My guardian angel.
If I were deaf, I'll hear your laughter through your smile. If I were mute, I'll speak to you through your eyes. If I were blind, I'll see you through your touch. I can live without my senses but life won't make sense without you.
Walking under the rain feels so lonely and cold. But if you were there beside me to share the warmth of your love then I would want to stay under the rain for the rest of my life.
Dearest Sophie,
You know what I figured? If you held up 11 roses into a mirror, you'd be looking at 12 of the most beautiful things in the world. You're a major beauty, you're such a wonderful person.
People say that when they are looking at a picture, it says more then 1000 words. You know what I see when I'm looking at you? Just three words, who perfectly describe my feelings.
I love you.
NEVER EVER forget that, Sophie. Keep that in mind untill you're dementing and forgetting about me. Just please, try to remember those three words. (and my name, it's Bo by the way :Y )
I love you. <3
Omg. Sorry. I can't beat that. So lets just say:
There once was a very beautiful, perfect and sweet girl named Sophie. She was so adorable and every single guy in the world wanted her.
One day, something unexpected happened. She met the sexgod of her dreams. He said: "Hi." Sophie reacted perfectly calm. "Yes." Harry smiled politly and said: "I love you."
So Sophie & Harry had lots of sex. They moved to a small house in Holmes Chapel and they bought some cats. Later, they had a very cute baby, which looked very alike his father. They were very happy and they lived happily ever after.
Happy New Year, love.
I'm fine. How are you, lovely?
Gosh, I love your sweet messages. I'm going to write something really sweet Wait a sec.
Keep in mind that I love you and I always will.
Hehe, thank you. I like it too. ^^ But I need to take some time to get used to it. But I like it. Especially my new pasfoto
I can see it's a sexgod. That picture jumps out of the screen and gives me a mini orgasm. So he definitly is a sexgod. I mean, it's Louis fucking Tomlinson. Boo bear! The cutest thing EVER!
Bluh. I fudging love you. And yes, my ovaries explode when I see that damn hot picture.
Do me a favor and LOVE ME.
I LOVE YOU BEBZ. I'm sorry for leaving you. Please forgive me?
You're an angel sent from heaven, Sophie.
Heck no, you aren't. You're the light in my life, you light up my world like nobody else does. So don't you ever say that you're a devil again, got that?
Don't worry. My life is not the best at the moment. But I'm so glad for having you.
My dearest Sophie,
You have no idea how much you mean to me. I love you more than Harry loves Louis and Louis loves Zayn and Zayn loves Harry. You're just as perfect as those 5 fudging beautiful lads. The first time you talked to me and turned out to be so cute and caring, I just couldn't stop loving you. You know how I feel when I didn't talk to you for a day? First I'm like this, then I realize I'll have to wait 'till you're on Q, when I'll be able to talk to you again. Then I start crying and I just can't stop. I just feel so hopeless without you. Nothing can make me feel better and it just hurts. But, o God, Sophie. When I see your name in my friends list on Q, I'm like woah. I can't stop saying: "Sophie is great." My face looks so much brighter when I'm reading your sweet messages. Baby you light up my world like nobody else. And at the end of the day, when I don't see your name in my friend list on Q I break down. Anyways. I really like you.
Love always, Bo
So that last gif with Nathan Sykes totally made it. God, Sophie, you have no fudging idea how much I love you!
I love you so dang much.
I'm crying, because I realize that Larry Stylinson maybe never will be real. Can you believe that?
I know, but I want it so badly. I want them to say to the world: "We had a secret relationship. We love each other." I... I just wish that would happen. And I'm writing a One Shot and I realize... what if it won't happen?
Hello, bebz.
I'll be there in a sec.
Okay, I'm in your bed.
You should check them out.
Ghehehe. I know right? They are WONDERFUL.
You're the most amazing girl I've ever met. You're incredibly funny, friendly, lovable and humorous. Next to that you say smart and wise things, which make me always think the same: "What a wonderful person". Like I said, you're the most amazing girl I've ever met. You're such a unique person, who lights up my world like nobody else. You're terrific. But in one word, I'd say your EPIC. Oh, and I love you.
