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Toneel, zeilen, surfen, piano, gitaar.


Writable, Aurorae

'True strength is not measured when you're at your strongest,
it's when you're at your weakest.'

'Don't grow up, it's a trap'

I believe in imagination, because what I can't see is infinitely more important than what I can see.

1 decennium geleden

3 jaar geleden

1 weken 18 uur

4577 [24 uur]











3 Creaties van Pythias

Gastenboek (49)

  • nori

    Vond ik ook ^^

    1 decennium geleden
  • nori

    Je hebt gelijk ^^

    1 decennium geleden
  • Thunderfvck

    Aangezien je redelijk begaan was met het meisje in mijn topic in de contest vond ik het wel leuk om je het berichtje te sturen wat ze daarnet op haar Tumblr poste.

    My angels <3
    A last message before going to bed,

    Yeah, i lost this contest, i’ve the feeling to have lost something huge, something so important for me. Hawaii was my dream since so much time, and i never had money to go there so this contest was for me the only chance to go there. I lost my chance, i lost.

    But i received a lot of messages from you since an hour, a lot of love, a lot of people who didn’t know me and who have said so right words to help me to feel better :) When i started my tumblr, i didn’t know i could have so much support from anonymous, i didn’t know that so many people are amazing. You’re a really huge support for me, you can’t imagine how i carry you, how your love means for me, how your words help me to understand that this contest is not a big deal. Yeah, i lost today. But my dream is not over. I can’t go to Hawaii this year, but this is my dream, and i won’t give up. It can’t take 10 years, but i will realise it. Because nobody has to give up. I learnt today, and thanks to you, that when you work hard, even if you don’t win, something better wait for you in the future. And i know my life is not just based on this contest. I understood that we are strong and we choose the life we want. And if i want to realise my dream, it can take 100 years i don’t care, i’ll do it !

    Thank you for your love, thank you to have supported me, thank you to be there for me, thank you to be you. You’re such amazing that tears of happiness is coming :) I’ve no words to explain how grateful i am :)

    I promise i’ll realise my dream and it’s only thanks to you <3

    I truly carry you my angels <3

    1 decennium geleden
  • Toska

    Oooh, dat klinkt als een leuke vakantie. Wat is het precies voor voorstelling? De naam komt me zo bekend voor, maar ik weet niet waarvan c:
    Ik ga wat kleine uitstapjes maken, maar niet echt weg of naar het buitenland. Al hoop ik wel dat ik binnenkort nog een keer de kans krijg om mijn kamer iets op te knappen :3

    1 decennium geleden
  • Toska

    Wel goed, harstikke druk met de laatste weken van school. Maar voor de rest gaat alles wel goed.
    Ga je nog iets leuks doen in de vakantie? :3

    1 decennium geleden

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