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Thuis <3
Paardrijden, Streetdance, ...
Vorige namen:
,,True love doesn't hasve a happy ending.
Because true love never ends."<3
,,When you're whit me,
I look in to your eyes
and do you no what I see?
Just that you love me.." <3
,,When you didn't show up, I was dissepointed.
When you walked away and even didn't say;
"I'll come back.",
I was dissepointed.
When you kissed my lips,
I was dissepointed.
When you said thet you loved me, I was dissepointed.
You know why?
Because I knew that you where lying."
Not to me, but to yourself. You where lying to yourself.
That's because you just needed to be loved.
But that doesn't take away that I loved you.
And every time you said that you loved me,
you've broken my heart.
'cause you didn't.."
,,Soul meats soul on lovers lips.."<3
,,The truth is that everyone is gonna hrurt you or make you suffer,
you just have to find the people who are whort it.."<3
,,There are so many people out there, who will tell you that you can't.
What you`ve got to do is turn around and say - watch me...”
People ofton say they would like to steal my closet. And I say to them they don't have to. Beause eveything I bought fits whit each other 'cause I bought it, 'cause I liked it. And nobody likes the same things. So make your one choices, 'casue that's what makes you, yòu. And me, mè.
And that's what makes us different. Ü <3
,,True love doesn't hasve a happy ending.
Because true love never ends."<3
,,When you're whit me,
I look in to your eyes
and do you no what I see?
Just that you love me.." <3
,,When you didn't show up, I was dissepointed.
When you walked away and even didn't say;
"I'll come back.",
I was dissepointed.
When you kissed my lips,
I was dissepointed.
When you said thet you loved me, I was dissepointed.
You know why?
Because I knew that you where lying."
Not to me, but to yourself. You where lying to yourself.
That's because you just needed to be loved.
But that doesn't take away that I loved you.
And every time you said that you loved me,
you've broken my heart.
'cause you didn't.."
,,Soul meats soul on lovers lips.."<3
,,The truth is that everyone is gonna hrurt you or make you suffer,
you just have to find the people who are whort it.."<3
,,There are so many people out there, who will tell you that you can't.
What you`ve got to do is turn around and say - watch me...”
People ofton say they would like to steal my closet. And I say to them they don't have to. Beause eveything I bought fits whit each other 'cause I bought it, 'cause I liked it. And nobody likes the same things. So make your one choices, 'casue that's what makes you, yòu. And me, mè.
And that's what makes us different. Ü <3
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