Oh, haha. It would be kinda weird if you say: "I'm the most amazing girl. I'm incredibly funny, friendly, lovable and humorous." Even when that's the truth, it's just not done. You can say: "I'm the most amazing girl Bo ever met. According to her, I'm incredibly funny, friendly 'nd stuff."
Dear diseasebuddy.
I will ALWAYS protect you from any weird disease. I'll be there for you whenever you need me. So when you swallow your own tongue, I'll pull it out of your throat You're extraordinharry, love. I think your parents must be great people, because Viv and you are just the most brilliam people I've ever met. I love you. You're my wonderwall. Everytime I see 'Je hebt een nieuw gastboekbericht!' and I see it's yours. I can't describe the feeling.
So, my love. I just wanted to say you one last thing. GET IN MY BED. (THE SMILEY IS CLICKABLE!)
One Direction you lovely lads, I will buy Harry a lot of cats.
Love always, Bo
I'd love to, but my mom would kill me if she'd find out I meet someone I know by internet. *sigh* I'm sorry, love. I feel such killjoy person right now.
But I'm going to write a very beautiful poem. -trust me, I'm a terrible poem writer-
Wait a whole day sec, it'll appear on your guestbook. ^^
I'm fine, honeybun. I decided that that's your new nickname, since Louis will call Harry like that in my story. How are you?
I'm fine. ^^ I'm dying, because I have like 70 abo's and 25 kudo's. I mean, that's so much. oO
No, with my bear claws. *eyebrow wiggle*
Oh no, not the buns!
Good morning bebz. <3
I had a wonderful dream. I was going to meet you and Viv.
Me gusta. :9~I want to meet OD.
I would like to marry them all. ^^
Ok. Then I'll take Niall for the day and Louis for the night, so Harry and Louis can do whatever they want when they aren't possesed by us. ^^
Hehe. ^^ Me likes you. Urgh. I wanna come over when it's Carnival.
Let's do that! But I'm gonna talk a bit with my mom, maybe she'll change her mind? And I'm not a Mexican drugsmule. :')
^^ Okay and now I'm going to write a bit. *sigh*
Yup. The Harold One Shot. *eyebrow wiggle*
Let's do some bed stuff on msn, k? I'm gonna send it. In a pb. Love always, xoxo
HSHJHF. I love you.
I'm fine I think. GOD I'm glad to talk to you. ;x I'm fine. ^^ How are you, behb?
Yeah, we actually should! (: What do you want to do except for having me in your bed/hugging me?
Let's do it all. ^^ I can make cupcakes and it's veryveryvery exhausting. ): But with your superpowers & Viv's superbrain & my supernothing, it'll all work out and fail when I try to help. And I want to adore Larry Stylinson with you!
Challenge accepted. Blugh. We just undressed the christmas tree, it's so different over here right now. Oh and Sophie, I realized that I never saw a picture of you?
Hahaha, yes. But we just killed or christmas tree. He's gone. Hidden in the attick. It's so sad.
And no, I don't want to be blind. I bet you're beautiful. (:
O my god. I raped a christmas tree, murdered him and hid him in the attic? I'm a terrible person.
And trust me, honeybun, I've seen very ugly people. I mean, I look into the mirror every morning.
Yeah I know. (: But you're pretty awesome too, misses.
And how do you mean "I almost broke my mirror"? oO What a stupid mirror. And you haven't seen me in real. I. Am. Fucking. Ugly. And I have a large nose. And I'm reaaaaally tall! And reaaaaally skinny. (:
I repeat: what a stupid mirror.
Hahaha, it's gonna be hilarious, indeed! I'm like 1m75 oO Whoohoow can't wait to see you.
Did I actually mentioned that I love you?
That's gonna be awesome. I'm looking forward to it!
And you can't tell me enough how much you love me. ^^
O my god, something similar happened to me! I once met this wonderful person and I loved her so much and she calls me Bo Bear and I call her honeybun and we lived happily ever after.
