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Writing, singing, fangirling about One Direction.
Humanity destroyed my love for life.
What is the point of living? You'll be born, and after a few days, maybe weeks, maybe months, and if you're lucky a few years, you'll die. There's nothing good about life. All what's in it is a group of judgemental cunts who try to destroy every single fucking person who dares to be different.
Tbh, I'm not that special. I'm a girl who hates a big part of humanity, who has lost her one and only best friend, brother, father, and influence this year. I think that may have made me this way. I'm scared of loving people too much. I'm too scared to let anyone in. I don't want to lose another part of my heart anymore. He was the first one, and he'll be the last one to get to me like that. I don't know, life seems to hate me, and I hate life. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful, but however humanity did it, they made a monster out of that innocent little girl. I can be kind, I can be really sweet and understanding, but I can be cruel, angry and depressed too. There's a monster inside of me that wants to get out. Be smart, don't come too close and avoid getting bitten by the monster.
What is the point of living? You'll be born, and after a few days, maybe weeks, maybe months, and if you're lucky a few years, you'll die. There's nothing good about life. All what's in it is a group of judgemental cunts who try to destroy every single fucking person who dares to be different.
Tbh, I'm not that special. I'm a girl who hates a big part of humanity, who has lost her one and only best friend, brother, father, and influence this year. I think that may have made me this way. I'm scared of loving people too much. I'm too scared to let anyone in. I don't want to lose another part of my heart anymore. He was the first one, and he'll be the last one to get to me like that. I don't know, life seems to hate me, and I hate life. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful, but however humanity did it, they made a monster out of that innocent little girl. I can be kind, I can be really sweet and understanding, but I can be cruel, angry and depressed too. There's a monster inside of me that wants to get out. Be smart, don't come too close and avoid getting bitten by the monster.
Life is like Nicki Minaj, It sucks and I hate it.
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You wanna read this story?
1 decennium geledenIt's about One Direction.
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1 decennium geledenMisschien beetje laat; maar evengoed nog welkom op Quizlet. (;
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