Harry taught me to do what is right in the face of adversity.

Dumbledore taught me to love.

Fred & George taught me to laugh, even in the darkest times of life.

McGonagall taught me to fight till the end

Snape taught me how to be brave and love eternally.

Luna taught me how to be myself.

Neville taught me to stand up in what I believe in.

Hagrid taught me not to judge a book by its cover.

JK Rowling taught me that imagination doesn't fade with age.

Thank You For My Magic Childhood <3 [/b]

Like Cedric Diggory, not all Hufflepufs are weak!

Like Luna Lovegood, not all Ravenclaws are stuck up!

Like Severus Snape, not all Slytherins don't know love!

And like Peter Pettigrew, not all Gryffindors are loyal!

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