And she was so sexy that everybody died, except for me, because I loved her too much to die.
3 words: You are awesome. And you don't have to die, but if you decide to die, I'll die with you. Isn't that generous? Anyways. I love you behb. Forever.
And the girl I know is problably Holland World's next topmodel. She's sweet, kind, talented, outstanding, lovely, inspirational, nice, wonderful, intelligent, friendly, funny, unique, beautiful, fabulouis, phenominiall, brilliam, extraordinharry, amazayn, stunning, incredible, charming, incredible and most of all: PERFECT.
And she'll be in heaven, without a doubt. Because she's an angel.
I won't die, promise. I'll only die if you die. So if you stay alive, I stay alive too. Simple but effective.
It's impossible that you can love me more. I'm the ruler of loving, I'm sorry. I'll always love you the most. You don't have to try to discuss it, because I'll win. I. Love. You. The. Most.
You just described yourself, honeybun. I'm not lying. If you want to know how my smile is: it's terrible. And my laugh is killing
Okay. Chocolate, pillows, movies, cookies, milk ànd Larry Stylinson? Woah. That must be awesome. :')
Look who's talking: the most beautiful, caring, loving, ... person in the world. :')
You are great. Cant type much, I'm on my ipod, but I wanted you to know. I love you more than I love my mentally disturbed kitty named Bob. (: x
Ok. And Bob (and no, not Bert. Hahaha) is annoying me again. How is Wombat and Fauve and Potter? those are the only names I remembered I'm tired. I have to study French. YEAH. SCHOOL IS COOL. *sigh*
Hehe yeah. But I'm trying to make you as cool as you are. I don't have enough vocabulary to describe your awesomeness.
But I should stop with Q. If you see my name appearing in your friends list in the next hour, it's that I gave up.
Yup. I gave up. I made like, 4 exercices. But it's the passé simple and I can speak French so. Yeah.
How was your Dutch?
O my dear Sophie, we saw a documentary about antibiotics in Belgium and the Netherlands. Turns out that the Netherlands are much stricter when it comes to selling antibiotics. In Belgium, the pharmacists just give you the antibiotics without any prescription. In the Netherlands, they won't give you the antibiotics when you don't have a prescription. Very intersting But anyways, I was thinking all the time about you and Viv and ugh. I want to meet you!
I LOVE YOUU! But I gotta go ;s I'm gonna try to get the WiFi with my iPod. Love you! x
I don't know if you got my message, but I'm on my iPod now.. Anyways, I love you too... And I like the fact that we love the same music too I mean, gotta love Boyce Avenue, One Direction,...
I like Ed Sheeran too. I'm obsessed with that kid these days. But he's so good!
Oh and Sophie, don't swallow your tongue, okay? K, bye, I love you! And I have a great idea for your role in my story... Mhehe ^^
WHAHAHAHHAHAH, what's Brittish enough to be in your sight like OD? And ok, I'll get in your bed. I hope it's a little warm?
Hello babe.
I'm fine. How are you?
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
I died. What about you?
I know, right. I've been there too!
I feel a bit down these days. Nothing serious
How come you're so tired?
Bob won't listen. He jumped into the toilet today, but he. Is. So. Annoying. I think I'm never ever getting a cat again.
Go hug your sister, because I can't. I don't want her to be sad.
So, how are you, honeybunney?
Ghahaa, honeybunny, I'm doing your one shot about Harold. And I'm proud of it, actually. I already have 166 words and I want at least 800 words. But I'll warn you when it's finished!
Well, hello, sweetiecakes.
You might wanna check this.
Oh god damnit, get in my bed! I love you so fucking damn much.
OOEH, bring me some Lays Mexican pepper & Cream. Omnomnomnomnom! And I want a threesome with you and your sister, can that be arranged, please?
Hello beautiful.
I'm fine, lovely. How are you?
If you ever leave me baby, leave some morphine at my door, because it would take a lot of medecation to realize what we used to have, we don't have it anymore.
Honeybun, I miss you.
I'm on my way to your bed. Love you, honeybun. c:
I miss you, love.
