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Sporten, winkelen, afspreken met vriendinnen, lol maken op school
All the people on the world have an history of them lifes.
A story that had nobody else.
It's my life and never can anyone take it over.
I make mistakes, but everyone does that.
As you can't accept my then don't talk to my.
I do everything for my family.
My friends are inportant but sometimes they don't stay there for my a I need them.
Sometime nobody likes my but I going on with my life without this people.
I have enough form people that try to break my heart.
I hope that I found a persoon that my understand and never hate my, no matter what I do.
Dancing is my everyting.
As I dance then I forget the people around my, the world around me.
I move my body trought the room.
There are no words for this feeling.
A story that had nobody else.
It's my life and never can anyone take it over.
I make mistakes, but everyone does that.
As you can't accept my then don't talk to my.
I do everything for my family.
My friends are inportant but sometimes they don't stay there for my a I need them.
Sometime nobody likes my but I going on with my life without this people.
I have enough form people that try to break my heart.
I hope that I found a persoon that my understand and never hate my, no matter what I do.
Dancing is my everyting.
As I dance then I forget the people around my, the world around me.
I move my body trought the room.
There are no words for this feeling.
1 decennium geleden
Laatst on-line:
9 jaar geleden
Tijd on-line:
1 weken 1 dagen
3221 [24 uur]
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Wajoo jij een hele fijne kerst toegwenst, en gelukkig nieuw jaar.
1 decennium geledenKom wel met alle tien de vingers terug..
Steek niet te veel vuurwerk af...
Bedankt voor je abo op mijn verhaal,
1 decennium geledenhoop dat je hem gaat leuk vinden!
Hee bedankt voor je reactie! ergens is het inderdaad anders omdat ik personages heb toegevoegd. maar Tris is er nog steeds en doet in principe alles wat ze in het originele verhaal ook doet. allee zie je dat vanuit Ana's perspectief. Je snapt dat ik het helemaal in het Engels kan? hihi die snap ik even niet $:
1 decennium geledenHa leuk! Als je iets niet begrijpt mag je altijd een berichtje sturen! Dan leg ik het je uit!
1 decennium geledenThanks voor het personage die je verzonnen had bij mijn quiz. Ik ga er zeker wat mee doen
1 decennium geleden