

    3. Dylan O'brien, Leonardo DiCaprio, Thomas Sangster

    I appreciate the masterpiece that is you, because your existence alone is art

    Fuck: Thomas Sangster
    Take a bullet for: Dylan O'Bien
    murder: Leonardo DiCaprio

    5. Ki Hong Lee (minho in tmr), Joe Jonas, John Legend

    If only humans could have vertical asymptotes ~ Quinn

    Kill: John Legend
    Betray: Joe Jonas
    Have on your zombie apocalypse team: Ki Hong Lee

    3. Michael Clifford, Liam Hemsworth, Kanye West

    "I'm fine with internet communication, it's just the real life I have problems with!" ~ Dan Howell

    Fuck: Liam Hemsworth.
    Take a bullet for: Michael Clifford.
    Murder: Kanye West.

    6. Evan Peters, Norman Reedus, Mike Vogel

    Reality's overrated.

    Serenade Evan Peters
    seduce Norman Reedus
    Steal from Mike Vogel

    Tony Stark, Captain Kirk and Spock :Y)

    Mambo number 5!

    "Everytime I see the red hair bouncing so gracefully, I remember how much damage I did to that magnificient flower..."

    Kill: Spock
    Betray: Captain Kirk
    Have on your zombie apocalypse team: Tony Stark

    2. Chris Hemsworth, Tyler Posey en Jensen Ackles

    We've lived in the shadows for far too long.