• Ik mag mijn username veranderen! ^^
    Welke zal ik doen?

    - Arya
    - Kingslanding
    - Lannister
    - Joffry
    - Greyjoy
    - Of zal ik een oude naam weer terug nemen?

    "Well, well. Look who we've got here!"

    arya doet me denken aan het zoontje van mn baas van stage die ik niet zo aardig vond (cat)

    [i]Help always come when people fight for right - Tonto [/i]

    Barabas/Barnabas was je toch ooit? Daar was ik helemaal aan gewend en die vind ik wel mooi C:

    Pretty is just a pretty word.

    Oude naam weer! ^^

    I'm Ellie's & Mitshy's little secret. Rawr.


    You've got to realize: you're the Devil as much as you're God.

    Arya, want dat lijkt op mijn oude username Aria. Ik vond jouw usernames Roux en Jabberjay trouwens heel leuk! (:

    Her heart was a secret garden and the walls were very high.

    Neem Roux weer terug! (bloos)

    Caution first, always.

    Jabberjay of Barnabas terugnemen :3

    26 - 02 - '16

    Neem Jabberjay of Barnabas weer terug (:

    If we hug a little tighter, our hearts will be a little closer

    Desmond schreef:

    you said I had a beautiful mind, but that's because you're all I think about


    Til hug og blod.

    Arya of Roux terug nemen c:

    What's so bad about being different?

    Hoyos schreef:
    Arya of Roux terug nemen c:

    Where the light is, there will be darkness.Where the darkness is, there will be light.