When agent Coulson get's the chance to bring a special team together, to work on the cases who aren't classified by shield, he's very pleased with that. But everything changes when he hears that a special person is dropped in his team. Andromeda grom Asgard, better known as agent Nyla Sanchez, supernatural specialist, spy and sniper. Agent Coulson is done with everything Asgardian, and in his opinion, Andromeda ignores every order, only does what she likes, and is completely rude.
She has to know this on the plane, but in the meanwhile, her real identity is a secret. Her team only knows her as the agent who she is, with a level six clearance. And sometimes, when you have to choose between your personal secret, and the life of your friends...
Life can be hard.

~Deze fanfic is in samenwerking met mijn personage Nyla Sanchez
~De avenger kinderen, aka "the Young ones", hebben hier nooit bestaan.
~Nyla Sanchez behoord mij volledig toe, voor de rest GEEN ENKEL PERSONAGE (voor zover ik tot nu weet ;p )
~Neem een abo das makkelijk
~Een link met voorgaande avonturen van Nyla en de young ones wil nog volgen
~English spoken, dutch thoughts
~Again: enjoy


Titel Nieuwste eerst Woorden Gelezen Aangepast
. 0 246 1 decennium geleden
Case [1] 442 246 1 decennium geleden

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