• This topic is especially to talk English with other Quizletters. Other languages than English are forbidden.

    In dit topic mag je enkel Engels praten, tenzij je een woordje niet weet. Andere talen zijn verboden. Hou rekening dat niet iedereen zo goed is in Engels. Je mag een ander op zijn fouten wijzen, maar doe dit dan op een respectvolle manier.

    But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreams.


    What I was wondering, what time is it at Curaçao?
    Since the time difference is around five/six hours, so it's only 07.30/08.30 over there...

    To the stars who listen — and the dreams that are answered

    Rumpleteazer schreef:

    That's a lot. I love English, Biology, Chemistry and that kind of stuff. I hate "Natuurkunde" although I chose it, 'cause I may need it...

    exactly my problem.........
    i hate everything that is to easy (like English and Dutch) or doesn't interest me.... which is everything that hasn't got anything to do with psychology or acting

    Dont say why me, say try me

    Alyssum schreef:
    The only subject I really dislike are economy and anw.
    My favorites are English and geography.

    O, anw, don't even start. It's bullshit. I have a profile with Maths, biology, chemistry, 'natuurkunde', economy (I love that subject (: ), French and Cambridge English. It's bullshit I have anw.


    Alyssum schreef:

    What I was wondering, what time is it at Curaçao?
    Since the time difference is around five/six hours, so it's only 07.30/08.30 over there...

    as long there is 'wintertijd' it's 5 hours en otherwise it's 6........

    so now its about 8.30 yea... (and I'm tired as f*ck)

    Dont say why me, say try me

    Rumpleteazer schreef:

    O, anw, don't even start. It's bullshit. I have a profile with Maths, biology, chemistry, 'natuurkunde', economy (I love that subject (: ), French and Cambridge English. It's bullshit I have anw.

    Natuurkunde is physics, I believe.

    It is so stupid. The people with the same subjects as you already understand -almost- everything of it, 'cause it are only the basics and the people who don't have those subjects don't understand it and won't need it.

    To the stars who listen — and the dreams that are answered

    Alyssum schreef:

    Natuurkunde is physics, I believe.

    It is so stupid. The people with the same subjects as you already understand -almost- everything of it, 'cause it are only the basics and the people who don't have those subjects don't understand it and won't need it.

    Yes, I was looking for that word (:
    Yeah, and most of the people with an "M" profile had a reason for not choosing an "N" profile. Nobody likes it...


    That exactly.
    I really don't like it, though I'm not bad at it. The past three subject were quite easy, the one we're treat at the moment is a bit more difficult. It is about the carbon cycle and things like that.
    We also have to do a practical assignment, mine's about The Northern Light a.k.a. Aurora Borealis :')

    Uggh, this book I have to read for English is so boring ._.

    To the stars who listen — and the dreams that are answered

    Did someone of you read The fault in our stars by John Green?

    Even the smallest can change the course of the future


    But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreams.

    Colfer schreef:


    Even the smallest can change the course of the future

    Alyssum schreef:
    That exactly.
    I really don't like it, though I'm not bad at it. The past three subject were quite easy, the one we're treat at the moment is a bit more difficult. It is about the carbon cycle and things like that.
    We also have to do a practical assignment, mine's about The Northern Light a.k.a. Aurora Borealis :')

    Uggh, this book I have to read for English is so boring ._.

    I'm bored as fuck during the lessons. The subject we're treat at the moment is DNA. I already did that (biology) and it's so basic. And boring. ugh. We also have practical assignments. We had to make a model with all the planets in our universe. And in june we are going to the zoo, artis to make the assignment.


    Did somebody read Slumdog Millionaire? In English?
    And I'm searching for a book, in English, so, does anybody have an idea?


    Rumpleteazer schreef:
    Did somebody read Slumdog Millionaire? In English?
    And I'm searching for a book, in English, so, does anybody have an idea?

    Just read The fault in our stars. It's... wauw.

    Even the smallest can change the course of the future

    Oh, that model-thingy isn't very hard, or is it?
    I want to go to the zoo too D:

    To the stars who listen — and the dreams that are answered

    Alyssum schreef:
    Oh, that model-thingy isn't very hard, or is it?
    I want to go to the zoo too D:

    Well, it wasn't easy. Everything had to be correct. Lenghts, that kind of stuff
