Ik zoek nog iets leuks om te lezen, en je kunt altijd mijne lezen (Bromance tussen Ed Sheeran en Harry Styles)
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10 nov 2012 - 17:5910 nov 2012 - 18:02
Lean in when you laugh, we take photographs.
There’s no music on, but we dance along.
Never felt like this before.
© Adlington and Adesso.
November 2012.How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.
10 nov 2012 - 18:5910 nov 2012 - 19:0410 nov 2012 - 19:1810 nov 2012 - 21:27Reflections | destruction • Zayn J. Malik
‘When destiny calls you, you don't hang up that easily.’
‘Your eyes are like mirrors. Perfectly blank. I want to know what's inside of them, but all I see is the reflected world.’
• Song
• 1O - 11 - 12x
10 nov 2012 - 21:27Love and other messages | 1D One Shots
If we hug a little tighter, our hearts will be a little closer
10 nov 2012 - 23:37Lees alsjeblieft mijn verhaal!
One Direction komt natuurlijk voor in het verhaal
Aboo's en Kudoo's zijn welkom11 nov 2012 - 12:14
Should I, should I?
Maybe I'll get drunk again
I'll be drunk again
I'll be drunk again
To feel a little love.
Until You're Mine • Stylinson
They live in another world,
But what happens if those worlds meet each other?
Will they love each other?
Or will they hate each other...
Stay – One Direction
Well it's good to hear your voice
I hope your doing fine
And if you ever wonder,
I'm lonely here tonight
Lost here in this moment and time keeps slipping by
And if I could have just one wish
I'd have you by my side
An impossible love ~One Direction~
You know I'll be
Your life.
Your voice.
Your reason to be.
My love.
My heart is breathing for this.
Moment in time I'll find the words to say.
Before you leave me today.
~Mila en Roos beste vriendinnen
~one direction bestaat niet
~lange afstand liefde
By; Pareltje
Dit verhaal is van een vriendin van mij en het is echt geweldig en verdient meer abo's!
Don't find love, let love find you. <3
11 nov 2012 - 15:21
Do you still love me?
Ofcourse I still love you!
Are you sure?
How can you even doubt about that.
It's better if we break up.
No...please don't say that.
I'm sorry...
*Leya Russo
*One Direction
*Nederlands geschreven
*Engels gesproken
*Misschien 16+
*Start 1-12-2012Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.
11 nov 2012 - 16:08http://www.quizlet.nl/stories/101251/little-things--niall-horan/
You were born original, don't die as a copy.
18 nov 2012 - 10:31Mijn story is over Liam Payne & kerstmis, de perfecte combinatie niet?
Enjoy! <3
http://www.quizlet.nl/stories/102263/christmas-please-make-my-dreams-come-true--liam-payne/London is always a good idea.
18 nov 2012 - 13:2518 nov 2012 - 14:34
Do you know how it feels to be afraid?
Lying there frozen with my eyes wide open
And do you know how it feels to find a trace
Of words unspoken with my eyes wide open?
Don't be afraid of the dark
Don't be afraid of the dark
I'll be there to hold you
Don't be afraid of the dark
It might be scary
Til your eyes adjust
Don't fear the shadows
Me you can trust
Begins on: 12-12-12
Love and drama story
One direction exist
Written in Dutch
Spoke in English
Prologue staat wel al online (:18 nov 2012 - 16:37Lost Balance || One Direction
Kijk bij Proloog voor een beetje uitleg.
Ik begin bij 5 abo's.22 nov 2012 - 19:49Hee
Ik maak one shots en bromances, als je wilt dat ik er een voor je maak vul dit dan even in;
Voor bromance;
Welke jongens;
Karakter van de jongens;
Bestaat 1D?;
Waar het zich afspeelt (stad) + locatie (Bijv. strand of starbucks):
Wat erin moet;
12+ (zoenen, flirten, omhelzen etc.);
Voor jezelf;
Met wie:
Uiterlijk (mag met foto):
Bestaat 1D al?:
Waar het zich afspeelt (stad) + locatie (Bijv. strand of starbucks):
Wat er in moet:
12+ (zoenen, flirten, omhelzen etc):
Graag aanvraag op de pagina zelf!
http://www.quizlet.nl/stories/102670/one-shotsbromances-with-1d/'She walks on starlight.'