Even Geduld...



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Writing, singing, fangirling about One Direction.

Humanity destroyed my love for life.

What is the point of living? You'll be born, and after a few days, maybe weeks, maybe months, and if you're lucky a few years, you'll die. There's nothing good about life. All what's in it is a group of judgemental cunts who try to destroy every single fucking person who dares to be different.

Tbh, I'm not that special. I'm a girl who hates a big part of humanity, who has lost her one and only best friend, brother, father, and influence this year. I think that may have made me this way. I'm scared of loving people too much. I'm too scared to let anyone in. I don't want to lose another part of my heart anymore. He was the first one, and he'll be the last one to get to me like that. I don't know, life seems to hate me, and I hate life. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful, but however humanity did it, they made a monster out of that innocent little girl. I can be kind, I can be really sweet and understanding, but I can be cruel, angry and depressed too. There's a monster inside of me that wants to get out. Be smart, don't come too close and avoid getting bitten by the monster.

Life is like Nicki Minaj, It sucks and I hate it.

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2 Creaties van Numbemotions

Gastenboek (3)

  • xRedbull

    You wanna read this story?
    It's about One Direction.

    Abo|Reactie|Kudo zou lief zijn

    1 decennium geleden
  • Uneventful

    I love this girl. She's mine, so back off.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Yayde

    Misschien beetje laat; maar evengoed nog welkom op Quizlet. (;

    1 decennium geleden

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