• We weten hoe 't moet.
    We waren bij mij gebleven :D

    26 - 02 - '16


    Ha! I invent the word impossible. That's why I am the champ. Whether I like it or not.


    | Reality is for people that lack imagination |


    Ha! I invent the word impossible. That's why I am the champ. Whether I like it or not.


    Karma is sowieso een vrouw, jongens kunnen gewoon niet zo bitchy zijn.


    Today is the oldest you have ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be.


    Ha! I invent the word impossible. That's why I am the champ. Whether I like it or not.


    PHENOMENIALL = Nocturn

    Not all those who wander are lost.


    Ha! I invent the word impossible. That's why I am the champ. Whether I like it or not.


    "No matter where you are in the world, the moon is never bigger than your thumb" - Dear John


    Ha! I invent the word impossible. That's why I am the champ. Whether I like it or not.

    Al gezien

    Normality is a paved road: it's comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow on it.

    hiervan bekend
    denk ik

    Ha! I invent the word impossible. That's why I am the champ. Whether I like it or not.


    "No matter where you are in the world, the moon is never bigger than your thumb" - Dear John

    wel s gezien

    "Your life. Your choice. Think about what you want."

    Wel eens gezien

    PHENOMENIALL = Nocturn

    Not all those who wander are lost.