Foto bij Let me tell you a story

Here's another chapter.
Hope you guys enjoy...

It was 22 October and I was on a holiday in New York. As I already told you, I was there whit my (ex-) best friend. After a long day, we decided to go back to our hotel. I saw immediately that there was something wrong with him. And so it was, but I just didn’t know it at that moment. I asked him : “Hey, is there something wrong ?” “Oh no, there isn’t. Don’t worry about it.” But I saw it in his eyes, so I asked him again. “Daniel, please just tell me ?”
“There’s nothing wrong, okay !” he answered back. From that very own moment, I knew there do was something wrong. I only discovered it the next day.

The next day, we woke up and decided to go for a walk. We do were on a holiday, right ?
I walked next to him when it happened. Suddenly, a gigantic car hit an ambulance that was passing by. The ambulance was transporting a young kid, I taught he was a year or seven.
And he was dying. It doesn’t matter what he had or what was going on. He was dying.
Anyway, the ambulance was coming my way. Because of the push by the car, the ambulance was disoriented and the driver was losing control. The ambulance was still coming my way when he jumped in front of me. That was when he saved my live. It may sounds surprising when I say I ratter be dead. But seriously, from that moment on, I wanted to be dead. He hadn’t have to save me. He could let me die and he didn’t. But what’s really strange, is how he could see it coming. I mean, the ambulance was slipping and coming my way so fast, that no human could see it coming. No one has such fast reflexes. He died in my place, I still hate him for that. Even now, a couple months later when he’s dead, I still do. I don’t think anyone could ever understand why. But back to the story now.

Reageer (1)

  • xxannatjexx

    Omg, hoe kan het dat het zijn schuld is dat ze de nummers ziet en wat betekennen ze???? VERDERRRRRR

    1 decennium geleden

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