• Hier kun je al je frustraties, euforische momenten en hersenspinsels kwijt. Dus zit je iets dwars? Heb je problemen? Is je ijsje niet lekker? Of voel je je gewoon zo ontzettend blij en wil je dat met de rest van Quizlet delen?
    Schrijf hier dan alles van je af!

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    Your make-up is terrible

    Vuelie schreef:
    Rendez-vous, rendez-vous, rendez-vous au prochain règlement
    Rendez-vous, rendez-vous, rendez-vous sûrement aux prochaines règles.

    Stromae. <3

    Le Beau n’est que la promesse du bonheur | Will you dance, dear Emma? | page 28

    Getting tired of your bullshit.

    Take me to wonderland

    “The Rules of Social Anxiety
    1. Walk with eyes fixed on the ground
    They are watching, laughing, judging
    Walk normal
    Don’t focus on it too much or you will stumble and be made a fool of

    2. Look like you are writing and busy in class
    avoid being called on
    you know the answer but what if you stutter or mumble
    What if they tell you “speak up I can’t hear you”

    3. Don’t make a noise
    hold in that cough that sneeze that breathe
    people will hear you
    do not draw attention to yourself like that

    4. Spend time every night before you go to bed to think
    Think about all the embarrassing things you have ever done
    Everyone remembers, that’s all they remember

    5. Never enter a room full of people
    They all look
    Why are you here?
    Why are you alive?

    6. Your friends all secretly hate you
    you know why they didn’t reply to your text
    you know how they all dread seeing you
    you are only put up with because of pity

    7. Always be scared
    Scared to sit next to a stranger
    Scared to see someone you know
    Scared eat in front of people
    Scared to talk on the phone
    Scared to go to social events
    Scared order at a restaurant
    Scared to talk
    Scared to have a panic attack
    Scared to be noticed

    Always scared
    but don’t worry,
    you don’t like people anyway,
    at least that’s what you say,
    you’re “antisocial”
    You don’t even care what they think, people are annoying,
    that’s what you tell them.
    You play it off as a joke
    but really you’re always scared.”

    Your make-up is terrible

    Gisteren mij oordopjes, nu mijn borstel.. Wat is het volgende dat kapot gaat? -_-..

    Always though that I might be bad. Now I'm sure that it's true, cause I think you're so good & I'm nothing like you

    Ow bah! Ik wil niet dat oma binnenkort komt! :C

    • It is often the biggest smile, that is hiding the saddest heart. •

    Oh, dear god, if you're gonna look more delicious then you do now, then my boyfriend have to look out. I might be choosing you over him, coffee *.*

    Don't walk. Run, you sheep, run.

    Er staan een paar jongeren voor onze deur te roken, zuipen en al hun afval in onze tuin te dumpen. Welcome to Amsterdam, mensen.

    I dress to kill, but tastefully

    Zoooooo verschrikkelijk veel buikpijn. D:


    Zeer benieuwd hoe morgen gaat verlopen en wie er nou precies komen. En waar ik in godsnaam ga slapen, als ik daar überhaupt aan toe kom.

    i put the fun in funeral

    Ik ben echt eens benieuwd naar vanavond.

    How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.

    Onder welke steen heb ik gewoond?!

    I dress to kill, but tastefully

    Ik wil hét perfecte einde schrijven, anders ben ik niet tevreden. Ik weet dat ik beter kan, nog een aantal woorden! :3

    • It is often the biggest smile, that is hiding the saddest heart. •

    I'm really getting scared...
    And just stop please, ik word hier echt nog gek van.

    [ bericht aangepast op 30 dec 2013 - 13:53 ]

    To the stars who listen — and the dreams that are answered

    I hope this helps me forget.

    "Do not be angry with the rain; it simply does not know how to fall upwards.” - Vladimir Nabokov

    Mijn motivatie voor alles is gewoon volkomen weg. Er zijn een heleboel dingen die ik wil doen, maar het dóén lukt de laatste tijd echt niet. D:

    "Just words." "But good words. That's where ideas begin." - Star Trek, The Wrath of Khan