Congrats you're a Gryffindor!! Go to send your E-mail + name to us and you'll get the password, so you can go to your Common Room!
We hope to see you there!
Congrats you're a Slytherin!! Go to send your E-mail + name to us and you'll get the password, so you can go to your Common Room!
We hope to see you there!
Congrats you're a Hufflepuff!! Go to send your E-mail + name to us and you'll get the password, so you can go to your Common Room!
We hope to see you there!
Congrats you're a Ravenclaw!! Go to send your E-mail + name to us and you'll get the password, so you can go to your Common Room!
We hope to see you there!
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Ga AUB naar de site en meld je aan!! Doe quizen en verdien Huispunten ♥
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