• Wat de titel zegt dus, wat heb jij onlangs gekopieerd? Drop het hier. :'D

    Onder mijn Ctrl + V zit: •

    I would tell you my autumn joke but you probably wouldn't fall for it

    Hi mensjes,


    Wie helpt doneren? Het is z'n dróóm en ik wil hem helpen! thanks.
    x Natasja.

    You know, sometimes when you cage the beast, the beast gets angry.

    Hé, dat ben ik. x')

    I would tell you my autumn joke but you probably wouldn't fall for it

    Novoselic schreef:

    Hé, dat ben ik. x')

    Wooow, knapperd (H)(K)

    Melding: Dit was het laatste hoofdstuk van deze story!

    [ bericht aangepast op 14 aug 2014 - 23:06 ]

    Someone you haven’t even met yet is wondering what it’d be like to know someone like you.


    [ bericht aangepast op 14 aug 2014 - 23:13 ]

    Someone you haven’t even met yet is wondering what it’d be like to know someone like you.

    Spoilers over GoT.

    In the fifth book “A Dance of Dragons” Cersei power and position started to slip from her grasp, her scheming against Margeary Tyrell backfired. In her attempt to have the new, younger and perhaps even more beautiful Queen framed for adultery and high treason, she is in turn arrested by the High Septon and jailed.

    Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself. - Coco Chanel

    Athanatos schreef:
    Wooow, knapperd (H)(K)

    Melding: Dit was het laatste hoofdstuk van deze story!

    - even offtopic -

    Dank je, dat vind ik superlief van je! You just made me smile. ^^

    I would tell you my autumn joke but you probably wouldn't fall for it

    Someone you haven’t even met yet is wondering what it’d be like to know someone like you.


    If only humans could have vertical asymptotes ~ Quinn

    My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellatio

    Toen raakte ik alsnog in paniek en ging ik rechtop zitten, want de pijn ging niet weg. Toen werd ik duizelig, werd de pijn in mijn kuit minder en ging ik half liggen met m'n benen nog buiten het bed tegen de duizeligheid.

    I'm Ellie's & Mitshy's little secret. Rawr.


    Ik wist niet hoe ik het zo snel moest spellen. :W

    Long ago, the websites lived together in harmony…
    Then everything changed when Windows Vista attacked!
    Only Google, Master of All Search Engines could stop it.
    But when the internet needed it most, Google vanished.
    Years passed, and a new Search Engine was discovered, a Search Engine named Bing.
    And Bing couldn’t search for shit. Everyone died.
    And Bing couldn’t search for shit. Everyone died.

    | 'Sorry for being awesome, losers,' Call had said before he blacked out. | The Iron Trial


    wat was dit ookalweer

    Wat. Ben. Jij. Een. Slijmbal.

    'If you could see yourself from my perspective, you'll realize there is nothing you need to change about yourself'.