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mupetfrog is offline

in de kartonnen doos om d




As the winter winds litter London with lonely hearts
Oh the warmth in your eyes swept me into your arms
Was it love or fear of the cold that led us through the night?
For every kiss your beauty trumped my doubt

And my head told my heart
"Let love grow"
But my heart told my head
"This time no
This time no"

We'll be washed and buried one day my girl
And the time we were given will be left for the world
The flesh that lived and loved will be eaten by plague
So let the memories be good for those who stay

And my head told my heart
"Let love grow"
But my heart told my head
"This time no"
Yes, my heart told my head
"This time no
This time no"

Oh the shame that sent me off from the God that I once loved
Was the same that sent me into your arms
Oh and pestilence is won when you are lost and I am gone
And no hope, no hope will overcome

And if your strife strikes at your sleep
Remember spring swaps snow for leaves
You'll be happy and wholesome again
When the city clears and sun ascends

And my head told my heart
"Let love grow"
But my heart told my head
"This time no"

And my head told my heart
"Let love grow"
But my heart told my head
"This time no
This time no"

Frodo was hierr ^^ ik kom bij je inbreken om te zeggen hoeveel ik van je hou :3 tot de maan en terug lieverd! 01-09-2012 voor altijd<3
Als iemand 2 jaar geleden tegen me gezegd had dat ik elke week met jou zou doorbrengen, dat ik continu aan je zou denken en enkel bij jou wilde zijn, dan had ik het niet geloofd. Maar hier zijn we nu en dat is precies wat ik doe (:
You'll always be my wonderwall schatje ^^ loveyou (K)

it's over

mijn gsm "le bak" is awesome

1 decennium geleden

1 decennium geleden

1 dagen 5 uur

1315 [24 uur]











Gastenboek (24)

  • Frodo


    1 decennium geleden
  • Frodo

    Please, just stay out of it (A)

    1 decennium geleden
  • Frodo

    Goed zo ^^

    1 decennium geleden
  • Frodo

    In het topic ;p maakt niet uit (:

    1 decennium geleden
  • Frodo

    Ooit Algemeen Nederlands gesproken? (: nee dus.

    1 decennium geleden

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