I love you I love you I love you. :c Can you come to my house, please? Then we can drink some hot chocolate milk and you can meet Bob, my mentally disturbed kitty.
YESH! But I'm serious. We gotta meet.
Should I come to the Netherlands by train?
We should do that. c: Then we should make cupcakes, talk about OD, ... and I'll buy you and Viv a nice present.
Yeh, I heard.
I've been good. Where have you been all the time, darling? :c I missed you! *hug*
Being pregnant is nice. You being the mother is even nicer. Is your laptop named after thé Caroline? Cuz if it is, you're the most genius person walking around on this earth.
So how come you're on a computer, when Caroline is dead? ;o
I LOVE YOU. Let me marry you.
Ok. I'm going to marry you. HELL YEAH.
We're all a little weird and life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness - and call it love - true love.
Sophie, you're my true love.
We're all a little weird and life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness - and call it love - true love.
Sophie, you're my true love.
I'm so glad I have you, I have no idea how I would survive without you and the things you say. It's amazing how you can make me smile! c:
Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you.
Oh, wait, we were getting married two weekends from now, right? Let's do it!
I think so too. Oh, and Bob (hahaha, Bert xd) loves you too. He just told me.
Babe, I'm no Fred Flinstone, but I can make your Bedrock!
The ice just broke. Hi, my name is Bo Bear.
Hello gorgeous.
[url=file:///C:/Users/Caroline/AppData/Local/Temp/tumblr_lt6detqVXS1qi1545o1_500_large-2.gif]I missed you too.[/url]
You're the BEST creature in this world!
Never-ever forget that, understood?
And you're not allowed to sit on my face.
You're just the symbol of sexiness.
AND YOU SEE - that's fate. You're the reincarnation of MONROE.
I suck at acting.
And you're the prettiest woman I've ever known.
Love always,
One Direction you lovely lads, I will buy Harry a lot of cats.
Hello love.
Vas happenin'?
I love you !
Love you.
Loving you forever isn't enough. I'll love you forever after eternity.
Hé behb.
You look smokin' hot today!
No I don't
Not sure... But, I like you
Hello pretty. I'm so fucking mad we don't talk. I hate you.
You make me smile all day long with just one little message. You're perfect.
Hello babe. I was thinking, I can come over, so we could meet. You know, you, Viv and me?
Hé sexy.
So there's this extremely perfect person I know. She means the world to me. It's amazing how she can make me smile, even though I feel terrible. I want to hug her as much as possible, every day and night.
So here's the deal.
I love you, Sophie, and you're just so perfect that I want to hook up with you.
I never felt this way about anyone before. Never. I thought the things and feelings people write stories and songs about were just something they made up, something that doesn't exist. I was jealous of all the people who could proudly tell about their soulmates, first loves and more. I thought I would never be able to feel that way, not how they felt it. But at that moment, I hadn't met [url=file:///C:/Users/Caroline/AppData/Local/Temp/tumblr_lg4lr5mzk91qg01as_large.gif]the most wonderful, loveable, sweet and beautiful person in the world[/url].
This is it, Soph. This, what we have, is what people write their stories and songs about. It's actually even more than that. It's something I never imagined to be real. You make me feel like I'm worth it, every single day. You make sure I'll be happy, no matter what. You're like my lucky star. I just have to think about you, one moment, and my life is completed.
Some people could call this "soulmates", but dear, I believe it's way more than that. You're my guardian angel, the unexpected inspiration I get while having a writers block, the perfect songs coming up on the radio when I need them and the beautifullest places on earth. You're everything. I need you so badly to survive. If I hadn't you, I would be dead and gone already. So please, promise me, don't you ever leave me. Never ever.
I feel the same way about you, darling. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and nobody else. I love you. I know those three words are said by so many people, but they summarize everything you need to know about me. Stay perfect.
Oh, love. I miss you so much.
I wish you and me could be together forever.
I sometimes wish you were a mermaid, so I could raise you in the tub at home. We could take a swim together on weekly day trips to the bay. I really wish that you were smaller, not just small but really really short, so I could put you in my pocket and carry you around all day.
