• Hello guys!

    I don't think anyone on this site actually knows haha, but I'm on an exchange year in England.
    My hostfamily is nice, but lately it's been getting like, they aren't really interested in me. I feel like I'm being ignored a little bit and I don't want to nag but even though I plan on getting them things for Christmas I don't think they're getting me any.
    School is really nice, but the homework is a lot and it's all been piling up.

    On top of that, a few weeks ago two of my familymembers died and I didn't have the chance to say goodbye nor to go to the funeral.
    I've been missing my family at home a lot and mainly my cat. God I really miss my cat. I've been here in England for about 2.5 months now.

    The thing is, I have to concentrate on my homework, and I'm not really asking help for that, sorry for talking too much.
    I miss my family. That's the whole point. I have moments where I really want to go home but I don't want to feel like that. Cause this is an amazing opportunity and I don't want to miss out on this year just because I miss my family at home.

    Guys, I need some tips. How in hell do you handle homesickness?

    [ bericht aangepast op 18 nov 2014 - 9:58 ]

    Vatican Cameos

    In het Engels dan maar?

    First of all, here's a hug:

    Jeez, that sucks. Have you tried contacting your family? Maybe hearing a friendly voice will cheer you up a bit!
    And about your host family: have you tried asking them some questions? Maybe it's weird for them too, to have a complete stranger in their house. I know you've been there for two months now, but it takes time getting used to someone.
    For handling your homesickness: try to distract yourself. Focus on the good things. You're in a completely new city: go explore it? Maybe there's a ... library or a museum in your neighborhood. Go meet some friends, read a book,... just don't stay there, sitting alone with your thoughts about home and your cat.
    Hope this helps a bit...

    Even the smallest can change the course of the future

    Their --> They're c:

    First of all, homesickness is absolutely awful. It's one of the worst feelings in the world, I get where you're coming from.

    About the host family, I support Frodo's solution. Talk to them! Have conversation, ask question, maybe it'll help. If it doesn't, I think it's best to still get them something for Christmas. I mean, it's nice for them and they'll probably ignore you less considering you actively thought about them on Christmas. I get that it's hard though.

    As for the worst problem: First of all, call your family and explain what's bothering you. Tell them how you feel, they're probably missing you too (even ask if you can talk to the cat for a while :Y) ). Write a letter to the lost family member (my condoleances), post it, and ask your family if they can put it on the grave. To be honest, I don't know if it works, but maybe it'll give some closure.
    Also write a letter to yourself. Note all the things that are positive about the exchange year. Anything. That you like the weather (ha-ha), how much you enjoy school, but also things like: Why did you come here, the fact that you've probably been dreaming about this since you were small, that you love speaking/reading/talking/writing English, how the accent is your favourite, that you think the English habits are funny, that you like the organisation that planned this for you, how you enjoy living on your own for a while, shortly: Everything that you like. Carry it with you, read it when you're feeling blue, and after a while, just thinking of the letter may just cheer you up.
    What might help is, ask your parents to send you some kind of small home-reminder. A little stuffed animal, or anything like that, pocket-size, and carry it with you.
    Call your parents again, and again, and again, call the husband/wife/kids of the lost family member, your siblings, just talk. We'll ignore the telephone bill for a second.

    Alvast een dingetje voor op je lijstje: Kijk hoe goed je Engels is! Had je dat zo geperfectioneerd als je niet in Engeland was gaan wonen?
    Good luck, I hope it helps c:

    [ bericht aangepast op 17 nov 2014 - 22:01 ]

    Tijd voor koffie.

    Gellert schreef:
    Their --> They're c:

    First of all, homesickness is absolutely awful. It's one of the worst feelings in the world, I get where you're coming from.

    About the host family, I support Frodo's solution. Talk to them! Have conversation, ask question, maybe it'll help. If it doesn't, I think it's best to still get them something for Christmas. I mean, it's nice for them and they'll probably ignore you less considering you actively thought about them on Christmas. I get that it's hard though.

    As for the worst problem: First of all, call your family and explain what's bothering you. Tell them how you feel, they're probably missing you too (even ask if you can talk to the cat for a while :Y) ). Write a letter to the lost family member (my condoleances), post it, and ask your family if they can put it on the grave. To be honest, I don't know if it works, but maybe it'll give some closure.
    Also write a letter to yourself. Note all the things that are positive about the exchange year. Anything. That you like the weather (ha-ha), how much you enjoy school, but also things like: Why did you come here, the fact that you've probably been dreaming about this since you were small, that you love speaking/reading/talking/writing English, how the accent is your favourite, that you think the English habits are funny, that you like the organisation that planned this for you, how you enjoy living on your own for a while, shortly: Everything that you like. Carry it with you, read it when you're feeling blue, and after a while, just thinking of the letter may just cheer you up.
    What might help is, ask your parents to send you some kind of small home-reminder. A little stuffed animal, or anything like that, pocket-size, and carry it with you.
    Call your parents again, and again, and again, call the husband/wife/kids of the lost family member, your siblings, just talk. We'll ignore the telephone bill for a second.

    Alvast een dingetje voor op je lijstje: Kijk hoe goed je Engels is! Had je dat zo geperfectioneerd als je niet in Engeland was gaan wonen?
    Good luck, I hope it helps c:

    Hehe, thanks voor het verbeteren, had het niet gezien (:
    Thank you, I'll try the things you told me to do. Thanks (:

    Vatican Cameos

    Nawh! *hug*

    I have a tip how to deal with the lost family member: write a letter, explaining how you feel. You don't have to post it or anything, just write. Hopefully you will feel a little bit better after that.

    About your homesickness: Maybe skype? But don't do it if you think it will make u miss them even more. But maybe hearing their voice or just seeing their face, is just what you need!

    About your cat: Call him/her and start miauwing away :Y) Ghehe, toch maar niet xp

    About you 'new' family: Maybe you can organise a movie night? Rent a dvd and make some popcorn? And maybe afterwards you guys will have something to talk about. And after that, you can easily start asking them question about themselves.

    I hope it works out for you <3
