Make that poëm!

... En verzin zo het einde van dit gedicht =D [try out]

Mogelijke uitkomsten

Gone (8 x uitgekomen)

we'll be gone, and no one will remember our name

you've got a dark and sensitive poëm style

Farr away (6 x uitgekomen)

we'll be the strangers, in our new home farr away

you've got a adventure and fantasy style in your poëms

Loved (1 x uitgekomen)

we will be loved by the world

you've got a lovely, hopefull and happy poëm style



Reageer (1)

  • KittyGirlLau

    far away and strangers in a new house:p
    klopt wel beetje,. origneel gemaakt :D

    1 decennium geleden

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