• Ik had ooit eens een Engels lied geschreven voor een verhaal dat ik nooit heb geschreven :3

    Fire and smoke came from the sky,
    our end was nigh;
    trembling and fearing the winged beast,
    our forces marched east.

    No sword, spear or arrow could pierce its skin,
    as it continued its greatest sin;
    men and women died by its choice,
    and finally from the west came a voice.

    It was our bravest warrior,
    he who bore the sword Ghalmior;
    a worthy foe for the monster,
    who had never been beaten by mortals.

    The battle ensued,
    the world plunged into darkness;
    our warrior subdued,
    for he was victorious.

    Verblind door mijn eigen geluk zag ik haar verdriet niet...