At every school you have them,
they are different than others,
they have spots,
they are too thick or extremely thin or have something else does not belong in the video image of the perfect world.
They are insulted and beaten.
They are treated like a contagious disease but they are not heartless,
too many students commit suicide,
too many people die because they are different.
Bullying sick lives.
Bullying is for me equivalent to murder.
a person who is bullying is for me like a murderer.

I'm right?

Reageer (2)

  • Spekkie

    Mooi ;)
    Helenmaal gelijk!
    You'r right!(Y)

    1 decennium geleden
  • DutchAngel

    Mooi geschreven en I agree;)

    1 decennium geleden

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