• Zou je vlinders krijgen voor iemand die je al langer kent ... Lang genoeg om te weten dat wat nu groeit nooit blijvend kan zijn omdat het iemand is die uiteindelijk altijd weg vlucht naar iets anders; Simpelweg omdat het enige waar hij bang voor is, is dat hij nergens echt aan wil wennen in het leven? :c

    Til hug og blod.

    Eehm... Omdat het leven fucked up is en je je gevoelens niet altijd zelf kan bepalen?!

    Waarom ben ik zo ontzettend verslaafd aan quizlet en heb ik geen leven dat ik om 1.20u nog steeds op q zit terwijl ik al 3,5 u hoor te slapen en morgen/vandaag om 7u op moet?

    I'm not crazy, I'm an airplane

    Ai, tsja jammer dat je niet altijd zelf kan bepalen voor wie je meer gevoelens krijgt en voor wie niet hé.

    Alleen maar tranen van geluk

    Rowling schreef:
    Ai, tsja jammer dat je niet altijd zelf kan bepalen voor wie je meer gevoelens krijgt en voor wie niet hé.

    Amen. When I first met Amy about 5 years ago, I did not want to fall in love with her. At all. Nope. Not happening.
    And now we're engaged. So yeah.

    Welcome to Night Vale. All Hail the Glow Cloud. All Hail Perfect, Beautiful Carlos.

    Ughm, heb ik nu ook ._. Naaiend as fuck, ik ken hem langer, maar ik wil niet op hem vallen.

    I don't want you to die, I want you to suffer.

    Javert schreef:

    Amen. When I first met Amy about 5 years ago, I did not want to fall in love with her. At all. Nope. Not happening.
    And now we're engaged. So yeah.


    Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my goshhh! Give me all the details! (Including the dirty ones please! 8D)

    Til hug og blod.

    Nierika schreef:


    Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my goshhh! Give me all the details! (Including the dirty ones please! 8D)

    This is where I should say, no, I'm not giving you the dirty details, but me and Amy are quite open about those anyway.. :'D She proposed to me in a rose-garden, on a pretty day and it was gorgeous and soppy and romantic and kisses and yeah :3 Happy Lizz

    Welcome to Night Vale. All Hail the Glow Cloud. All Hail Perfect, Beautiful Carlos.

    Javert schreef:

    This is where I should say, no, I'm not giving you the dirty details, but me and Amy are quite open about those anyway.. :'D She proposed to me in a rose-garden, on a pretty day and it was gorgeous and soppy and romantic and kisses and yeah :3 Happy Lizz

    And after that ....

    Anyway, awesome! I'm happy for you guys. If I'm lucky or unlucky, depending on how you view the situation, I might be over there next month for a visit to England. Let's party hard then! 8D

    Til hug og blod.

    Nierika schreef:

    And after that ....

    Anyway, awesome! I'm happy for you guys. If I'm lucky or unlucky, depending on how you view the situation, I might be over there next month for a visit to England. Let's party hard then! 8D

    Pretty much.
    And remember, just incase you need somewhere to crash for a night: Mi coucho es su coucho. [That is legit, no one argue with me.]

    Welcome to Night Vale. All Hail the Glow Cloud. All Hail Perfect, Beautiful Carlos.

    Javert schreef:

    Pretty much.
    And remember, just incase you need somewhere to crash for a night: Mi coucho es su coucho. [That is legit, no one argue with me.]

    I think it will be more like "His squeeky bed will be my squeeky bed for a while". :'D
    But I'll defenitly hop by or invite the two of you over for some fun!

    Til hug og blod.

    Nierika schreef:

    I think it will be more like "His squeeky bed will be my squeeky bed for a while". :'D
    But I'll defenitly hop by or invite the two of you over for some fun!

    I should hope so. :Y) I wanna show off our pretty flat. ^^ and you can meet Amy

    [ bericht aangepast op 20 juni 2013 - 13:56 ]

    Welcome to Night Vale. All Hail the Glow Cloud. All Hail Perfect, Beautiful Carlos.

    Javert schreef:

    Amen. When I first met Amy about 5 years ago, I did not want to fall in love with her. At all. Nope. Not happening.
    And now we're engaged. So yeah.

    It wasn't like I wanted to fall in love with you either madam. XD I was more then happy going around breaking everyone's hearts in my country, then YOU showed up with your stupid cute face and your damned closet lesbianism and fuck you.

    And then I fell for you anyway and I WAS NOT IMPRESSED.

    Now you better damned marry me. Or I will eat you.

    and I don't mean the v.

    [ bericht aangepast op 20 juni 2013 - 13:56 ]

    Having a birthday holiday to the Netherlands <3 So excited!! <3

    SneakyDom schreef:

    It wasn't like I wanted to fall in love with you either madam. XD I was more then happy going around breaking everyone's hearts in my country, then YOU showed up with your stupid cute face and your damned closet lesbianism and fuck you.

    And then I fell for you anyway and I WAS NOT IMPRESSED.

    Now you better damned marry me. Or I will eat you.

    and I don't mean the v.

    I do not believe you.
    Once you turn to the V, you never turn back!

    Til hug og blod.

    Nierika schreef:

    I do not believe you.
    Once you turn to the V, you never turn back!

    Why do you not believe me?
    That is not that true! XD

    Having a birthday holiday to the Netherlands <3 So excited!! <3

    SneakyDom schreef:

    Why do you not believe me?
    That is not that true! XD

    Wouldn't it be a safer question to put in the middle as to "Why on earth would I trust or believe you in the first place?" 8D

    And yes it is. I have one in my neck to prove it! 8D
    Hum. Sad thing is I'm not even lying.

    Til hug og blod.

    Thread derailed.

    Yet despite the talk of engagements and eating, there is still a rather disturbing lack of cake. So...

    quidquid excusatio prandium pro