• Hey!
    Ik vond deze op Tumblr en ik denk dat ik hem ga doen:

    Make a gif or take a photo everyday for thirty days!
    Day 1: Your favorite book
    Day 2: Your favorite movie
    Day 3: Your favorite character
    Day 4: Your favorite pairing (canon or non-canon)
    Day 5: A scene that makes you really happy
    Day 6: A character you would take your pants off for anytime they ask ;)
    Day 7: Your favorite villain
    Day 8: A minor character you love
    Day 9: The most badass character
    Day 10: A character you relate most to
    Day 11: Your favorite scene from your favorite book/movie
    Day 12: A part that always makes you cry
    Day 13: Your favorite quote
    Day 14: A character in the movies who is closest to how you picture them in the books
    Day 15: A character you wish was real
    Day 16: Your favorite Marauder, Death Eater, or OotP member
    Day 17: A character you would like to spend one day with
    Day 18: A character you just want to kick in the face
    Day 19: A part in the books/movies that makes you angry
    Day 20: A character you would play if you were in the movies
    Day 21: Your favorite family
    Day 22: A scene you love to watch
    Day 23: Something that you wish was in the movies but isn’t
    Day 24: A character who died and you wish they hadn’t
    Day 25: Three characters you would want to be best friends with
    Day 26: Your favorite creature
    Day 27: Your favorite friendship
    Day 28: The house you’re in
    Day 29: Your favorite trio moment
    Day 30: What you love about Harry Potter

    Doen jullie ook mee? =3

    It probably had more to do with the hurled bombs, thrown down by humans hiding in the clouds...

    Day 4: Drarry and Wolfstar.
    Day 6: Draco Malfoy
    Day 7: Lucius Malfoy

    even een paar vragen beantwoord, maar ik ga niet meerdoen. Ik vind het veel te moeilijk om te kiezen.

    Cool, neat, swell -Cry

    Annwfyn schreef:
    Day 4: Drarry and Wolfstar.
    Day 6: Draco Malfoy
    Day 7: Lucius Malfoy

    even een paar vragen beantwoord, maar ik ga niet meerdoen. Ik vind het veel te moeilijk om te kiezen.

    Lol, ja. Wolfstar? x)

    It probably had more to do with the hurled bombs, thrown down by humans hiding in the clouds...

    Maar bij sommige van die dagen zou ik hetzelfde fotograferen...

    This is the part of me, that you're never ever gonna take away from me.

    I already did that one :W

    But I still have this faith in the truth of my dreams.

    Zo veel challenge, en dan ben je halverwege bezig.. en denk je. FCK JOU D: kut vragen.. en dan stop ik meestal (:
    Kan komen omdat ik toen met die van Pokemon bezig was en er ook vragen waren over et spel en die speel ik niet ;D

    Always though that I might be bad. Now I'm sure that it's true, cause I think you're so good & I'm nothing like you

    misschien doe ik da wel (:

    Read this upside down: 370HSSV 0773H

    eh ja misschien
    wat moet je dan precies doen?

    Ha! I invent the word impossible. That's why I am the champ. Whether I like it or not.

    mag je ook iets van internet halen want ja ik kan ze niet op de pc zetten

    Ha! I invent the word impossible. That's why I am the champ. Whether I like it or not.

    IK DOE MEEE! :'D

    Alvast Mijn antwoorden:

    Day 1: Your favorite book
    The Deathley Hallows
    Day 2: Your favorite movie
    The goblet of fire
    Day 3: Your favorite character
    Fred & George Weasley :]
    Day 4: Your favorite pairing (canon or non-canon)
    Wut? xd
    Day 5: A scene that makes you really happy
    Laatste scene van het eerste deel bij de trein :]
    Day 6: A character you would take your pants off for anytime they ask
    Draco Malfoy (cat)
    Day 7: Your favorite villain
    Lucius Malfoy :]
    Day 8: A minor character you love
    Wormtail xd
    Day 9: The most badass character
    Bellatrix Lestrange
    Day 10: A character you relate most to
    Hermione Granger
    Day 11: Your favorite scene from your favorite book/movie
    Eerste deel en dan het einde.
    Day 12: A part that always makes you cry
    Fred's death.
    Day 13: Your favorite quote
    ''Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home''
    Day 14: A character in the movies who is closest to how you picture them in the books
    Luna Lovegood
    Day 15: A character you wish was real
    Fred Weasley
    Day 16: Your favorite Marauder, Death Eater, or OotP member
    Bellatrix Lestrange
    Day 17: A character you would like to spend one day with
    Fred Weasley
    Day 18: A character you just want to kick in the face
    Lavender Brown
    Day 19: A part in the books/movies that makes you angry
    Als die kobolt ze verraad in goudgrijp.
    Day 20: A character you would play if you were in the movies
    Hermione Granger
    Day 21: Your favorite family
    Day 22: A scene you love to watch
    In het tweede deel wanneer ze op het einde gaan klappen :]
    Day 23: Something that you wish was in the movies but isn’t
    Fred's death scene
    Day 24: A character who died and you wish they hadn’t
    Fred Weasley
    Day 25: Three characters you would want to be best friends with
    Fred & George Weasley, Hermione Granger
    Day 26: Your favorite creature
    Day 27: Your favorite friendship
    Hermione,Harry and Ron
    Day 28: The house you’re in
    Day 29: Your favorite trio moment
    De laatste scene van de halfbloedprins
    Day 30: What you love about Harry Potter

    [ bericht aangepast op 1 dec 2011 - 17:33 ]


    Day 1: Your favorite book
    Goblet of Fire.

