What female character are you?

Have you over wondered what female character you actually are? Take the quiz and find out!

Mogelijke uitkomsten

Tris Prior (8 x uitgekomen)

Just like Tris, you are brace and not afraid to make life changing choices. You know what you want, though sometimes you can be very stubborn about it. You aren't afraid to get hurt trying to safe the people you love, but you're not fearless. You can be quiet when needed, but you also know when it's time to speak up. You're dauntless!

Katniss Everdeen (5 x uitgekomen)

You're fearless, like Katniss Everdeen. You don't need no guy in your life to feel whole, but you do like them. Two at a time, if possible. You take great care of your family and love them with all your heart, though you are afraid of showing them your affection. Anyone's affection. But you'd protect them, whatever it would cost. You know what you want and have real girl power. If anything, you vow for equality. You're strong and will never give up fighting.

Luce Price (29 x uitgekomen)

Even though at first you don't look very strong, like Luce Price, you have more power in you than any one knows. Or you know. In fact, you could use some extra confidence because girl, you rock! You love with all your heart, but aren't blinded by it. You still like to take your own decisions, even though you sometimes are completely wrong. People can really rely on you, you are very faithful and sweet. Your curiosity towards the world will lead you to great places.

Bella Swan (16 x uitgekomen)

Even though some may say that she isn't a hero, I will tell you, she is. Not for the obvious reasons, because like Bella Swan, you're not fighting battles with evil moms and presidents trying to take over the word. But you stand for love, friendship and power that has yet to be unleashed. You keep yourself on the background, which can be very useful. You don't like to attract drama, so you know how to keep peace. You're unbiased and have a lot of perseverance. Your friends love you and you will treat everybody equal, a quality that the world needs more of.

Hermione Granger (25 x uitgekomen)

Smart, funny, sweet and stubborn. Those aren't just Hermione characteristics, but also yours. You like to show your knowledge, and know how to use it at the right time. You are very helpful to your friends, though there is a line that you won't cross. Also, you talk to much and sometimes at the wrong time. But the best thing about you, is that, no matter what, you never give up. You are realistic but also hopeful. But most of all, very bright.



Reageer (8)

  • Schack

    Luce Price. Gosh, het is al zo lang geleden dat ik Fallen heb gelezen. :3

    1 decennium geleden
  • Vasilisa

    Luce Price - de enige uit het rijtje die ik niet ken

    1 decennium geleden
  • Hauntme

    Tris Prior, klopt.

    1 decennium geleden
  • jolientje432

    luce price

    1 decennium geleden
  • _Forgetten

    Tris Prior, klopt wel zo ongeveer.

    1 decennium geleden

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