• Alain. • Carlo. • Austin. • Benjamin. • Bradley. • Gale. • Emmett. • Jonathan.
Just keep your head up. Stick on the ice.
Austin. (:
Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking
Ik vind ze allemaal niet erg geweldig, maar als ik moet kiezen ga ik voor Benjamin.
The only thing that's going to bother me, is that you all call yourselfs my friends.
Hmm Gale of Bradley dan toch
"Delaying death is one of my favourite hobbies."
"The only way of finding a solution is to fight back, to move, to run, and to control that pressure."
Austin or Bradley.
If you don't understand my silence, you will never understand my words.
Carlo want zo heet mijn vader Maar het mooiste vind ik Gale, maar dat doet teveel denken aan de Hongerspelen ;p
Alis volat propriis.
Austin, en anders Jonathan.
People cry, not because they're weak. It's because they've been strong for too long.
Trilogy schreef: Carlo want zo heet mijn vader Maar het mooiste vind ik Gale, maar dat doet teveel denken aan de Hongerspelen ;p
Austin (:
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.
If the compass breaks then follow your heart and I hope it leads you right back into my arms.
Yowic schreef: (...) *is hongerspelen verslaafd*
Bailas schreef: Benjamin.
Caution first, always.
Physics is awesome
Bradley. :W
It is better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven.
Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.