    Day 2: Your favorite movie
    Deadly Hallows Part Two.

    Day 3: Your favorite character
    Bellatrix Lestrange

    Day 4: Your favorite pairing (canon or non-canon)
    Draco Malfoy / Luna Lovegood

    Day 5: A scene that makes you really happy
    De scenes in de Geheime Kamer.

    Day 6: A character you would take your pants off for anytime they ask
    Draco Malfoy

    Day 7: Your favorite villain
    Bellatrix Lestrange

    Day 8: A minor character you love
    Gregory Goyle

    Day 9: The most badass character
    Bellatrix Lestrange

    Day 10: A character you relate most to
    Narcissa Malfoy

    Day 11: Your favorite scene from your favorite book/movie
    Wanneer Draco door Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody in een fret word veranderd.

    Day 12: A part that always makes you cry
    Wanneer Felix de Feniks een traan laat.

    Day 13: Your favorite quote
    ''My father will hear about this!'' - Draco Malfoy

    Day 14: A character in the movies who is closest to how you picture them in the books
    Ron Weasley

    Day 15: A character you wish was real
    Draco Malfoy / Bellatrix Lestrange

    Day 16: Your favorite Marauder, Death Eater, or OotP member
    Lucius Malfoy

    Day 17: A character you would like to spend one day with
    Draco Malfoy

    Day 18: A character you just want to kick in the face
    Ginny Wemel

    Day 19: A part in the books/movies that makes you angry
    [GOF] Wanneer Ron zo stom doet tegen Harry omdat Harry's naam in de beker was.

    Day 20: A character you would play if you were in the movies
    Bellatrix Lestrange

    Day 21: Your favorite family

    Day 22: A scene you love to watch
    Wanneer Bellatrix in Hermelien's arm schrijft: Mudblood. En wanneer Harry in het kantoor van Omber moet komen.

    Day 23: Something that you wish was in the movies but isn’t
    Day 24: A character who died and you wish they hadn’t

    Day 25: Three characters you would want to be best friends with
    Draco Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange, Narcissa Malfoy

    Day 26: Your favorite creature

    Day 27: Your favorite friendship
    Harry Potter / Luna Lovegood

    Day 28: The house you’re in

    Day 29: Your favorite trio moment

    Day 30: What you love about Harry Potter
    De strijd tussen Griffoendor en Zwadderich.

    I like that! Ik ben nu bezig met een 30-daagse Disney Challenge, maar deze klinkt ook awesome.


    Die heik al gedaan c; en de Disney en de Pokemon uitdaging ook c;

    Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.

    CrazyChicken schreef:
    I like that! Ik ben nu bezig met een 30-daagse Disney Challenge, maar deze klinkt ook awesome.

    Laat die challenge eens zien als je wilt? ;D

    Always though that I might be bad. Now I'm sure that it's true, cause I think you're so good & I'm nothing like you

    Oeps, ik heb alleen dag 1 gedaan. Voor de rest was ik te lui :$

    It probably had more to do with the hurled bombs, thrown down by humans hiding in the clouds...

    Midna schreef:

    Laat die challenge eens zien als je wilt? ;D

    Natuuuurlijk wil ik dat! Ik had hem gevonden op 30daychallengearchive. Best nice als je challenges zoekt.

    Disney 30 Day Challenge
    Day #1: Your favorite character
    Day #2: Your favorite princess
    Day #3: Your favorite heroine
    Day #4: Your favorite prince
    Day #5: Your favorite hero
    Day #6: Your favorite animal
    Day #7: Your favorite sidekick
    Day #8: Your favorite villain
    Day #9: Your favorite original character (Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy, etc.)
    Day #10: Your favorite song
    Day #11: Your favorite love song
    Day #12: Your favorite villain song
    Day #13: Your least favorite song
    Day #14: Your favorite kiss
    Day #15: The first movie you saw
    Day #16: Your favorite classic
    Day #17: Your least favorite classic
    Day #18: Your favorite Pixar film
    Day #19: Your least favorite Pixar film
    Day #20: Favorite sequel
    Day #21: An overrated movie
    Day #22: An underrated movie
    Day #23: A movie that makes you laugh
    Day #24: A movie that makes you cry
    Day #25: Your favorite scene from your favorite movie
    Day #26: Saddest death
    Day #27: Your favorite quote
    Day #28: Your favorite theme park
    Day #29: Your favorite theme attraction
    Day #30: Your favorite theme park show
