All your life, you've been devoting yourself to the human you loved. The human you thought he could be trusted. But as you slip through his fingers easier than sand, all you've ever been counting on turns out to be nothing but dust in the wind. Blown away.
Horses have no soul, they say. Horses are worth nothing more than the price the highest bidder wants to pay for them. To Turtle, Santos and Flame, humans are nothing but an obstacle on their journey to freedom. To these three Shetland's ponies, succeeding or failing can mean the difference between living in freedom and ending in the glue factory thet've been sold to. THe difference between life, and death.
They're the voiceless ones. They're the ones nobody wanted.
Who can they trust?

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Titel Nieuwste eerst Woorden Gelezen Aangepast
Chapter 1 1176 298 1 decennium geleden

Reageer (1)

  • Blackbirdd

    Ik ga lezen:) Ik kan redelijk goed Engels, maar ik denk wel dat ik een lijst met moeilijke woorden nodig heb soms. En ik leer trouwens ook nog eens beter Engels:D

    1 decennium geleden

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