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Upsetting people I care about..



"There is too much to escape from.
But nowhere to escape to."

~ I want to live again. Not in this half-life. I want to be really alive. I want to feel my heart pumping in my chest again. I want to feel my blood moving through me - Hot, and salt, and real. It's weird, you don't think you can feel it, the blood, but believe me, when it stops flowing, you'll know. ~

Corsara del Cuore

Have you ever been alone in a crowded room?

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2 Creaties van Rivendell

Gastenboek (165)

  • Joffrey

    That doesn't make it okay. That makes it worse, really.
    Boyfriend? What boyfriend? What aren't you telling me? c: Anyway, that sounds like fun! c:
    I know, but I think that makes you strong. I mean, you are able to pull the whole I'm-alright-facade off with everyone and I think that takes quite a lot. So yea, you are strong.
    I haven't really got an idea yet, so let's hope I suddenly get a burst of inspiration. I never know when or if I'll have one of those. Yesterday evening I had one for my Regulus-story. When I was already in bed, of course, so I had to take notes on my iPod, haha.
    Because you mean a lot to me.
    I was kind of awkward at first, but I fell in love with Utrecht, seriously. The people there are very different from the people here. They're just much nicer, and they try to look smart and stuff, when the people I know want to look stupid, because that's 'tough'. Also, we played a game all night. Like an actual card-game. The people at my school would never do something like that. They'd much rather drink themselves in a stupor. After a while, Jennie went outside to talk to Jaap - they were outside for an HOUR! - and I didn't know anyone other than Jennie there, so I was like 'shit.' But then Jennie's best friend, Sjoerd, came over to talk to me and he is so nice it's insane. He talked to me for the bigger part of that hour and wow, he's the nicest guy I've ever met. I really enjoyed talking to him. I wish I had a best friend like him. I actually want to move to Utrecht now, haha. It's crazy, but I already love the people there way more. I hate most of the people at my school and in Zaandam. Utrechters > Zaandammers any time.
    It's a lot of fun! I did it with my whole class last year and it was great. My class teacher even liked it! At the end of the game he said 'Wow, I'm going to do this every week now!', which was pretty funny. Everybody is weird, dear. Some people are just better at hiding it. And weird people are more fun anyway.
    I love you.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Quizletxxx

    hoii ik heb een vraaag

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  • Greenie

    o, ik ben niet van plan op VWO door te gaan als ik nu blijf zitten, dan zak ik gewoon af naar HAVO. Mijn ouders zullen de universiteit toch niet kunnen betalen, dus misschien is het ook beter. ^^ Oké, dan spreek ik je daar. x

    1 decennium geleden
  • Greenie

    Ik sta er té slecht voor.. Gewoon de vakken waar ik niet echt goed ik ben, Wiskunde & Frans & Natuur-scheikunde. Ik sta één 4 en twee 5en en dat mag niet, helaas. Maar als ik de 5 van Nask op kan halen naar een 6 sta ik safe, probleem is dat ik nog maar 6 weken heb. Als je het zou willen proberen zou ik het fijn vinden, maar je moet niets. ^^ x

    1 decennium geleden
  • Greenie

    Hmn, tell me? ^^ Gaat wel, maar ik ga dit jaar waarschijnlijk niet over, dus ik moet nog even heel erg aan mijn school.. :/

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