There are three kinds of wolves in this world. You have the cursed ones, well you know them as the werewolves. They can only change during a full moon and they change into monsters. They have been hunted down for ages now. And only a few of them survived. Some are even locked away in a dungeon. Then you have the quilettes. You know from the legends. Who can turn whenever they want but they turn in big wolves. And usual their gene is activated by the cold ones. The wolves are double the size or sometimes even triple the size of a normal wolf. But next to those you have a secret kind hidden away and nobody knows about them. The wolfbloods. They can hide around normal wolves because they look like them. They aren’t double the size of a normal wolf. They actually look like normal wolves. But most of them lead a normal human life. And I’m one of them. Well, actually my family is. Do you want to know more? I’ll tell you all about us. Just hold on tight!


Titel Nieuwste eerst Woorden Gelezen Aangepast
Prolog: The Night 296 209 1 decennium geleden
Chapter 1.0 455 220 1 decennium geleden
Chapter 1.1 481 246 1 decennium geleden
Chapter 1.2 479 167 1 decennium geleden
Chapter 1.3 578 184 1 decennium geleden

Reageer (2)

  • Emma90

    Het is jammer dat het in het engels in.
    Ben er niet heel erg goed in... :$
    De serie is gaaf en als dit in 't nederlands zou zijn, had ik zeker een abo genomen.

    1 decennium geleden
  • R5SonicLover

    Meer please eindelijk mijn favoriete serie
    Love maddian
    Rhydian is zo cute
    Er is ook een seizoen 2 van de serie.

    1 decennium geleden

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