best friends

the best friends in the world
they came and saved me
i will get help
it will all get better
i hope we will be friends forever
i will do the best i can
and what happened
will never happen again
that's something i can promise
everything will be alright
i hope you will stay with me
because I kind of need you, you are my friends
I love you
and once again
I'm really sorry for what happened
but it will never happen again
always remember
I love you
you two
you are really special
both of you
we will come through
we will come through everything
together, I hope
I hope you will both stay friends with me
and i hope you will see
will see that everything will get better
and especially if we're still together
together, we three
as good friends
you two are the best friends in the whole world
I love you <3

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