• Ik was de laatste :Y)

    My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellatio

    TheBadWolf schreef:
    wel eens gezien

    These rings that I'm breaking are making you a personal debt.


    And don't forget, Elvendork! It's unisex!


    "Ignite, my love. Ignite."

    Famous! :Y)

    wat was dit ookalweer

    Bekend. (:

    Every villain is a hero in his own mind.


    I wanna be a wizard!

    Weleens gezien.

    I would tell you my autumn joke but you probably wouldn't fall for it


    "Ignite, my love. Ignite."

    Bekend (wel eens gezien op het forum)

    Lindsay, forever in my heart † • Skaikru went Bughead


    Every villain is a hero in his own mind.


    O mia lost elan. Tu isag elythe.

    jaa bekend =]

    My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellatio

    DAWSONS schreef:
    Famous! :Y)

    wat was dit ookalweer

    Geen idee wie dat is..
    Bekend xD

    [ bericht aangepast op 28 juli 2014 - 22:46 ]

    'If you could see yourself from my perspective, you'll realize there is nothing you need to change about yourself'.


    Lindsay, forever in my heart † • Skaikru went Bughead