• Surreal Depictions of Human Nature Versus the Universe

    Ireland-based Polish painter Tomasz Alen Kopera uses basic oils and acrylics on canvas to envelop his audience into an otherworldly realm where the surreal prevails. Like the works of Tomek Sętowski, Kopera employs themes of "magical surrealism" in his paintings, though there's more of an unspoken somber tone to many of his works that are evident through his subjects' expressions and the melancholic tones.

    The artist works with the human body and incorporates it into nature, often depicting a crumbling form amidst a foggy landscape. Kopera says his inspirations are derived from "human nature and the mysteries of the Universe." A darkness presents itself in the body of his work that seems to illustrate a dichotomous amalgamation and struggle between man and nature. There is a similar battle between the darkness and the light, though it's unclear which side is which and who the ultimate victor is in the end. Through his series of surreally engrossing paintings, Kopera seeks to affect perception and prompt a thoughtful discussion about the interpretation of his works.

    Til hug og blod.

    Til hug og blod.

    Til hug og blod.

    Til hug og blod.

    Prachtig! Man, dít inspireert mij nou. Thanks Nancy.

    Bananen zijn lekker, toch? Zet dit ook in je signature als je ook van bananaaaas houdt!

    Wauw, prachtig!

    Let the Night embrace you

    Ireland. Proud of you :)
