A Prisoner of Love
Why don't You Love me?
Why is everyone Special
to You except me?
Why am I not Good Enough?
Everything I make for you,
Everything I do.
You don't even Notice.
And when My Heart Scream:
Pleas, Love Me!!!
You don't hear it.
But I will Throw away
the Love in my heart for you but
It's harder then I thought.
You have caught me in
a Prison of Your Love but
you don't gave me enough to Live..
Why are you doing this?
Does it feel good to see me suffering?
Do you feel good by the dominion of me?
Is that a Boy-thing or is it just you?
And am I de only one you hold prisoner
or are there others?
Well.. I've I'm the only one then maybe
I can forgive 'Cause You treat me then
as a special one and that is just what I want...
Reageer (4)
jij mijn sexy dichters zusje.
1 decennium geledenx3
aw dit is echt mooi ^-^ Very beautiful
1 decennium geledeneb je dit zelf gesgreve??

1 decennium geledendas kei mooii!!
wil je oowk die van mij lezen
dit is echt prachtig heb je dit zelf geschreven(hoera)
1 decennium geleden