Oh darling, I have some storyline playing in my head about a certain boy called Harry and a beautiful woman called Sophie...
How can you be so perfect?
You're too perfect for me.
You're everything I need and more.
Sophie! I have perfect news!
Yes. Or maybe even sooner... ^^ Ik was met mijn moeder bezig over jou en Viv, en toen vroeg ze allerlei dingen over jullie (hoe oud jullie waren, waar jullie wonen enz.) en toen vroeg ze, helemaal uit het niets: "Zou je hen eens in het echt willen zien?" dus ik: "Ja!" En zij: "Dan moet je dat eens afspreken."
So. We could marry even sooner then in 7 years.
I looooove writing about you. You're such a wonderful person.
I love you too, sweetiecakes.
I love you because you're wonderful, you little naughty creeper. ^.^
I hate myself. Why am I so shy? Why am I this socially awkward?
Damn you, stop being so perfect.
I just stopped.
I'm perfect enough to stop being perfect, apparantly.
Really? Dude, that's awesome! Erm, I guess Louis is my favourite. I like Niall a lot, but he's Viv's already. c: I'll see if I have something that the boys can sign. In stead of sending it by post, I can hand it over personally? c:
Yup, for real. c: I love you, Soph. And I will be handig it over personally!
No, I want Louis, and only Louis. c: And I can't wait! It'll be an August-meeting, I'm afraid. :c
I ALWAYS win. c: And it's not weird you call me Bo, although my real name is Nena. Such an ugly name, haha.
And okay, we'll meet in August. And YES, I'd love to sleep over.
Yes, I am allowed. My mum even proposed it herself. c: And I have no fucking idea, it all just went Arial.
You are breathtaking.
I miss you in my life. I can talk to you online, but I miss being with you for real.
I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you.
Which milkshake flavour do you like the most?
You'll see. c: And there will be strawberry.
Just wait half an hour. I am working and I love it. c:
You still want Arial? c:
Check out my new chapter. c: c:
I'll send you the codes for Arial! ^^
YES. I'm feeling awesome right now.
I broke into your computer.
Hahaha, no. c: But when you rightclick on the picture, you can select 'Copy URL'. And then just clicking your twitter and tumblr, and then putting it into codes. I'm a computer genie. c:
I like it in Arial. c: Now I don't have to select my whole text and click 'font' anymore. And, how have you been lately?
You're so funny. c: I really lol'd, haha. But I hope the bruises will heal quickly! I missed you so much too, and I'm so glad we talk more often. Even though I haven't talked to you and Viv a lot lately, I still love you two the most of all the people on Q. Really. You two are like my best friends.
And I'm fine! All my friends are in Spain, Italy, France, America, Germany or Thailand, and I'm the loner who stays home, without a job. I wanted to do some babysitting, but I don't know people with babies/little children. And I can't wait to go to Italy, it's gonna be so much fun! c:
Do you know some good English/Dutch books? I need something to read for the coming two weeks!
Hahahahaha, I lol'd again! I can totally see you coming home saying: "I threw up. On myself." Hahaha. I never puke. Except when I ate garlic. Ugh. But still, haha, I can't help laughing. Sorry. You're so funny!
I WANT TO HUG YOU PREGNANT TOO! Let's both get pregnant. I'll call my child Sophie, even if it's a boy. You should call yours Bo or Nena. c: But, I'll go see when I'm back from Italy and I let you know in five minutes! And I'd love to babysit you. c:
I'll go read the summaries of these books, love the titles already. And yes, I need at least five books for the evening, the airplane and the long drives in the car. If I don't get sick.
Conclusion: I have to throw up because of garlic or cars. And I love you!
I'm all yours between the 20th and the 30th of August!
I love your new profile, btw.
That must be a very nice friend. c:
I invented myself. Sounds a bit schizophrenic? c: But I love you too, Soph. I really really want to meet you, asap!
Hi there, beautiful.
Yes, I read it, but I was in Italy at that moment and I totaly forgot to answer it! I loved it!
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